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Kirkwood benchmark results needed

Posted by gnexus 
Kirkwood benchmark results needed
April 02, 2013 09:21AM
I have started a Phoronix Test Suite Openbenchmark thread in the A10 forum:
that compares the performance under Ubuntu/Fedora of several of the Android-based HDMI mini-PCs. It also includes Linux benchmarks of some other devices including the Samsung Exnos 5 Chromebook, ODROID-U2, Intel i7-950, Intel C2D T7300, and the Acer C7 Chromebook.

It would be nice to have a benchmark of a Kirkwood-based device as a baseline. I would run it on my GoFlex Net, but I'm moving next week and my GoFlex Net's are being mothballed into storage for a year.

Please post a Kirkwood-based device benchmark. Any Kirkwood-based device would suffice. Thanks!

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