However the power consumption should be much better for A31, still a good choic for server purposeby ciquta - Allwinner A10
After months of hard work I managed to install and configure everything I needed on it, and I have to say these images made it a very stable home server :) Thanks to PIMP_MY_MELE everything is booting and working straight from the NAND partition, so I would like to backup the whole installation into a SD card to make sure I can get it back to work is case I will mess it up. Is it possibileby ciquta - Allwinner A10
David Stark Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Currently (alas) we are just waiting and waiting > for the Mali-400 DDK so we can run (real) linux > with GPU accel, I'm expecting at least 6months for > usable results. What made you think so?by ciquta - Allwinner A10
Specs wise the ODROID-U smokes all the other boards for the bucks. But let's keep in mind that there are two goals for these boards: 1) media player 2) home server and: 1) Not a single board so far is even a little step closer to release a working Linux-XBMC stable, and they probably never will. The only one that could work one day is the Pivos Xios, which is overpriced for theby ciquta - Allwinner A10