Hello Ray, all 3 L50 variants... This is what I call a decent development approach! Muy professional! ;) Regarding the mini-pcie I see only the minimum required 3 pairs of differential lines: CLK, PCI-RX & PCI-TX. So at this point for SATA you need a card with dedicated PCIe-SATA controller. But carefull, there is no room for vertical sata connectors between bottom PCB & housinby crom - Debian
Hello Ray, Have you actually check the usb lines on the mini pcie connector? Do you have a l50 at hand? According to the pin out for mini pcie connectors the usb line should be on pin 36 & 38. I can’t see any pair of lines there. They look open/floating. I think we have to look elsewhere…. Bunny ;)by crom - Debian
Yes, What fun. But the nec ic occupies one ID (2nd) as well as the usb root controller in the kirkwood soc (1st). So only 2 (the last 2) out of 4 usb differential lines from! the nec hub are actually in use according your listing. Another one is on the expresscard/34 slot but the 4th ?? The easter eggs "SPI lines" and "SATA lines" are quite hidden ... :)by crom - Debian
> > Take your leisure time, we are not in any hurry > having fun :) -> Absolutely.. And about fun: Some kind of an Easter egg: 3 out of 4 USB differential lines from the NEC 1to4 USB hub IC are available to connectors: 2xusbA connector, 1 at the expresscard/34 connector. Where is the 4th? ;)by crom - Debian
ok, tested it. Result: "scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found" -> seems like a real mmc interface. So it seems like a bit more effort to get it working. Thanks for the quick response!by crom - Debian
Hello, What a nice surprise ... I bought last week an L50W and will definitely try the dual-boot as well, after having installed openwrt already. One comment: the internal slot for expresscard/34 only provides USB connection lines. Only LTE/UMTS cards (which are mainly cellular USB sticks in an expresscard package) are supported (Ref: check point User Group FAQ) General question: Can boot frby crom - Debian