So I did the following steps and I'm not sure if that's right and above all I don't know what I have to do now. Make an USB Stick with Debian-5.13.6-kirkwood-tld-1-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2 Formate with Gparte to ext3 name: rootfs Than i have bevor install all this: apt-get install libubootenv-tool apt-get install u-boot-tools That one hasnt work but i think it wars not so iby Duck - Debian
Hello everyone, I apologize for my bad English, which is why I'm translating the whole thing with the translator. I've been trying to install a new Ubuntu on my old Zyxel 325 v2 for well over 24 hours now. However, I don't know much about it and the German tutorials I find are now very outdated, which is why I'm coming to you. my last tutorial I followed was this oneby Duck - Debian