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disabled telnet on pogo plug pro

Posted by aandrew 
disabled telnet on pogo plug pro
March 06, 2019 06:24PM
So i accidentally disabled telnet on my pogplug pro, but my ssh is still working. I would like to re enable telnet but i have no clue how to or if its needed or possible
Re: disabled telnet on pogo plug pro
March 08, 2019 10:23AM
If you have SSH I can't think of a reason you'd need telnet. If you're on the stock Pogoplug OS you can enable telnet by doing the following:

mount -o remount,rw /
vi /etc/init.d/rcS
Find the part that looks like this:
if [ "x$cedebug" != "x" ]; then                                         
and either delete the if and fi lines or comment them out.

Your rcS file may look a little different.

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