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Install Debian on old GoFlex Home

Posted by valery 
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
March 03, 2019 02:16AM
pigbone Wrote:
> Hi Navi ! Thanks your support me !
> At step 8: I still steal the usb to my laptop or
> plug in the goflex. Can you tell me more about
> this step ?

Hi Pigbone,

You can remove the new debian rootfs USB Stick from your laptop and continue on to step 8. In step 8 you will flash the GoFlex_Home Box and install latest U-boot. After you are done with installing latest uboot, you will take the USB stick you created in step 7and insert it into GoFlex_home box, remove the SATA drive from GoFlex_home box and turn the device on. If everything went well then the device will take less than a minute to boot and will show a steady green light.

for step 8 make sure that, you write down the MAC address that your GoFlex Home box is reporting on the Network and that you have already downloaded and placed the needed files in your GoFlex_home box:
you will need following files:

i) uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexhome.bodhi.tar
ii) uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.bodhi.tar

copy above files to /tmp directory of stock OS and then untar them.

in addition to above files you should have already placed following files on your GoFlex_home box:

iii) busybox
iv) e2fsck
v) nanddump
vi) fw_printenv
vii) flash_erase
viii) nandwrite

Copy above files to /usr/loclal/bin or /usr/sbin of stock OS.

ix) fw_env.config

Copy above file to /etc directory of stock OS.

Now From your laptop you will ssh into GoFlex_Box and execute Step 8 Procedure.

Here is a printout of the commands I gave in step 8.

bash-3.2# flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0 4
Erasing 128 Kibyte @ 60000 -- 100 % complete
bash-3.2# nandwrite /dev/mtd0 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexhome.mtd0.kwb
Writing data to block 0 at offset 0x0
Writing data to block 1 at offset 0x20000
Writing data to block 2 at offset 0x40000
Writing data to block 3 at offset 0x60000
bash-3.2# ln -s fw_printenv fw_setenv
bash-3.2# fw_setenv arcNumber 3338
bash-3.2# fw_setenv machid
bash-3.2# fw_setenv ethaddr 'X00:00:00:00:00:00X'
bash-3.2# fw_setenv preboot_nc 'setenv nc_ready 0; for pingstat in 1 2 3 4 5; do; sleep 1; if run if_netconsole; then setenv nc_ready 1; fi; done; if test $nc_ready -eq 1; then run start_netconsole; fi'
bash-3.2# fw_setenv preboot 'run preboot_nc'
bash-3.2# fw_setenv ipaddr '192.168.x.xxx'
bash-3.2# fw_setenv serverip '192.168.x.xxx'
bash-3.2# fw_printenv
bootcmd_exec=run load_uimage; if run load..............

PS: Please note that above printout does not show commands I executed when implementing procedure in Step 8 a, b, c and d of https://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,12381 "Flashing default u-boot envs image" But you will need to do that .(I executed those commands from separate terminal box and failed to save the output.)



Edited 10 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2019 11:13AM by Navi.
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
March 04, 2019 11:39PM
Navi Wrote:
> --------------------------------
> pigbone Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > Hi Navi ! Thanks your support me !
> > At step 8: I still steal the usb to my laptop
> or
> > plug in the goflex. Can you tell me more about
> > this step ?
> -------------------------------------------
> Hi Pigbone,
> You can remove the new debian rootfs USB Stick
> from your laptop and continue on to step 8. In
> step 8 you will flash the GoFlex_Home Box and
> install latest U-boot. After you are done with
> installing latest uboot, you will take the USB
> stick you created in step 7and insert it into
> GoFlex_home box, remove the SATA drive from
> GoFlex_home box and turn the device on. If
> everything went well then the device will take
> less than a minute to boot and will show a steady
> green light.
> for step 8 make sure that, you write down the
> MAC address that your GoFlex Home box is reporting
> on the Network
and that you have already
> downloaded and placed the needed files in your
> GoFlex_home box:
> you will need following files:
> uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexhome.bodhi.tar
> uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.bodhi.tar
> From your laptop you will ssh into GoFlex_Box and
> execute Step 8 Procedure.
> Here is a printout of the commands I gave in step
> 8.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> bash-3.2# flash_erase /dev/mtd0 0 4
> Erasing 128 Kibyte @ 60000 -- 100 % complete
> bash-3.2# nandwrite /dev/mtd0
> uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexhome.mtd0.kwb
> Writing data to block 0 at offset 0x0
> Writing data to block 1 at offset 0x20000
> Writing data to block 2 at offset 0x40000
> Writing data to block 3 at offset 0x60000
> bash-3.2# ln -s fw_printenv
> fw_setenv

> bash-3.2# fw_setenv arcNumber 3338
> bash-3.2# fw_setenv machid
> bash-3.2# fw_setenv ethaddr
> 'X00:00:00:00:00:00X'
> bash-3.2# fw_setenv preboot_nc 'setenv nc_ready 0;
> for pingstat in 1 2 3 4 5; do; sleep 1; if run
> if_netconsole; then setenv nc_ready 1; fi; done;
> if test $nc_ready -eq 1; then run
> start_netconsole; fi'
> bash-3.2# fw_setenv preboot 'run preboot_nc'
> bash-3.2# fw_setenv ipaddr
> '192.168.x.xxx'
> bash-3.2# fw_setenv serverip
> '192.168.x.xxx'
> bash-3.2# fw_printenv
> bootcmd_exec=run load_uimage; if run
> load..............
> PS: Please note that above
> printout does not show commands I executed when
> implementing procedure in Step 8 a, b, c and d of
> https://forum.doozan.com/read.php?3,12381
> "Flashing default u-boot envs image" But you will
> need to do that .(I executed those commands from
> separate terminal box and failed to save the
> output.)

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Regards,
> Navi

Thanks NAVI! I will try it, success will tell you.
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
March 04, 2019 11:53PM
First things first, do you have ssh access to your box? If not, we need to use serial port or feed the goflex home something to get ssh access. As far as I know, updated goflexhome won't give you root shell on serial port, nor the leaked password will work.
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
March 05, 2019 12:31AM
daviddyer Wrote:
> First things first, do you have ssh access to your
> box? If not, we need to use serial port or feed
> the goflex home something to get ssh access. As
> far as I know, updated goflexhome won't give you
> root shell on serial port, nor the leaked password
> will work.

I can access the device's root permissions. Thank you for your support !
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
March 06, 2019 11:59AM
Hi Pigbone,

I have edited my post and added details of files that you should copy to GoFlex_Home box before executing the U-Boot flash. Please make a note of it as follows:

for step 8 make sure that, you write down the MAC address that your GoFlex Home box is reporting on the Network and that you have already downloaded and placed the needed files in your GoFlex_home box:
you will need following files:

i) uboot.2017.07-tld-1.goflexhome.bodhi.tar
ii) uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.bodhi.tar

copy above files to /tmp directory of stock OS and then untar them.

in addition to above files you should have already placed following files on your GoFlex_home box:

iii) busybox
iv) e2fsck
v) nanddump
vi) fw_printenv
vii) flash_erase
viii) nandwrite

Copy above files to /usr/loclal/bin or /usr/sbin of stock OS.

ix) fw_env.config

Copy above file to /etc directory of stock OS.

Now From your laptop you will ssh into GoFlex_Box and execute Step 8 Procedure.


Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
March 07, 2019 01:28AM
Hi Bodhi,

Just installed webmin on my GoFlexHome box by giving following commands as root:

sh -c 'echo "deb http://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webmin.list'
wget -qO - http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc | apt-key add -
apt-get update
apt-get install webmin

Installation took about 25 minutes. Webmin is working but is a bit sluggish. Webmin Dashboard shows that there are 45 updates available. Should I even care to apply these updates? Do you recommend any alternative to webmin that is not so resource intensive?

Screenshot of webmin Dashboard is attached.


open | download - Screenshot (49).png (139.2 KB)
open | download - Screenshot updates.png (327.9 KB)
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
March 07, 2019 04:06AM

> I even care to apply these updates? Do you
> recommend any alternative to webmin that is not so
> resource intensive?

I don't have any recommendation.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
August 11, 2022 03:56PM
bodhi Wrote:
> Navi,
> > bash-3.2# fw_printenv ethaddr
> > Warning: Bad CRC, using default environment
> > ## Error: "ethaddr" not defined
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > Is it ok to continue with your instructions
> after
> > this error?
> That error is OK when you run fw_printenv in stock
> OS.
> Go ahead with the u-boot installation. After
> you've flashed new u-boot, that error should not
> occur.

Hi guys,

the above was, unfortunately, not true for me. After getting my device, which has been sitting on my shelf for many years, to be reachable following this tutorial, I did just the above and obviously managed to brick the thing. "No biggy", I thought, these boxes have JTAGs, I have my cables, let's go for it. But then, I have to realize that there are no JTAG pins on this PCB, just a bunch of holes to which I do ... what? I guess, I really have to solder a pinout to this and then it looks exactly like on the Dockstar, but not at the moment it doesn't.

Since I do not have a soldering iron readily at my disposal, I wanted to ask whether there is a better way to go about it. I can see in the picture in this post that this person did something (how was ground connected btw?), but other than that, instructions are a bit hard to find. So, I wanted to draw on the collective wisdom here and am, as always, thankful for any hints in the right direction ...



Standart ist der Standardfehler

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/11/2022 05:12PM by chessplayer.
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
August 11, 2022 05:19PM
No biggy. This box supports kwboot. No jtag required. Just insert some stripped wires in the three holes.



Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/14/2022 10:08PM by daviddyer.
open | download - goflex_home_uart.jpg (71.1 KB)
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
August 11, 2022 05:21PM

I beleive all GF Home can be kwboot'ed (Some GF Net cannot).

Haha, ninja'ed by David.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/11/2022 05:22PM by bodhi.
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
August 11, 2022 05:35PM

thanks. I probably use JTAG the wrong way, was aiming for the serial connection and kwboot (I am not an electronics person - otherwise I would, obviously, have a soldering iron ;-) ). Attached please find my current state of affairs. Now I will continue on the other end with a Nokia CA-42, with which I can connect individual wires.

Hoping for the best ...



P.S.: A quick google search had turned out the picture you attached to your post as well ...

Standart ist der Standardfehler
open | download - GFH_serial-V0.5.png (908.3 KB)
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
August 11, 2022 06:34PM
I guess these kirkwood boxes uses 3.3v i/o, so you can just use a raspberry pi's serial port and connect them directly. No ca-42 cable needed.

Or you can use another working kirkwood box and connect its serial port to the bad one. ( Ground-Ground, TX--RX, RX--TX)
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
August 11, 2022 06:45PM
Thanks guys!

chessplayer@cp-laptop:~$ nc -l -u -p 6666

U-Boot 2017.07-tld-1 (Sep 05 2017 - 00:21:31 -0700)
Seagate GoFlex Home
gcc (Debian 6.3.0-18) 6.3.0 20170516
GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.28
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  8 

(hope you noticed that this is now netconsole ...). Now on to OpenWrt and finally having a real fallback for my trusted GoFlexHome, which still runs a system from many years ago, but faithfully so:

         _sudZUZ#Z#XZo=_         DDDD   EEEEEE BBBB   IIIIII  AAAA   NN   NN
      _jmZZ2!!~---~!!X##wa       DD DD  EE     BB BB    II   AA  AA  NNN  NN
   .<wdP~~            -!YZL,     DD  DD EEEEE  BBBBB    II   AAAAAA  NNNN NN
  .mX2'       _%aaa__     XZ[.   DD DD  EE     BB  BB   II   AA  AA  NN NNNN
  oZ[      _jdXY!~?S#wa   ]Xb;   DDDD   EEEEEE BBBBB  IIIIII AA  AA  NN   NN
 _#e'     .]X2(     ~Xw|  )XXc 
.2Z`      ]X[.       xY|  ]oZ(   Linux Version 3.8.11-kirkwood-tld-3
.2#;      )3k;     _s!~   jXf`   Compiled #2 PREEMPT Fri Jun 14 07:51:05 PDT 2013
 1Z>      -]Xb/    ~    __#2(    One ARM  Processor, 128M RAM
 -Zo;       +!4ZwaaaauZZXY'      1191,00 Bogomips Total
  *#[,        ~-?!!!!!!-~        GFH-Mediastation
[Fr 12. Aug 01:41:59 CEST 2022]
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux 7.11 (wheezy)

 01:41:59 up 4 days, 21:11,  1 user,  load average: 0,16, 0,05, 0,06
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
root     pts/0    cp-laptop.fritz. 01:41    1.00s  0.06s  0.02s w

Dateisystem                 Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
rootfs                       4,0G    847M  3,0G   23% /
udev                          10M       0   10M    0% /dev
/dev/disk/by-label/HDD-Root  4,0G    847M  3,0G   23% /
/dev/sda1                    504M     20M  460M    4% /boot
/dev/sda4                    5,5T    4,8T  576G   90% /data
root@GFH-Mediastation ~ $

And just so you know what I meant concerning the cable I am using, I attach another photo - quite the contraption, I would say ... Maybe this warrants an honorary mention in this thread ;-)



Standart ist der Standardfehler
open | download - GFH_serial-V1.png (627.7 KB)
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
August 11, 2022 06:53PM
> I guess these kirkwood boxes uses 3.3v i/o, so you
> can just use a raspberry pi's serial port and
> connect them directly. No ca-42 cable needed.

IIRC, the rasPi has the Prolific PL3xxx chip built in. The Mirabox also has it.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Install Debian on old GoFlex Home
December 28, 2024 07:32PM
Looks like I am a little late to the party. Before I go down this rabbit hole and totally screw things up I thought I would pass along this bit of info that most already know. I just purchased a 2Tb Goflex Home that had the reset button pressed. As normal all I could get to was the screen that said Seagate server was not found and could not go any further. I removed the drive from the base and connected it directly to my computer. I found files there and deleted all personal appearing data. Putting the drive back on the GF base and fired it up. Watching TV that night I noticed that the GF showed up in the media servers available. I again attached the drive to my computer and loaded several videos. I found that the videos were available on the TV. So either upload my video library this way or continue down the rabbit hole to install Debian.
So down the rabbit hole I go, wish me luck. Im sure I will have questions.
Thanks for this thread.

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