Hi bhodi and community!
I am using the kirkwood kernels for some years and want to say thanks by contributing a script I wrote.
It automates the step of checking the forum post for a new update and downloading the kernel archive, while staying as near as possible to the download instructions. Usual disclaimer: Use it at your own risk! That said it worked well for me for some time and is quite stable.
The script reads the newest version and downloads the archive to /boot, unless the running kernel is already at that version or the file has already been downloaded. If there is a newer kernel than the running one, it prints the forum URL to follow the installation instructions there.
As it is, it checks for a new kirkwood kernel, but by changing the variable "kernel_url" at the beginning of the script to the oxnas or mvebu post (and probably adjusting "download_server", depending on the download link), it checks for those.
The root user is needed to write the file to the "/boot" directory, but by changing the variable "download_directory", it can be used without root, too.
Some output of the underlying commands is printed, so that you can see error messages like internet connection problems.
Obviously the script makes use of the fact, that some (minimal) syntax and formatting keeps the same, as it has been for some time. But if not, it will just exit with an error message.