after having continued problems getting the emdebian samba up and running I'm using the below solution.
With the emdebian I couldn't get user authentication working properly:
- smbpasswd missing
- Reuse smb.conf + /etc/samba/smbpasswd didn't work out
- Root cause analysis didn't help (increase loglevel, start smbd -i only brought 'no valid use / password not found'
Solution was easy once figured out:
1) Change /etc/apt/sources.list
#deb http://www.emdebian.org/grip squeeze main
deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian squeeze main
2) Remove emdebian samba if already installed
apt-get remove samba samba-common
3) Install debian samba for armel
apt-get install samba samba-common samba-common-bin
4) Configure smb.conf
workgroup = Dockstar
security = user
share modes = yes
path = /shares/content
public = no
writable = yes
comment = Dockstart content
guest ok = no
valid users = user
5) Create user
useradd user
smbpasswd -a user
Lets see if I can fit the image still on the NAND device :-)