The images are in here. You need to use the Orange Pi PC images. The ubuntu image can be used directly. To use the Debina images need to include the right kernel files in the boot partition of the micro-SD according to the instructions given here. Edit: I ordered and received an Orange Pi One. The shipping was really fast. It only took 7 days from ordering to receiving! The images for Orby twinclouds - Allwinner A10
I prefer Debian Jessie. Ubuntu 14.04 is o.k. twinclouds - Allwinner A10
Its power connector is a little bit odd. It is 4mmx1.7mm. I think it is the same as the one used by PSP. Or, you can get one of this or this and solder a USB cable to it. This will probably be even twinclouds - Allwinner A10
I agree this one is a pretty good deal. Just curious what you are going to use these for?by twinclouds - Allwinner A10
There is even an cheaper one available and it is still on twinclouds - Allwinner A10
Thanks. It was fun anyway. I have too many of these boards/boxes lying around already. Just couldn't resist. Too bad they are no longer available for now. However, the company suppose to come out two even cheaper once. Hope you can get one when and if they become twinclouds - Allwinner A10
This is my experience also. No reply from the Forum of OPi. However, considering the chip charges for all of the extras, I decided to give Orange Pi PC a try. ($18 is almost trivial for a hobby or a toy anyway :-) The device arrived in a record time from China, in about a week! My first try using the Orange Pi images was unsuccessful. Then the seller told me that it should use Orange Pi Pby twinclouds - Allwinner A10
I wouldn't oppose that. The only thing I don't like OPi is it doesn't have 1G Ethernet. Not sure about its reliability either. Maybe you can let us know once you get twinclouds - Allwinner A10
In that case, it is not as attractive as I first thought. I got all these extras for free probably because I am one of the early twinclouds - Allwinner A10
You should ask them. Mine did. It came with the $2 case twinclouds - Allwinner A10
Not sure what do you mean. The composite cable should come with the board. If you use mostly headless, you don't need HDMI board. I don't know how much it twinclouds - Allwinner A10
Thanks Budhi. Its interesting. Among the three. I don't think RPi Zero is a good contender. CHIP is convenient if you need WIFI. I also like its flashing procedure. The only issue I found is that its USB port current supply is pretty weak. I had problem to use it with USB hub and USB drive. For the latter, it would have problem if you write a large file to it or try to do a backup byby twinclouds - Allwinner A10
Its reviews were not so good. Maybe you can share you hands-on experience once you get twinclouds - Allwinner A10
The following links may have the information that you need:, which as a pin out, and Also you may find there are interesting information in this bulletin board: Enjoy!by twinclouds - Allwinner A10
I agree it is best for headless. That is I am going to use anyway. Probably not enough power for Video. If comes with wifi and bluetooth so it is convenient. It does not come with HDMI. At "$9" it comes with composite RCA to save cost. (There's a license fee for HDMI.)by twinclouds - Allwinner A10
Hi, Bodhi: Yes, you can use a 5v USB cell charger. I tried it without problem with a 1A charger. It consumes about 1.5w idle. 2A will probably be more robust but may not be twinclouds - Allwinner A10
When I saw the news about the $9 CHIP computer project, I put in $16 anyway just for fun anyway. It arrived a few days ago. I am pretty happy about it. It runs pretty fast. The Sysbench benchmark shows it is about a few times faster than Pogo v4. It has wifi built in. Flashing is very straightforward. It is hardware based so the chance of brick is very low. The only issue I found was thatby twinclouds - Allwinner A10
Bodhi: Thank you for your reply. I don't use it twinclouds - Rescue System
Not sure why. I have not problem to access it. Please check you twinclouds - Debian
Last year, I tried a few time to install OpenVPN on my Dockstar/Debian server. Eventually it succeded but not without a few tries and frustrations. When I tried to install VPN on VPS, I found this link. It went very smoothly for my VPS and then I decided to try it on a Pogo Mobile with Debian installed. It went through without any problem. I am sure it will work on other similar platforms asby twinclouds - Debian
Bodhi: Eventually, I reinstalled jessie by using a image of 3.16 I saved before. This time, I made sure the root login is enabled and everything works fine now. To safe, I also created a regular user but that was not needed now. I can login as root with no problem. The purpose of upgrading to jessie was to try out Asterisk 11 by apt-get and it works now. Wheezy can only directly installby twinclouds - Debian
Hi, Bodhi, I upgraded to jessie and everything looks fine. However, when reboot, I cannot login anymore. I googled and found it does not allow root access through ssh anymore. I didn't have another user added. What I need to do now? Do I need to reinstall or if there's any trick I can play? Thanks in advance for your help, as twinclouds - Debian
Hi, Bodhi, Totally twinclouds - Debian
O.K. May be you are right. However, I am always using my Windows PC with two interfaces on the same subnet and have never had any problem (like right now :-)). For RPi, at least I can switching from ethernet to wifi unplug the cable without rebooting it. The problem for Dockstar is that I cannot really do that without using the hacks and restarting it. Maybe what you said is theoretically trby twinclouds - Debian
Hi, bodhi: Could you let me know which are packages that I need install as you said in "install sysvinit-core and other 2 packages"? twinclouds - Debian
Frederick Grayson Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Are you saying you can have two interfaces active > at the same time in the same network in the same > machine? Why not? For example, Windows PC can certainly do that. I don't this is a restriction on Linux either. For example, I am pretty sure RPi can have both interfaces up at the same twinclouds - Debian
Frederick Grayson Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You can not have two interfaces in the same > machine that belong to the same network. I don't think this is in general true but it looks like the case for dockstar. My "hack," as referred by @Gravelrash, seems the most reliable way that works, from my twinclouds - Debian
Bodhi: Thanks for your quick reply. One question, is the procedure to generate uInitrd the same as when you upgrade Wheezy kernel, say from 3.14 to 3.16? Or if I need to do something else, please let me know twinclouds - Debian
What is the best way to upgrade Wheezy to jessie? Will dist-upgrade after change the sources.list good enough? Thanks. I don't know if this issue has been discussed before. If it did, sorry for my twinclouds - Debian