Thanks bernd for the additional comments! I guess I am seeing enough indication that this is working to try this on myself. I have a couple questions to ron: Any news regarding the u-boot? Also, In #5 or #6 of your instructions, you give a link to download a uImage. Would you mind also giving instructions to create it myself? Thanks in advance!by shwouchk - Debian
Wow, thanks! One question: You and others talked about stock root access, but I remember clearly that I did have it. Can you explain the difficulty you had with obtaining it? As far as I remember (right now the Unit is lying somewhere without an HDD inside so I can't verify), you ssh to it on port 2020 with the username and password from the web UI, and either "sudo -i" orby shwouchk - Debian
I'm not sure regarding the difference in internal hardware, which is why I asked in the first place... :-) However, the product page for N1T1DD1 is here: - As I am writing this I notice that this is actually the "support" page and not the product page. Here they do not mention that this is a discontinued product. On the other hby shwouchk - Debian
Hello, From the way this is written, it appears that you are not making any distinction between n1t1 and n1t1dd1, which I believe are two different products. Is this intentional, i.e. do they share the same hardware (this would be kinda odd, since one of them is ~5 years older than the other)? Thanks in advance!by shwouchk - Debian