QuoteBillyBoy @Nero: By the way, thank you very much for sharing your experience. It was a great help for me when creating NTFS partitions within Linux. I didn't know exactly how to do that before. I guess you're not using the Dockstar kernel, are you? QuoteNero It seems that giving back cynicism to people how want to be helpfull, is the "Vienna way". Please stay thereby BillyBoy - uBoot
It took almost the whole weekend to figure out what was going wrong here. Finally I found out why it's not possible at all to boot up my Plugbox OS when an original Seagate FreeAgent Go Drive is attached to the upper USB socket of my DockStar. I repeated the whole installation process several times, using three different USB sticks carrying the OS and two different Seagate FreeAgent Go drby BillyBoy - uBoot
Sorry, mea culpa. I forgot to mention that I had already changed the value of the usb_init parameter back to script read when I created the 2 logs shown above. Of course I had the parameter set to 'usb start' when first testing all combinations by directly editing the usb_device and usb_root parameters via fw_setenv. Because I wasn't successful that way, I decided to re-apply thby BillyBoy - uBoot
Hmmm... First I tried all 16 combinations of 'usb_device' and 'usb_root' by changing their values directly using the 'fw_setenv' command. I couldn't achieve a better result than already experienced by using the 'usb_init' script shown in this thread. When my HDD was involved and I was choosing certain combinations, the system at least booted from stby BillyBoy - uBoot
Thanks, Johannes. Unfortunately I don't have any serial cable and I don't own a Linux PC where I could run netconsole. But would it be possible to set the 'usb_init' parameter back to 'usb start' and just change the two parameters 'usb_device' and 'usb_root' directly using the 'fw_setenv' command within Pogoplug environment until I findby BillyBoy - uBoot
After some trial and error cycles I guess the solution described here is not working for me, not even if I change the search order of the USB drives in the script. Yes, there has been a small improvement when changing the usb_init parameter from just 'usb start' to the command sequence shown above, as uBoot doesn't automatically reboot anymore into Pogoplug. At least it keeps flby BillyBoy - uBoot
Thank you Johannes, I'll give it a try!by BillyBoy - uBoot
Nobody able to help? Still I don't know if this thread is also applicable for the new uBoot. I don't like to make changes if there's already another search routine for USB ports implemented which I could break. On the other hand I still have this issue with my Seagate FreeAgent Go drive. For compatibility reasons it's NTFS-formatted because I also use it directly on my Fby BillyBoy - uBoot
I'm a little bit confused now. Has this script already been implemented into the new mtd0 uBoot or not? I'm asking because I still have problems to boot from my USB stick when an original Seagate FreeAgent Go drive is connected to the dock: One week ago I modified my new Dockstar by applying the new uBoot on mtd0 and installing Plugbox Linux with the Dockstar kernel on a 2GB USB sticby BillyBoy - uBoot
Twi, Thank you, I appreciate your reply. Doh! I should have taken a closer look into the installer script before asking stupid questions. However, I'll try installing the uBoot again today. To get in touch with Linux I was already thinking of downloading an application which can be run in a separate window within Windows. But later on I decided booting up my PC using a Knoppix 6.2 Livby BillyBoy - uBoot
Hello Jeff, First of all I must confess that I'm a Linux newbie, therefore I don't own any Linux PC (just another Linux based NAS). I just know how to use the Windows PuTTY Connection Manager to SSH in to a specific device. However, I dared to buy me a DockStar in order to get me another well-working network adapter which I can use for my USB-HDD's. Because I was afraid to caby BillyBoy - uBoot