Hi Bodhi, Thank you for your reply. What exactly do you mean by new u-boot? I updated the u-boot to the latest version LG had which was 111223. This is considered the new u-boot via LG, but I think you are referring to another u-boot, right? I also upated the firmware to 10124. I'm sure this doesn't matter, just putting it out there. I actually did open it to upgrade the HDDby Paseo92 - Debian
Hello All, I know this is a really old thread, but I just pulled my old LG NAS N1T1DD1 out of storage and just wanted to play around with it. What I am finding is that SMB is v1.5 and won't work on certain devices and NFS won't work on other devices like the FireStick via Kodi because of permissions that I apparently need to be able to SSH into the NAS to get functional. So, I haveby Paseo92 - Debian