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dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests

Posted by superelchi 
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
February 19, 2013 02:26AM
Do you get a white screen when pressing MENU?

As I expected. So I will mark xg4241 as "not supported" for the time beeing. :-(
None the less I will put it in svn.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
February 20, 2013 04:17PM

No no white screen when menu is pressed screen stays black.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
February 22, 2013 01:51AM
I am still waiting for my linkdelight. Please keep monitoring this thread. I will post my findings here.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 04, 2013 05:12PM
Hi Superelchi,

I found this DPF at a second hand store, they are sold in Australia by Big W / Woolworths.

Zipp Model DP605

The firmware Dpf206.bin from the SDK works except for 180 degree rotated screen.

here@nowhere:~/DPF/dpf-ax/fw$ sudo python ./identify.py /dev/sr1
Detecting & reading dpf flash...
Opening generic SCSI device '/dev/sr1'
Manufacturer: Winbond
Size : 1 MB
Reading 100000 bytes...
Flash written to file 'identify.out/full.bin'.

Looking for firmware.............: Found (buildwin, 128x128 px).
Looking for Openwin..............: Found.
Looking for LcdIniTbl............: None.
Looking for known signatures.....: None.
Looking for known version info...: None.

Sorry, no matching dpf found.

Would be great if you could work your magic on this firmware.

open | download - Zipp-full.bin.zip (214.4 KB)
open | download - Zipp1.jpg (381.9 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 05, 2013 02:33AM

Please try attached fw.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2013 02:34AM by superelchi.
open | download - fw_zipp_dp605.zip (27.4 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 06, 2013 12:29AM
Hi Superelchi,

Your firmware seems to work fine, thanks.

I have maybe found a glitch with this DPF, when I first started messing around with it, USB would sometimes become slow, flashing the Dpf206.bin fw took over an hour, and didn't work. Tried all sorts of replugs/reboots but what worked was desoldering and resoldering the battery wire. After flashing your fw it worked at first, then would have the About screen in the background of the graphs of lcd4linux dpf.conf. Resoldered the power again and it has been fine so far.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 06, 2013 08:26AM
I will add this model to svn, as soon as version 0.4 is ready.

Your problems look like a defective device to me. Maybe the battery? They are known to be of low quality. If you want to use the dpf as a status display with lcd4linux I would recommend to disconnect the battery. The dpf will be powered by USB and turn on/off with your computer.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 13, 2013 05:17AM
superelchi Wrote:
> @ Papa Oscar
> Okay - so this one needs some heavier treatment. I
> will have a closer look as soon as time permits.
> Please keep monitoring this thread. I will come
> back to you!
> superelchi

@ Papa Oscar

Finally! My LinkDelight dpf has arrived.
Please try attached fw.

open | download - fw_linkdelight_black_portrait.zip (84.2 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 13, 2013 05:34AM

Please try attached fw.


superelchi Wrote:
> @dkrusko
> I am still waiting for my
> [url=http://www.linkdelight.com/POF04-USB-2.4-LCD-
> Digital-Picture-Photo-Frame-Album-Black.html]linkd
> elight[/url]. Please keep monitoring this thread.
> I will post my findings here.
> superelchi

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2013 05:35AM by superelchi.
open | download - fw_yallstock_black_portrait.zip (84.4 KB)
Papa Oscar
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 15, 2013 06:03AM
superelchi Wrote:
> superelchi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > @ Papa Oscar
> > Okay - so this one needs some heavier treatment.
> I
> > will have a closer look as soon as time
> permits.
> > Please keep monitoring this thread. I will come
> > back to you!
> >
> > superelchi
> @ Papa Oscar
> Finally! My LinkDelight dpf has arrived.
> Please try attached fw.
> superelchi

OK, now works correctly, I see the glass combined. Superelchi thank you very much for your dedication, the wait worthwhile, would also be willing to contribute to your research,,,,, if possible you had a Paypal account.
best Regards
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 15, 2013 09:29AM
Papa Oscar Wrote:
> OK, now works correctly, I see the glass combined.

Okay. So I will set the status of this dpf to "supported".

> Superelchi thank you very much for your
> dedication, the wait worthwhile, would also be
> willing to contribute to your research,,,,, if
> possible you had a Paypal account.

Thanks. But this is one of my cheaper hobbies. ;-)
Once in a while a new dpf. Not a big deal...

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 15, 2013 12:26PM

Thank you, it is working very good now.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 15, 2013 12:36PM
Fine! So I will mark this a "supported" too.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 17, 2013 06:33AM

Here we go: please try attached fw.


superelchi Wrote:
> @markusbrutus
> As I expected. So I will mark xg4241 as "not
> supported" for the time beeing. :-(
> None the less I will put it in svn.
> superelchi
open | download - fw_xg4241.zip (27.4 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 27, 2013 07:38AM
Hej superelchi,

some days ago I got my order from LinkDelight which is in the knowntypes list of dpf-ax.
It should be a delightdigi_2_portrait. But as so often, I don't know if they changed their pants... but I'm pretty sure, they changed the firmware. ;-)

I did a full dump of my dpf and attach it to my post.

Maybe you have time to take a look at it? :-)

Thx a lot!

Mr. P
open | download - full.zip (525.9 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 27, 2013 08:51AM
Yeah - new pants. ;-)

Please try attached fw.

open | download - fw_linkdelight_black_portrait_2.zip (84.3 KB)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 27, 2013 06:08PM
Hej superelchi,

thank you very much for this prompt implementation.

I flashed my dpf and can now start lcd4linux without errors.

Unfortunately, the screen remains blank (just the backlight is on). There is also no difference, when I change the color settings in the lcd4linux.conf.

You don't know what's wrong, or better yet, what could I do about it? :-)

Thx a lot!

Mr. P
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 28, 2013 05:23AM

Can't find anything wrong.
Do you see the splash screen on power on?
What happens when you press menu?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/28/2013 05:23AM by superelchi.
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 28, 2013 05:49AM
No, I don't get the splash screen.
I also tried to set any custom start screen - same result.

When I press the menu button, nothing happens.
But when I press:

Menu -> 3x Right -> Menu = the display restart (also see it in my /var/log/messages that the USB reinitialize)
Menu -> 3x Left -> Menu = the display switch off and after another press on Menu the background light reappear.

Is it possible that there is a setting for brightness and/or contrast which is set too high or too low?

Mr. P
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 28, 2013 06:24AM
Mr. P Wrote:
> Is it possible that there is a setting for
> brightness and/or contrast which is set too high
> or too low?

No, even in this case you should see something.
Please try attached fw. I made some small changes.
If this does not work either (what I expect), I have to dig a bit deeper...

Could you try to adjust the brightness setting in lcd4linux and report if the brightness of the display changes?

open | download - fw_linkdelight_black_portrait_2.zip (84.3 KB)
Black Shadow
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 28, 2013 05:44PM
superelchi Wrote:

> Please try attached fw.

This fw didn't change very much - still the same problem.

> Could you try to adjust the brightness setting in
> lcd4linux and report if the brightness of the
> display changes?

Setting brigness to 0 ... black screen.
brightness 1 ... screen ist on.
brightness 7 ... screen ist brighter ... but the difference between 7 and 1 is minimal.

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 29, 2013 06:37AM
Very strange.
This fw is - besides init & blit commands - identical to linkdelight_black_portrait. I can see absolutely no reason why it should not work.
Are you sure the fw you posted here is the right one?
Did you re-flash this fw to your dpf? Does it work?

Black Shadow
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 29, 2013 09:29AM
Yes ... I'm pretty sure I used the fw from your link :)

And I use "restore.py" to flash the device (I'm using Linux) ... this should work?

BUT ...

Initialy I started flashing the DPF with a different fw ... I didn't work - I didn't have a copy of the original firmware :(

But we did have a "untouched" devices - so - I read out the original fw from that device - and flashed it back to the one I had "manipulated" ... still the device did not work - even with the original FW ...

the question is - the fw we get from you should work - regardless of the condition of the DPF?
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 29, 2013 10:50AM
Black Shadow Wrote:
> Yes ... I'm pretty sure I used the fw from your
> link :)
> And I use "restore.py" to flash the device (I'm
> using Linux) ... this should work?
Yeah, if restore.py did not throw any errors, everything should be fine.

> BUT ...
> Initialy I started flashing the DPF with a
> different fw ... I didn't work - I didn't have a
> copy of the original firmware :(
> But we did have a "untouched" devices - so - I
> read out the original fw from that device - and
> flashed it back to the one I had "manipulated" ...
> still the device did not work - even with the
> original FW ...
Do I get you right: the one you try to flash does NOT work with the original fw you postet?

> the question is - the fw we get from you should
> work - regardless of the condition of the DPF?
No. What I do ist extract the lcd-specific parts from the original fw and "inject" them in the custom fw. So if the dpf does NOT work with the original fw it will for sure NOT work with the custom fw.

Did you try to flash the dpf you got the original fw from with the custom one? Does this work?

BTW: have you tried the other two know 240x320 portrait fws (delightdigi_2_portrait and linkdelight_black_portrait)? See attachment.

open | download - fw_delightdigi_2_portrait.zip (84.3 KB)
open | download - fw_linkdelight_black_portrait.zip (84.3 KB)
Black Shadow
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 29, 2013 01:25PM

I got it working... :)

The first full.bin we (Mr.P) sent you - was the one I read out of one of the original boxes ... I was wondering why I just was 1MB large ... Anyway ... I found another "untouched" DPF - read out the FW again ... and guess what ... this time 2MB :)

Maybe my original setup (other PC, other cable) was broken ... anyway ...

flashing this 2MB FW to my "broken" DPF made it work with the original FW :)

And ... flashing the fixed DPF with fw_linkdelight_black_portrait - WORKS!

Thanx from Mr.P and myself!

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 29, 2013 06:24PM
Hej superelchi,

also a big thank you from me. The firmware works great here too.

Just one thing, I don't understand. How could it be possible, that 3 of our 5 ordered dpfs created a crapped dumpfile (I checked the md5sum from two of them and guess... they matched). We created the dumpfiles independently on different computers.

But at least... Everything works fine. :-)

Thx a lot!

Mr. P
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 30, 2013 09:15AM
Mr. P Wrote:
> Just one thing, I don't understand. How could it
> be possible, that 3 of our 5 ordered dpfs created
> a crapped dumpfile (I checked the md5sum from two
> of them and guess... they matched). We created the
> dumpfiles independently on different computers.

Looks like you got two different hardware versions from LinkDelight.
The dumpfiles are not crapped. Looks like these three dpfs have a 1 MB flash chip, the other two 2 MB. Fulldump.py and/or identify.py will detect the size of the flash and generate a 1 MB or 2 MB dump accordingly.

Just to be sure: the new "linkdelight_black_portrait_2" fw works with the dpf you made the posted dump of?

Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
March 31, 2013 05:00AM
superelchi Wrote:
> Just to be sure: the new
> "linkdelight_black_portrait_2" fw works with the
> dpf you made the posted dump of?
> superelchi

No, it was the 'fw_linkdelight_black_portrait' from your post. But we always have to use the '-f' option for flashing because the flashsize is mismatched.

On Tuesday we will try to flash the other 3 DPFs... I'm very curious if we can use the same fw for all of them. :-)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
April 02, 2013 04:23AM
Hej again,

we flashed the remaining displays this morning and exactly one had the 1MB flash I initially sent to you.
Sounds to me like Murphy. ;-)

So we could flash all DPFs. Four of them with the 'fw_linkdelight_black_portrait' from your post above the last one with the file from this post.

Thanks again from my colleagues and me! :-)
Re: dpf-ax: unsupported dpf - requests
April 03, 2013 09:34AM
That is good news.
So I will mark linkdelight_black_portrait_2 as working.


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