According to the Overview on Arch Linux ARM site: So it says that I'll never get Debian on this Pogoplug ... The problem is that all new pogoplugs are deliverd with tihs kernel ! Solution: A) Change pogoplug to another device (which one ?) B) Try to install Archilinuxarm ... Any advice ?by ThomFR - Debian
pogoplug CLASSIC Model:POGO-B04by ThomFR - Debian
Thanks for your answer. Here is the first one: /usr/bin # ls [ dirname killall readlink taskset uptime [[ dropbearkey less realpath tee wc awk du lzopcat renice telnet wget basename eject md5sum reset test which bunzip2 env mkfifo scpby ThomFR - Debian
Some more informations : I've checked all commads supported by busymox (linked into almost all commands in /usr/bin directory) Usage: busybox ... or: function ... BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix utilities into a single executable. Most people will create a link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBoxby ThomFR - Debian
New in this forum... I was trying to instal Debian on an USB key on a new Pogoplug pink box (script from jeff doozan). cd /tmp wget chmod 777 ./ Accessing security configuration on MyPogoplug, there is a new update process shown, which erases some commandes from /usr/bin like ar, find ,etc ... before we can acby ThomFR - Debian