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Debian on TBS2921 MOI+

Posted by ri8 
Re: Debian on TBS2921 MOI+
December 13, 2024 01:30PM

> root@debian:~# ls -lh mtd1.dupm
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 511M Dec 13 01:25
> mtd1.dupm
> It's quite something there, or not?!

Perhaps. Use hexedit to look at its content.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Debian on TBS2921 MOI+
December 13, 2024 02:19PM

> I found another thread on this site,
> that on embeddian, startted from jeff:
> - booting debian from NAND
> I could write to this thread, but since
> the thread is rather old,

Emdebian is no longer supported for quite many years, so should not be used.

If you want a rescue system on NAND, look into OpenWrt. In the Rescue sub-forum:


Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Debian on TBS2921 MOI+
December 14, 2024 02:21AM

good, that i've asked you before;

i've tried already a lot of openwrt
images in the past
with an old NSA325 uboot, but now
i've forgotten, which of them worked
best (eth0). what i well
can remember, it was only one of them,
where eth0 were working- but unusable,
because of a unsupressable echo on it.
(had i knew about a trick with ethtool at that time!)
Therefore, what do you think would be the closest quess
for openwrt image for that box?

Regards, alex
Re: Debian on TBS2921 MOI+
December 14, 2024 06:09AM

have i folow the path for zyxels,
as you suggested for those devices, and change
mtdparts like:

fw_setenv mtdparts 'mtdparts=orion_nand:0x100000@0x0(u-boot),-@0x100000(ubi)'

current mtdparts looks similarly:


Regards, alex
Re: Debian on TBS2921 MOI+
December 14, 2024 02:41PM

Please create a new thread "OpenWrt on TBS MOI+" in the Rescue System sub-forum.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Debian on TBS2921 MOI+
January 26, 2025 09:41PM

Please see this post for release candidate kernel linux-6.13.0-kirkwood-tld-1.


I've configured in more wifi adapters, which should support the one on this MOI+.

If during boot, you don't see the Wifi adapter brought up, then modprobe the driver.
modprobe rtl8xxxu

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

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