grayman4hire Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi @saudagar, > > Did you really have issue with your Pogoplug > Mobile following the tutorial or did you only > wanted to revert because you actually want to use > the service? > > Getting another Pogoplug is the quickest and > easiest solution. If you want to useby saudagar - Debian
Thanks Bodhi.. every one is using your installs to get best of this device. Thanks!! At comments section. it was mentioned about 'revert' trick, but i think that works with a different version of s/w, unfortunately this version will not work with my.pogoplug I will now buy a new device since they are still 7bucks at Amazon and use saudagar - Debian
I followed below steps to install debian on my pogo V4-A1. But now i realize that i cannot use my pogo for my.pogoplug anymore. Blogger claims that instock firmware is present in NAND but needs change in uBoot to access it. It further suggests that i can reboot the pogo with 'revert' as a empty folder in aby saudagar - Debian
I followed below steps to install debian on my pogo V4-A1. But now i realize that i cannot use my pogo for my.pogoplug anymore. Blogger claims that instock firmware is present in NAND but needs change in uBoot to access it. It further suggests that i can reboot the pogo with 'revert' as a empty folder in aby saudagar - Debian
I followed this tutorial to install debian on pogo V4-A1 and it worked fine if we follow all steps. saudagar - Debian