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Bootorder on more then one USB Device

Posted by Alno 
Bootorder on more then one USB Device
August 17, 2010 06:15AM
Hi All,

I have modified the Docstar with the script from here and it works like a charme. Unfortunately there seems to be a problem if more then one USB Drive (Stick, HDD) is attached. Sometimes it seems that the wrong drive becomes /dev/sda (maybe the first ready drive?) and a boot failed.
I don't know how U-Boot works but is it possible to implement a Bootorder like:

1. UID
2. /dev/sda
3. Flash

Within fstab it is possible to mount with UID - but in U-Boot?

Thanks for feedback,
Re: Bootorder on more then one USB Device
August 17, 2010 08:17AM
Yes even I am looking for a good solution for this! Please update if you find anything.

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