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dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests

Posted by superelchi 
dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
October 22, 2012 12:47PM
Please use this thread for posting requests for unsupported dpfs.

First thing to do before tinkering with the display:
let me repeat it:

Without a copy of this firmware it is impossible to add your dpf! Or recover it if something goes wrong!

There are two possibilities to backup the firmware with dpf-ax:

fulldump.py: backup of firmware only.
cd ./fw
sudo ./fulldump.py /dev/sgX
Where "X" is the device your dpf is connected to (normally "/dev/sg1" or "/dev/sg2").
The dump will be written to "full.bin".

identify.py: backup of firmware and check if your dpf is already supported.
cd ./fw
sudo ./identify.py /dev/sgX
Where "X" is the device your dpf is connected to (normally "/dev/sg1" or "/dev/sg2").
The dump will be written to "identify.out/full.bin".

If identify.py tells you that your dpf is not supported, upload the firmware somewhere and post a link or attach it your request.

Some additional infos would be nice:
- Manufacturer
- Link to shopping site.

Moderator note: I've made this a sticky.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2016 04:12PM by bodhi.
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 01, 2012 07:20AM
I've got a 1,5" 128x128px dpf ( in fact i've bought 4 of those . bad luck :-( ) which seems not supported :

Detecting & reading dpf flash...
Opening generic SCSI device '/dev/sg1'
Manufacturer: AMIC
Unknown Manufacturer
Got id[3]: 37, 30, 14
Unable to detect flash, just assuming 2MB size
Size        : 2 MB
Reading 200000 bytes...
Flash written to file 'identify.out/full.bin'.

Looking for firmware.............: Found (buildwin, 128x128 px).
Looking for Openwin..............: Found.
Looking for LcdIniTbl............: Found.
Looking for known signatures.....: None.
Looking for known version info...: None.

Sorry, no matching dpf found.

There are 2 references at the back DPF815a and BFV151

Some links : http://www.mjshk.com/products/Digital%20Photo%20Frame/page/DPF815A_Max.htm

The full.bin is attached.

If you can help : thanks by advance :-) !
open | download - dpf815.full.bin.tgz (422.2 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 02, 2012 03:55AM
Please try attached fw.

open | download - fw_disp_carrefour_bfv151.zip (27.4 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 02, 2012 03:55PM
Yeahh it's working !!

Thanks a lot.

It's very pale (not enough contrast) but it's working :-) !


Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 03, 2012 05:49AM
That was to be expected, because I did not implement the contrast setting. :-)
The contrast setting routine in the original fw looks weird - if not to say faulty -, so I choose not to implemet it on the first try.
Attached are two different implementations of contrast setting. Could you please test if none / one / both are working?

open | download - fw_disp_carrefour_bfv151_table.zip (27.5 KB)
open | download - fw_disp_carrefour_bfv151.zip (27.5 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 03, 2012 06:55AM
Again thanks a lot : both are perfectly working !

best contrast setting seems to be 2 3 or 4 (for my eyes :-) ).

-> gonna post photos sometime :-)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 03, 2012 08:21AM
FYI: new model "carrefour_bfv151" in svn.
I used the "table" variant, like the broken one from the original fw - only fixed :-).


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/03/2012 08:24AM by superelchi.
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 03, 2012 09:41AM
many thanks for your wonderful work !!!

I´ve already flashed some chinese 1.5" and 2.4" DPF´s, but this one is differrent:

I got it from ebay: "Hot 1.5 Digital Photo Frame Picture Album 16MB New Tumbler #03" from "eachdesk"

ProgSPI reports:

FLASH info is Cmd-9f: ID: 0xd53014d5
FLASH info is Cmd-ab: ID: ox13131313
FLASH info is Cmd-90: ID: 0xd513d513

It would be great, if you could help me...
open | download - dpf_dump.1.5inch.orange_tumbler.rar (206.8 KB)
open | download - Tumbler.JPG (17.9 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 03, 2012 11:43AM
@ c.dent

Nice one!
Please try attached fw.

open | download - fw_disp_eachdesk_tumbler.zip (27.5 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 03, 2012 07:30PM

Many thanks...!!!

The new Serial Flash Memory with the ID 0xd53014d5 is a N25S80 from Nantronics Nansi.

Please use the upgraded FlashLib.ini at your own risk.
open | download - FlashLib.rar (2.6 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 04, 2012 05:33AM
FYI: new model "eachdesk_tumbler" in svn.

Thanks for sharing the changes to FlashLib.ini.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 24, 2012 07:06AM
Hi! I've got a 2,4" 320x240px dpf ,it seems not supported :

# python identify.py full.bin
Looking for firmware.............: Found (buildwin, 320x240 px).
Looking for Openwin..............: Found.
Looking for LcdIniTbl............: Found.
Looking for known signatures.....: None.
Looking for known version info...: None.

Sorry, no matching dpf found.
But following models have a partial signature match: [['pearl_custom']]

The full.bin is attached.

open | download - full.zip (238.4 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 24, 2012 10:28AM

Please try attached fw.
Your dpf has a funny brightness-table, so please test if adjusting the brightness works correctly.

Do you have a manufacturer / shop link for this display?

open | download - fw_disp_acme_3.zip (38.6 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
November 24, 2012 07:09PM
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
December 02, 2012 06:27AM
FYI: new models "linkdelight_4" and "pt824" in svn.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
December 05, 2012 02:01PM

I just got cheap DPF from Clas Ohlson. Unfortunately it is not supported:
Detecting & reading dpf flash...
Opening generic SCSI device '/dev/sg2'
Manufacturer: Apple
Size        : 1 MB
Reading 100000 bytes...
Flash written to file 'identify.out/full.bin'.

Looking for firmware.............: Found (buildwin, 128x128 px).
Looking for Openwin..............: Found.
Looking for LcdIniTbl............: Found.
Looking for known signatures.....: None.
Looking for known version info...: None.

Sorry, no matching dpf found.
Any luck to hack the firmware?

Edit: DFP not on sale anymore! Updated link.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2012 03:38PM by BufferFramed.
open | download - full.zip (111.1 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
December 06, 2012 02:25AM

Please try attached fw.

open | download - fw_disp_clas_ohlson.zip (27.5 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
December 06, 2012 09:16AM
superelchi Wrote:
> @BufferFramed
> Please try attached fw.
> superelchi

Works perfectly! Thanks a lot!

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
December 07, 2012 05:11AM
FYI: new model "clas_ohlson" in svn.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
December 10, 2012 04:40PM
Shae Erisson
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
December 22, 2012 10:08PM
I won a T3468 Zumba Digital Photo Viewer from digikey in a twitter contest. It's a combination digital photo viewer and pencil holder (yes, really!).
I couldn't immediately see how to attach a file here, so I uploaded it to my server: http://www.scannedinavian.com/~shae/zumba.full.bin.gz
identify.py gave me a partial match on the clas_ohlson dpf requested by BufferFramed

I have another question.. what version of sdcc has binaries named asx8051 and aslink? Recent versions of http://sdcc.sf.net/ produce binaries named sdcc and sdas8051, only the manpages still refer to asx8051.

So, how can I find these? Should I be able to symlink binaries from the most recent sdcc to match these names?
CC = sdcc
AS = asx8051
LD = aslink

Thanks for this project!
Shae Erisson
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
December 23, 2012 10:38AM
@ Shae Erisson

Please try attached fw.

As far as I can see asx8051 was renamed to sdas8051 in sdcc 3.0. Should be okay to symlink sdas8051 to asx8051 and see what happens. :-)

open | download - fw_disp_zumba_t3468.zip (27.5 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
December 24, 2012 11:42PM
That firmware seems to flash just fine with restore.py

I ran detect.py on fw_disp_zumba_t3468.bin and it says it is already hacked, as expected.

After flashing the firmware you hacked for me, I hold down the menu button and press the reset button to get into bootloader mode.

But when I run lcd4linux it says:

Found AX206 DPF (bootloader)
DPF: framebuffer could not be allocated: malloc() failed
Error initializing driver DPF: Exit!

I've been reading http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=6688&start=100
and it implies I should see googly eyes and a new menu at some point, but I don't get that.

Am I doing something wrong?
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
December 25, 2012 11:04AM
Bootloader mode (menu + reset) is only needed for flashing the firmware.
After the firmware is flashed you should see the eyes on power on.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
January 03, 2013 08:44AM
FYI: new model "linkdelight_5" in svn.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
January 05, 2013 05:49AM
Hi superelchi! I've got a 2,4" 320x240px dpf from http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=10380777914, it seems not supported :

# python identify.py my_origin_firmware.bin 
Looking for firmware.............: Found (buildwin, 320x240 px).
Looking for Openwin..............: Found.
Looking for LcdIniTbl............: Found.
Looking for known signatures.....: None.
Looking for known version info...: None.

Sorry, no matching dpf found.

This hardware should be similar with olderzeus's, the origin firmware of olderzeus's could be used in my DPF.
I have test firmware pt824, the screen displays the eyes successfully. But when using lcd4linux, the screen falls black.
Add is there any guide?

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
January 05, 2013 05:55AM
The origin firmware is here.
open | download - origin.zip (165.3 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
January 05, 2013 06:32AM
cuckoohello Wrote:
> This hardware should be similar with olderzeus's,
> the origin firmware of olderzeus's could be used
> in my DPF.
> I have test firmware pt824, the screen displays
> the eyes successfully. But when using lcd4linux,
> the screen falls black.
> Add is there any guide?
> Regards.

If you can see the eyes firmware should be okay. Maybe a problem with your lcd4linux install/version/config. You can try dpfsend instead to verify if the display is working (see here) or any other programm that supports ax206. Have a look at the Wiki.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
January 05, 2013 07:51AM
dpfsend works well.
but the others with the same lcd4linux config works well with DPF of olderzeus's version.
And I have tested it with vnc, it works well too.
If I using other firmware such as linkdelight_4, the screen is divided into several areas. some of them shows correctly( and tested it under lcd4linux) .

> If you can see the eyes firmware should be okay.
> Maybe a problem with your lcd4linux
> install/version/config. You can try dpfsend
> instead to verify if the display is working (see
> here
) or any other programm that supports ax206.
> Have a look at the
> [url=http://picframe.spritesserver.nl/wiki/index.p
> hp/DPF_with_AppoTech_AX206#Programs]Wiki[/url].
> superelchi
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
January 05, 2013 08:01AM
You can download the config from http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=150013&uk=1107847486
It's just olderzeus's
superelchi Wrote:
> cuckoohello Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > This hardware should be similar with
> olderzeus's,
> > the origin firmware of olderzeus's could be
> used
> > in my DPF.
> > I have test firmware pt824, the screen
> displays
> > the eyes successfully. But when using
> lcd4linux,
> > the screen falls black.
> > Add is there any guide?
> >
> > Regards.
> If you can see the eyes firmware should be okay.
> Maybe a problem with your lcd4linux
> install/version/config. You can try dpfsend
> instead to verify if the display is working (see
> here
) or any other programm that supports ax206.
> Have a look at the
> [url=http://picframe.spritesserver.nl/wiki/index.p
> hp/DPF_with_AppoTech_AX206#Programs]Wiki[/url].
> superelchi

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