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Disable Pogo Service on GF Netp

Posted by squeezeplug 
Disable Pogo Service on GF Netp
October 18, 2011 02:08PM
simple question: If I run Jeffs script on GF Net will I be able to keep the Pogo-System on the NAND?

Re: Disable Pogo Service on GF Netp
October 18, 2011 04:50PM
No. Somehow Jeff's script breaks the Pogo partition such that the bootloader can't use it anymore. AFAIK nobody has yet figured out how to fix that.
Re: Disable Pogo Service on GF Netp
October 19, 2011 04:52PM
Does it matter if you answer to not disable the Pogo-System in Jeffs script.

Greetings Thomas
Re: Disable Pogo Service on GF Netp
October 22, 2011 06:46AM
I have no idea. But since there's no known way to fix Pogo service after it has been broken, I wouldn't take the risk. Which means, if someone really needs that Pogo service , he or she better shouldn't use Jeff's script or any other script that modifies the bootloader.
Re: Disable Pogo Service on GF Netp
October 24, 2011 12:02AM
You disable the Pogo service (hbmgr.sh) to prevent it from downloading updates which may turn off your ssh access to the OS. However, if you've already disabled this manually, you should answer 'no' when prompted in Jeff's script.

If you want to leave it enabled and use the media serving software, you can do so, but you should probably not allow the Pogoplug on the greater internet until you've installed Jeff's uBoot and built your Debian load, because after the hbmgr stuff updates itself, you may not be able to access the OS on the NAND directly anymore.

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