Good news for anyone (read: both of us) who have had to wrassle Calibre and it's many dependencies to get it working: I noticed on my PPC debian box that the .deb of Calibre has been updated to 0.8.28. You have to be running Wheezy and have everything apt-get updated/upgraded to the moment. Otherwise it'll sit there and tell you that it won't install the dependencies, frozenrhino - Debian
Just an update on this topic. Im sure everyone else knows this already, but in case anyone is doing this the hard way -- Calibre (the GUI version, not just calibre-server) runs (albeit very, very slowly) on a pogoplug through VNC. It's not something I'd recommend to anyone unless you really like pain. When Calibre is actually doing anything, the memory use spikes on my pogoplby frozenrhino - Debian
Hey Yan, Im running python 2.6.6 and dont seem to be having any troubles at all with frozenrhino - Debian
Its kind of a simplistic thing, but have you tried doing a webdav server? I did it under apache. I'm sure there are cooler ways to configure it, but the way I have it set up is that anyone can read the directory but only I can write to it. But I'm pretty sure you could password protect the read privs on the directory as frozenrhino - Debian
Not sure about that, but Im wondering how you're getting a GUI? Are you actually getting the pane where you drag/add books? If so, are you running or some sort of video setup on your plugserver?by frozenrhino - Debian
Im happy with so far. I run a library of about 7800 books all on a Cruiser 16g thumbdrive and while it could be faster, I'm pretty frozenrhino - Debian
Holy buckets, it works. A couple notes for anyone doing this in the future: * Read the above, esp the part about pointing calibre-server towards a directory. * On my setup (pogoplug, debian squeeze, wd 1tb mybook), all steps had to be done as root. Doing them as sudo just threw error messages. Huge thanks to Lulu for the help. When I got the pogoplug in my hands last December, this isby frozenrhino - Debian
Wow. Either I'm a dolt or I was so tired I didn't read the error messages because you're spot on. I just needed to feed it a library. =D It's giving me "upgrading database to version X" where X is {17-20} so far. As much time as the compiles took, I'm guessing this will take some time as well so I'll let it grind and hope for the best. It doesnby frozenrhino - Debian
Also, the previous errors I got during the build. The latest errors I get when running calibre-server from the frozenrhino - Debian
Well, at least I'm getting new errors. That has to be progress, right? =D Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/calibre-server", line 19, in <module> sys.exit(main()) File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/library/server/", line 114, in main db = LibraryDatabase2(opts.with_library) File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/library/databy frozenrhino - Debian
Tried it again using the instructions above (as both sudo and as root) and got a segfault when trying to run the server. I did see this on calibre's site which is new since the last time I looked: Make sure your system has python ≥ 2.7.1 not 3.x I just did an apt-get update and it updated to 2.6.6 so that may be the problem right there. Ill dig around through the apt documentatiby frozenrhino - Debian
Well, its further than I've gotten. Here's the latest error in the build. ####### Building extension pictureflow ####### ####### Building extension progress_indicator ####### * * Running gui * Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 99, in <module> sys.exit(main()) File "", line 85, in main command.run_aby frozenrhino - Debian
Well, I installed both Firefly and Mediatomb. Firefly seems to have been killed off by developer apathy and iTunes 10, so that was a non-starter. MediaTomb installed fine and once I thought to chmod my music files, everything went just fine. iTunes won't see it, though. What I'd really like is something like the Serve To Me/Stream To Me apps that are available for the iPadby frozenrhino - Debian
The more I think about it, the more a cron'd rsync job sounds like it'd be perfect. That's what I'll go with. All the best, FZRby frozenrhino - Debian
Good day, all. I'm wanting, if it's possible, to do a mirrored RAID of two 2TB drives in USB enclosures attached to my DebianPogodockstarsheevaplug. Have any of you done this? Somehow, I can see it being just the kind of thing Petergunn would have tackled with aplomb. =D Thanks, FZRby frozenrhino - Debian
Hi, I'm ready to get my media server going (read: I've finally unfubar'd all my directories) and it seems there are a number of software choices. Do any of you really like what you're using? Any of you really hate a particular media server? Thanks, FZRby frozenrhino - Debian
If I get it going, I'll definitely post the steps. The problem as it stands is this: Calibre calls for a lot of dependencies, some of which I can't seem to find at all. Package Version python 2.6 Python Imaging Library 1.1.6 Qt 4.6.0 PyQt 4.7.0 python-mechanize 0.1.11 ImageMagick 6.5.9 xdg-utils 1.0.2 lxml 2.2.1 python-dateutil 1.4.1 cssutils 0.9.7a3 BeautifulSoupby frozenrhino - Debian
Update: According to the dev there is no binary package for Debian ARM yet. In addition, while there is an apt-get package, it doesn't have the server working which doesn't do me much good. There are a number of dependencies that need to be installed, and I have not as yet had the time to get that going. Once I do, I'll let you know. In addition, because of a quirk/bugby frozenrhino - Debian
How is performance on these? Also, are there any tools you normally use under X that make life a lot easier? I'm very comfortable with command line (although screen does make the CLI seem luxurious compared to not having it) and I'm wondering why people would run X on a pogodocksheeva. All the best, FZRby frozenrhino - Debian
Thought I'd give a progress update. So according to the dev/docs, Calibre can be run as a server-only app. There is an apt-get package so I installed that, copied my library over, and started using: calibre-server --with-library /mountpointhere and got these errors: sudo /usr/bin/calibre-server --with-library /mnt/thumb/calibre_library/ Traceback (most recent call last): Filby frozenrhino - Debian
Hey there. Have any of you had luck getting Calibre (an ebook manager) working on your dockpogosheevaNAS yet? I'm hoping the author of the software can point out a server/db only setup. I don't have much in the way of music and movies, but I have thousands of ebooks on pdf and mobi that I'd like to get to through Calibre rather than just dumping them in a directory and hby frozenrhino - Debian
Hey guys. I think I can help with this one. So basically (if Im understanding correctly, which I might not because frankly the 80s were good to me), during the debian install script it sends you out to to get your stuff. will then send you to some other mirror. The problem is that not every mirror out there has all the packages we need, and some of them haveby frozenrhino - Debian
So I found this: And if you can excuse a couple of really heinous gaffes in the walkthrough, it actually does work. It's kind of slick to see, actually. A friend reports that it is wonderful using NetDrive under Win7. Now if Cyberduck will get their bugs fixed so I can use it from OS X rather than the native connection (wby frozenrhino - Debian
Just thought I'd point out a couple of pages that got this going for me: <--- a basic set of instructions for installing apache2, php, mysql. Very little explanation, but solid instructions. <--- I might recommend that for someone who has already done some linuxwork. But if something goes amiss, you'by frozenrhino - Debian
Evening, all. Have any of you had luck getting webdav going under Squeeze? I gave it a go using these instructions, but something is amiss. I can see the passwd.dav file just hitting https://myserveraddy and it doesn't ask for a password unless I explicitly add on /webdav to the URL. If anyone has any suggestions (other than distilled spirits), please advise. Thanks, FZRby frozenrhino - Debian
Hi, Have any of you run across mkdosfs? I can't find it in apt-get and it's neither in the debian install nor in the rescue system. I ask because I have a 1TB drive partitioned half ext2 and half vfat. I want to use the vfat side to share out via Samba over openVPN. Thanks, FZRby frozenrhino - Debian
That's pretty. I'll definitely put that to use. Thanks!by frozenrhino - Debian
I'm here in Minneapolis, so Chicago is pretty good. I was hoping that U of MN had a mirror, but alas. They used be a big sourceforge mirror in the day, and gopher:// is named after, well, the Gophers. I'll give that a shot. It's too bad that the script doesn't have some sort of timeout-fall to the next mirror on a list sort of thing. I think next I'll try makby frozenrhino - Debian
Failing having a known good mirror, is there any way to get the install script to not do the mk2fs part? That just seems to take forever and if all it's doing is partitioning the drive again, it should still be partitioned from the last time I ran the script. Just cutting out that 5-10 minutes would be a huge help. Then I could just vi different mirrors into the script and try them to seeby frozenrhino - Debian