Hi Thanks for the answers. @Bodhi So far I'm not sure what I should understand but if I'm correct you provided an already packaged customized for this device ? right @Renojim I was guessing if I should not be pointing to sda1. Am I right # lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 0 3.6T 0 disk |-sda1by oleveque - Debian
I have this issue in the procedure that is popping up on my side # e2label /dev/sda2 rootfs e2label: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sda2 Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.by oleveque - Debian
Hello everybody First thanks for this nice procedure to rewamp IX4-300D. I'm having one (iomega) in use and another one (lenovo) for this procedure to rewamp it (that I recently bought). I'm using win 10 computer and putty serial to proceed. I'm trying to follow nice procedure from alf45tar nevertheless as I'm from mechanical background I'm a bit lost during some unby oleveque - Debian