The local Best Buy has been okay to me; once I got the idea to be sure what Best Buy price I was quoting, or the (any number of) kid(s) would fetch me the wrong part, every time. I was always nice to them anyway and thanked them for getting what I came for. I've had few returns. There is another feature to that store, it sits almost directly under high power voltage lines going out to a major ore mine. At no time has it ever seemed "normal" in there.
So... a year ago I bought another SanDisk 128GB USB 3.0 stick to hold software next to an iLok. The software would be worth at least $3K even in cases where a developer is drunk at Christmas and slashes prices to $1!
Very soon the stick wouldn't give me enough time to access my stuff before some kind of power cycling event turned it on, off, on, off... I knew that was unusual in my experience with SanDisk flash drives.
So I go to Best Buy with my USB stick and it was in warranty. The cashier said "I can't replace it". I knew 5 years earlier the old manager swapped another bad one for good one so I asked to talk to the manager. The manager comes over and by then many employees were gathered around.
The manager talked down to me and said any previous replacement was as a favor from the manager at the time.
So I left there infuriated, and on the way out I'm thinking "if curses worked I'd start with this place".
Within a week I contacted SanDisk; they couldn't have been friendlier or made things easier.
That night on the news, it was announced they're pulling Best Buy from my area because it's not working out.
So I'll have to see if Wal Mart has a greeting card like "Congratulations for running a chain store down the hole!" but I guess I was never the most mature of "adults" LOL
-= Cloud 9 =-
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2020 06:20PM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.