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Debian On Netgear RN102

Posted by whitepawn 
Debian On Netgear RN102
August 26, 2019 01:23PM
Hello all,
I want to compile my own kernel for Netgear RN102 which have Armada 370 cpu.
The reason why i need that my own kernel because i need driver modules for usb web cam and usb sound card support.Also i need btrfs support and will remove FAT NTFS file system support.Etc.Etc.
I followed and sucsessfully compiled kernel 4.4.1 regarding this tutorial but it seems a little bit outdated.On this page lastest kernel is 4.4.1 and config file is also shared.
I saw bohdi's kernels on 5.2.9 on this topic.I assume this kernel is compatible with my machine.
Right now i am unable to compile 5.2.x kernels due to lack of config file.(I tried with 4.4.1 config it asks for mant new things.)I searched all forum and other sites but no luck.
Could someone please share kernel config file for RN102?or someone could point me right direction?
Thanks in advance.
Re: Debian On Netgear RN102
August 26, 2019 01:45PM
I run Debian's armmp kernel on my Armada 370 devices, when I make a custom kernel I usually use that config as my starting point:

You can extract it out of the deb with
dpkg -x linux-image-5.2.0-2-armmp.deb .

The file is boot/config-5.2.0-2-armmp

They also provide a package with just the configs called linux-config-5.2.

I imagine you could also use Bohdi's config as a starting point.
Re: Debian On Netgear RN102
August 26, 2019 03:44PM

> I saw bohdi's kernels on 5.2.9 on
> this
> topic.I assume this kernel is compatible with my
> machine.

Yes. My config would be cover all the items you listed above. You can download the kernel tarball:


Updated 20 Aug 2019:

Kernel linux-5.2.9-mvebu-tld-1 package has been uploaded

Or if you don't want to download the tarball, I can attach the config here, too.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2019 03:51PM by bodhi.
Re: Debian On Netgear RN102
August 27, 2019 12:58PM
Thank you many many for your helps. @1000001101000 @bodhi
I will update when i try.
I managed to compile kernel for my taste:) Removed all unnecessary drivers, only keeped armada 370 cpu-usb-sata drivers-wireless drivers-RTC etc.
Attaching my config file if anyone interested in future.I am not in my homeland right now so i cannot try to boot kernel.I will update this message if it boots fine.
Off-topic:Did anyone tried bodhi's kernel and openmediavault with this device?My previous experience was terrible with Qnap TS-109 II and openmediavault due to lack of cpu hardware floating point support.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/29/2019 11:15AM by whitepawn.
open | download - Succ5.2.9.config (148 KB)
Re: Debian On Netgear RN102
September 08, 2019 10:50PM
whitepawn Wrote:
> Thank you many many for your helps. @1000001101000
> @bodhi
> I will update when i try.
> Regards.
> Edit1:
> I managed to compile kernel for my taste:) Removed
> all unnecessary drivers, only keeped armada 370
> cpu-usb-sata drivers-wireless drivers-RTC etc.
> Attaching my config file if anyone interested in
> future.I am not in my homeland right now so i
> cannot try to boot kernel.I will update this
> message if it boots fine.
> Off-topic:Did anyone tried bodhi's kernel
> and openmediavault with this device?My previous
> experience was terrible with Qnap TS-109 II and
> openmediavault due to lack of cpu hardware
> floating point support.

When you edited your post, nobody can tell there is new info in it at a glance. Hence it seems like it’s been ignored:)

It is armv7, so you can either use debootstrap to create a new rootfs, or use my uploaded basic armhf rootfs (see my release thread).

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Debian On Netgear RN102
September 15, 2019 08:32AM
bodhi Wrote:
> whitepawn Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > Thank you many many for your helps.
> @1000001101000
> > @bodhi
> > I will update when i try.
> > Regards.
> > Edit1:
> > I managed to compile kernel for my taste:)
> Removed
> > all unnecessary drivers, only keeped armada 370
> > cpu-usb-sata drivers-wireless drivers-RTC etc.
> > Attaching my config file if anyone interested
> in
> > future.I am not in my homeland right now so i
> > cannot try to boot kernel.I will update this
> > message if it boots fine.
> > Off-topic:Did anyone tried bodhi's
> kernel
> > and openmediavault with this device?My previous
> > experience was terrible with Qnap TS-109 II and
> > openmediavault due to lack of cpu hardware
> > floating point support.
> When you edited your post, nobody can tell there
> is new info in it at a glance. Hence it seems like
> it’s been ignored:)

Yes i know i just didn't make a flood on forum:)

> It is armv7, so you can either use debootstrap to
> create a new rootfs, or use my uploaded basic
> armhf rootfs (see my release thread).

I will use your rootfs and will update if it boots sucsessfully so fingers crossed.

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