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Linux Kernel 6.11.6 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs

Posted by bodhi 
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.0 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 02, 2017 04:01PM
Ok the subject now is little bit off-topic! Let me move it to a new thread.


This forum software seems to not working right when I split the threads :) sorry if you got confuse reading this.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2017 04:06PM by bodhi.
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.0 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 02, 2017 04:12PM
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.0 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 03, 2017 08:44PM
@:bodhi, thanks for providing this for us, appreciated ... I just successfully upgraded to 4.10 kernel :)

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Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 14, 2017 10:19PM
Kernel linux-4.10.9-kirkwood-tld-1 package has been uploaded. Please see 1st post for download link.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 15, 2017 08:03PM
Note: It did change the nc server and my ip address but I did a fw_printenv after the first part of 4a and caught it before rebooting. Also I did not do the second part of 4a as it is not a first time update with the new u-boot if that matters just sync 3x and shutdown -r now and it is up and running as before.
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 15, 2017 10:25PM
Hi feas,

> Note: It did change the nc server and my ip addres
> s but I did a fw_printenv after the first part of
> 4a and caught it before rebooting.

You meant when you installed u-boot 2016.5-tld-1 at the same time as upgrading the latest kernel?

Because kernel installation does not touch u-boot envs for nc server and ip address.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 15, 2017 10:57PM
bodhi Wrote:
> Hi feas,
> > Note: It did change the nc server and my ip addr
> es
> > s but I did a fw_printenv after the first part o
> f
> > 4a and caught it before rebooting.
> You meant when you installed u-boot 2016.5-tld-1 a
> t the same time as upgrading the latest kernel?
> Because kernel installation does not touch u-boot
> envs for nc server and ip address.

Hmm, no I did not update u-boot for this kernel upgrade. I wonder what I did now.

It was a totally different ip before I switched it to 4.10.0 and it worked with my assigned ip. Perhaps /etc/network/interfaces over rides the envs but I am fairly certain I changed the ip also with fw_setenv when updating to 4.10.0.

Oh'well better go check that I didn't take my meds twice today and hide my truck keys. ;)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 15, 2017 11:09PM
> Oh'well better go check that I didn't take my meds
> twice today and hide my truck keys. ;)

Could be :) the kernel upgrade should not affect any of the most customized system scripts such as /etc/network/interfaces.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 16, 2017 12:26AM
bodhi Wrote:
> > Oh'well better go check that I didn't take my me
> ds
> > twice today and hide my truck keys. ;)
> Could be :) the kernel upgrade should not affect a
> ny of the most customized system scripts such as /
> etc/network/interfaces.

Please feel free to remove these post or leave to serve as a public service for those of us on meds. ;)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 17, 2017 08:28PM
> those of us on meds.

Been there, done that:)

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 27, 2017 03:27PM
I am getting openvpn running as deamon disconnected after precisely 2.5 hours (and not able to reconnect until reboot; or kill vpn connection, wait 5 minutes, connect again)) on latest kernel 4.10.9, device pogo e02, debian stretch.

On 4.10.0 and previous versions no such error ever occurred (all the time the same version of openvpn config is used).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2017 03:30PM by jst818.
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 27, 2017 05:08PM
jst818 Wrote:
> I am getting openvpn running as deamon disconnecte
> d after precisely 2.5 hours (and not able to recon
> nect until reboot; or kill vpn connection, wait 5
> minutes, connect again)) on latest kernel 4.10.9
> , device pogo e02, debian stretch.
> On 4.10.0 and previous versions no such error ever
> occurred (all the time the same version of openvpn
> config is used).

Did you compare openvpn versions between 4.10.0 and 4:10.9?

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 28, 2017 12:03AM
openvpn package (2.4.0-4 armel) and config file is the same, worked flawlessly on 4.10.0 & older kernels.
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 28, 2017 10:11AM
It looks to be issue with vpn provider, downgraded to 4.10.0 and still got the same behavior, then i changed to another server, now it is working without a glitch.
Will test this problematic server on desktop vpn connection, to see if there is dropout after 2.5 hours as it was happening on pogo.
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
April 29, 2017 03:28AM
jst818 Wrote:
> Solved.
> It looks to be issue with vpn provider, downgraded
> to 4.10.0 and still got the same behavior, then i
> changed to another server, now it is working witho
> ut a glitch.
> Will test this problematic server on desktop vpn c
> onnection, to see if there is dropout after 2.5 ho
> urs as it was happening on pogo.

Ok. Glad to know it was a false alarm then.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
May 25, 2017 12:12AM
How difficult would it be to upgrade your latest Rootfs from Jessie to Stretch. From what I gathered, I should skip the "dist-upgrade" and avoid upgrading the kernel since it would be an unpatched and thus not too dockstar friendly.

Would it be enough to just change the apt sources to say stretch and update/upgrade?
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
May 25, 2017 12:26AM

> From what I gathered
> , I should skip the "dist-upgrade" and avoid upgra
> ding the kernel since it would be an unpatched and
> thus not too dockstar friendly.

Yes, doing that would give you the mainline dockstar kernel. It would work too, but will lack some of the patches in my custom build.

> Would it be enough to just change the apt sources
> to say stretch and update/upgrade?

Right, change apt sources and apt get update/upgrade will bring your rootfs to stretch.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
June 02, 2017 12:17AM
Kernel linux-4.11.3-kirkwood-tld-1 package has been uploaded. Please see 1st post for download link.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
June 04, 2017 07:08AM

I've done this now on several boxes and no problems (kirkwood, oxnas armhf, x86)

- changed the /etc/apt/sources.list (replaced "jessie" with "stretch"
- apt update && apt upgrade && apt dist-upgrade && apt autoremove

perhaps "mandb" complains about somthing going wrong in /var/cache/man ...

the following boxes were successfully updated:

- ZyXEL NSA325v2
- ZyXEL NSA320
- ZyXEL NAS326
- Iomega iConnect
- some Medion oxnas devices

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2017 07:09AM by pengu.
Re: Linux Kernel 4.10.9 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
June 04, 2017 01:23PM
Last post moved here:

Please make a new topic for booting problem in the future.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.11.3 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
June 05, 2017 12:00PM
Are the changes related /etc/rc.local [1] being replaced with systemd ? Because i have some entries in [1] and are not executed on boot.

openvpn in not working ("no tun device" in log), iptables 1.6.0 not working (i got message something about iptables needs to be loaded into kernel with insmod).


iptables: Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)

Downgraded back to 4.10.9, where everything is working fine.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2017 12:01PM by jst818.
Re: Linux Kernel 4.11.3 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
June 05, 2017 12:18PM
jst818 Wrote:
> v4.11.3
> Are the changes related /etc/rc.local [1] being r
> eplaced with systemd ? Because i have some entries
> in [1] and are not executed on boot.
> openvpn in not working ("no tun device" in log), i
> ptables 1.6.0 not working (i got message something
> about iptables needs to be loaded into kernel wi
> th insmod).

> iptables: Table does not exist (do you need to ins
> mod?)
> Downgraded back to 4.10.9, where everything is wor
> king fine.

Thanks Jst818, I'm investigating this.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2017 12:23PM by bodhi.
Same problem with iptables. I thought something wrong with my system and completely reinstall firewall and reset all rules =)



helps with error message, but with ufw enabled system loses all network connectivity (both IN and OUT).

I'll try 4.10.9 too.
Re: Linux Kernel 4.11.3 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
June 06, 2017 09:33AM
Thanks t00 :)

Looks like there is a kernel regression regarding modules loading. I'm testing new kernel build.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.11.3 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
June 06, 2017 09:36AM
OK, the new kernel version solved this problem. I will release kernel linux-4.11.3-kirkwood-tld-2 soon.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
2 years, finally got around working on this again.
Had to resurrect a dockstar for garden work last year, used the debian stretch net installer ... that one failed. So I used jessie net installer. that worked. Forward half a year: Always thought about updating to stretch (usb camera trouble) but never dared to.

Now I had an old Buffalo Linkstation sitting around. Got Jessie installed on it with net install, too. Dunno what to do with it but still works nicely.

Then I thought, I still have that NSA320 sitting somewhere.. It has bodhis u-boot on it.. should work. I used another dockstar to get a USB connected SSD with Jessie net install working -> booting this on NSA 320 doesn't really work. The uImage contains dockstar.dtb. Booting with 3rd parameter nsa320.dtb panics, without it works but most devices are missing.

So I updated to Stretch on the dockstar and then moved back to the NSA320.. Got that dtb issue fixed: figured out that if I used bootz to boot vmlinuz, I could use nsa320.dtb even if uImage was tainted with the dockstar.dtb - probably wouldn't have needed to update to Stretch :/
Made a clean uImage and now everything works out of the box.

Except 100% kernel cpu time when "dd"ing from sata sucks a bit. And no heartbeat trigger available for any led :( I am using the nsa320.dtb from the debian stretch installer site, is there a better, compatible one? Turning off shuts down the HDDs a bit hard, too, but I guess I can configure something in system.d for that. And is there any reason for me to go to a custom kernel or can I stay with stock Stretch kernel?

I now boot from USB and have 2 SATA drives for data. Planning on putting a 1.8" SSD or something in the free space above the drives. I guess that is/was not the easy way, but ok if you have a serial console ;)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.11.3 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
June 07, 2017 06:54PM
Hi bastel,

> am using the nsa320.dtb from the de
> bian stretch installer site, is there a better, co
> mpatible one? Turning off shuts down the HDDs a bi
> t hard, too, but I guess I can configure something
> in system.d for that. And is there any reason for
> me to go to a custom kernel or can I stay with sto
> ck Stretch kernel?

You could use my released kernel or use mainline. Either will work fine.

But you should use the DTB from my release because it has all the good stuff, e.g. LEDs control. And regarding ethernet and power off, my released kernel performs better with more patches.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Linux Kernel 4.11.3 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
June 08, 2017 02:08AM
t00 & Jst818,

Could you install this kernel and verify that the modules loading problem was fixed? Thanks! I've compiled XFS into the kernel in this release, so please verify other modules.




Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
bodhi Wrote:
> But you should use the DTB from my release becaus
> e it has all the good stuff, e.g. LEDs control. An
> d regarding ethernet and power off, my released ke
> rnel performs better with more patches.

The kirkwood-nsa320.dtb, 13691 bytes, from linux-4.11.3-kirkwood-tld-1-bodhi.tar.bz2 is the same as at
so it seems I am using the right one.
Re: Linux Kernel 4.11.3 Kirkwood package and Debian rootfs
June 08, 2017 02:36PM
bastel Wrote:

> The kirkwood-nsa320.dtb, 13691 bytes, from linux-4
> .11.3-kirkwood-tld-1-bodhi.tar.bz2 is the same as
> at
> http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/stretch/mai
> n/installer-armel/current/images/kirkwood/device-t
> ree/
> so it seems I am using the right one.

Cool! then If the ethernet works fine in mainline then not much to switch kernel. Other things are minor in my kernel patches, such as individual HDD LEDs setting.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
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