Done. /dev/sda is USB /dev/sdb is SATA I did the whole thing in 3.12 & 3.11. Logs are in the zip milhouse31 - Debian
Yeah I saw that but that shouldn't affect SATA speed. Anyway, I fsck it and the speed issue are still there milhouse31 - Debian
Bodhi, I tried 3.12.0 tld1,3 & 5 : same result. For that particular test, I installed them progressively. But during my first update, I went straight from 3.3.2 to 3.12.0 tld5 and had the same issue. Basically, i just dd if=/dev/zero of=/test count=50000 I included a bunch of log from differents versions with the dd command outputting on USB/SATA (aka /media/disk1) & dmesg qby milhouse31 - Debian
Hi guys, I had a strange problem the past few days with kernel 3.12. During this christmas break, I decide to install some new packages on my Goflex Net. I came back to this forum and see that a recent kernel is available (I was still using 3.3.2 booting from usb).So before doing anything else, I decided to update the UBoot and the kernel. Everything went smoothly by following the instructby milhouse31 - Debian