Hello, I am trying to build a console-only, tiny linux working on Allwinner A10. The ambitious goal is to port (Micro) Core Linux.
I successfully booted a test version: I see the shell in a text console on my tablet's lcd.
However, fellows on Core forums cannot accomplish the same with other A10-based hardware (Mele).
So it would be great if anyone could download these few Mbytes image and give feedback.
It is the "A10MinimalLinux.img.gz" available on my homepage:
1) Raw copy it to your microsd (I assume it is /dev/sdb and that you are root):
gunzip < A10MinimalLinux.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sdb
2) Mount the first partition and
add a suitable script.bin:
mkdir /mnt/sdb1 ; mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1 ; cp script.bin /mnt/sdb1
It would be great if anybody had success booting it, and report on which hardware and
with which script.bin.
PS: Discussions on that:
Core forum
Miniand forum
PPS: Here success just means some video output, don't expect that to be otherwise functional.
PPPS: STANDARD DISCLAIMER: This comes with absolutely no warranty. Use at your risk.