bodhi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > WzL Wrote: > ------------------------------------------------------- > > Thanks for this topic! My goflex net died on > me, > > well, the USB key which was originally attached > to > > it, containing rootfs. So i thought what the > hek, > > let me buy myself a fast USB3.0 WzL - Debian
Thanks for this topic! My goflex net died on me, well, the USB key which was originally attached to it, containing rootfs. So i thought what the hek, let me buy myself a fast USB3.0 drive. Updated all the gimmicks, like rootfs and kernel and stuff from Bodhi, my man! Reboot and I got these random Freezes. Bought myself even a new power brick just to confirm but did not solve much. So I ordered tby WzL - Debian
I am using Bodhi kernel 4.10 a the moment for my GoFlex Net, i recently had some troubles with my USB stick which contains root, boot and swap partitions on it. Seems that GoFlex Net is very picky in accepting certain brands USB sticks. SanDisk Cruzer 16GB, SanDiskUltra Fit 32GB, Verbatim Nano 8GB are a nogo for example. I had Transcend Jetflash 700 8GB/16GB but these ones generate kernel errorsby WzL - Debian
Hi all, it has been a while but today as it turned out a friend gave me a black pogoplug e02 to play with. First thing for me is to check out the latest updates from bodhi and friends and voila a new kernel version was available. So what I did was the usual, update uboot and install latest rootfs and update kernel. After that an apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade and done. Some small tuning likeby WzL - Debian
The latest linux-4.8.3-kirkwood-tld-1 package works perfectly fine on my GoFlexNet, which I recently brought back to life. Thanks again for the effort bodhi, really appreciated, keep up the good work! I am no bot, who dares to accuse me of a bot, you brutal WzL - Debian
Always used transmission, never had any issues with it. As i needed lightweight on the pogo, transmission always did the job WzL - Debian
2014.07-tld-2 version of u-boot and Sheevaplug are working fine, Sheevaplug boots successfully with this version. I did no testing on the added new feature though, just regular boot sequence WzL - uBoot
Bodhi, Due to your persistence i managed to get the pogoplug e02 booting your 3.17 FDT kernel. I noticed after installation of wheezy using the default netinstaller of Debian, that kernel messages were not printing to ttyS0 during boot. I was finding that strange because in the past it always did that, so i checked my default uboot env variables which I always used on previous non FDT kernels:by WzL - Debian
Hi Bodhi, thanks for your response. i adjusted the env variables and no luck, same output. It looks like the env variables from uboot don't get passed to the kernel. Other times when these variables are getting picked up by the kernel, the error message contains te value of the uboot root= variable. In this case it keeps on reporting SDA1 on and on .... U-Boot 2014.07-tld-1 (Jul 18 2014by WzL - Debian
Hi all, I was installing FDT 3.17 kernel to pogoplug e02 and i ran into the following issue. My USB drive is partitioned as 1. boot 2. root 3. swap. Adjusted /etc/fstab on the usbstick so that init can mount /boot on sda1 etc. Why is it that no matter what kind of root= or LABEL= flags i put into uboot env, every time kernel tries to mount rootfs from SDA1 stating: "VFS: Cannot open roby WzL - Debian
I did compile the kernel myself using kernel source from Extract and compile using the following procudure. ALERT!! not included are the specific kernel patches so kernel wil probably not run on target but modules and headers are available: apt-get install build-essential cd /usr/src/ wget tar -xjvf linux-3.3.2.taby WzL - Debian
Hi, yesterday i used this kernel and the newest uBoot to let my brand new goflex net boot into debian wheezy using a deagate SATA 1TB disk! It works like a charm, so davygravy keep up the good work! This evening I was going to enable nfs-kernel-server to let the GoFlexnet act as a file server. But as the config file states: CONFIG_NFSD=m I would also like to have the modules as Benjamin states WzL - Debian
Thanks for pointing out this patch, previous night i got an reply from Jason Cooper inc. a CC to the arm mailing list ( He was enthousiastic about my email and offered me guidence porting board files to device tree files. I have to say i'm not a developer myself but I believe this must be possible based on the fact that the 3.3.x kernel board file(s) areby WzL - Debian
Ok, here is a post saying the folowing: Arnd Bergmann - Mar 28, 2012 Ah, E02 is a good one. The device drivers should all be working upstream, but board support isn't there. Jason Cooper has a git tree where he collects support for new machines as they get ported over from board files (as they were up to v3.3 for Kirkwood) to device tree files. Are there any board files for the Eby WzL - Debian
Just continued with the 3.5.0 rc2 kernel. .config U-Boot 2011.12-00447-gfca94c3-dirty (Mar 04 2012 - 21:39:45) Pogoplug E02 SoC: Kirkwood 88F6281_A0 DRAM: 256 MiB WARNING: Caches not enabled NAND: 128 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: egiga0 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 (Re)start WzL - Debian
Just continued with the stable 3.4.2 kernel. Again: make oldconfig && make menuconfig && make uImage && make modules && make modules_install mkinitramfs -o linux-3.4.2 3.4.2 mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C gzip -a 0x0000000 -e 0x0000000 -n "Pogoplug Ramdisk" -d linux-3.4.2 uInitrd Files: .config uInitrd uImage U-Boot 2011.12-00447-gfcby WzL - Debian
davygravy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Nice detective work. > > Is that 3.3.8 kernel your own, or from Debian? Fresh from, compiled by my own! Nothing special though, just a small patch removing some compile glitches during compilation of some modules. Need to say that without the help of this forum (especialy your .config of WzL - Debian
uImage Linux 3.3.8 Kernel Pogoplug v02 uInitrd ramdisk 3.3.8 Kernel Pogoplug v02 Using the kernel config provided by davydravy _0_ in combination with 3.3.8 Linux kernel source from kernel.orgby WzL - Debian
Finally succes by adding root=/dev/sda3 to bootargs_console of u-boot setenv bootargs_console console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/sda3 U-Boot 2011.12-00447-gfca94c3-dirty (Mar 04 2012 - 21:39:45) Pogoplug E02 SoC: Kirkwood 88F6281_A0 DRAM: 256 MiB WARNING: Caches not enabled NAND: 128 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: egiga0 Hit any key to stop autoboot:by WzL - Debian
based on the mkraminitfs manual: Main Logic Here is mkinitramfs execution chain: setup Load plugins, mount /sys and /proc, adjust kernel messages level. udev Start udev daemon, trigger device events - /dev/starts getting populated. find root Run in loop for one minute, periodically running loaded plugins to find our root devices. UUID of root file system was hardcodeby WzL - Debian
a fresh recompile of the 3.3.8 kernel and creation ot the ramdisk using the pogoplug environment itself, taking upto several hours ... booting of the 3.3.8 kernel results in the following output: U-Boot 2011.12-00447-gfca94c3-dirty (Mar 04 2012 - 21:39:45) Pogoplug E02by WzL - Debian
Answering my own question (for the sake of informational purposes) After compiling your own kernel make oldconfig && make menuconfig && make uImage && make modules && make modules_install using a crosscompile environment or, in this case, using the target environment (pogoplug) itself, one can enter the folowing command: mkinitramfs ... -o outfileby WzL - Debian
Hi, I'm currently bussy with compiling the latest stable kernel (3.3.7) from for the pogoplug and it's booting till the point it searches for his own specific modules in de initrd ramdisk. Loading, please wait... [ 20.532435] udevd[50]: starting version 175by WzL - Debian