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few questions (uboot, nslu2,multiple disks)

Posted by erez 
few questions (uboot, nslu2,multiple disks)
October 20, 2010 03:20AM
my nslu2 just went dead so i purchased a dockstar and installed debian on it
thanks for the great job

i have a few questions though.

1. i understand that both nslu2 and dockstar have arm processor, if i take the usbdrive from the debian-nslu2 and put it in the dockstar (uboot is installed), will it just work ? (my nslu2 has a usbdrive with sda1 - rootfs on ext3, and sda2 - swap)

2. if i connect more than one usbdrive. how does the kernel decide which is sda and which sdb ? is that consistent after rebbot ? what if i switch drives between usb ports ? how does uboot determine which drive to boot from


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