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Systemdpocalypse 258

Posted by bodhi 
Systemdpocalypse 258
December 25, 2024 04:58PM


Announcements of Future Feature Removals:

* Support for System V service scripts is deprecated and will be
removed in v258. Please make sure to update your software
*now* to include a native systemd unit file instead of a legacy
System V script to retain compatibility with future systemd releases.

1. For those who are using systemd, be aware.

It means the existing SystemV initscripts that have been used in compatibility mode could be removed altogether. You should make sure that there is a systemd unit file for things you are running, if any of those has been starting by systemd using the sysvinit scripts.

My recommendation is that before doing upgrades, always check the systemd version that will be upgraded (-s stands for simulated, basically a dry run).
apt-get -s upgrade
or if upgrading to the next Debian version:
apt-get -s dist-upgrade
The log will tell which systemd version is a candidate in the upgrade. And then make your decision.

2. For those who are using sysvinit, check the orphan-sysvinit-scripts package.

Usually some Debian/Devuan developers will gather the removed initscripts and package them in the Debian orphan-sysvinit-scripts package. Upgrade this Debian package will bring them back.

See which initscripts were/are brought back

dpkg -L orphan-sysvinit-scripts

Good luck and, be careful out there :)

NOTE: this thread is not a place for another systemd flame war. Please refrain from making it one.

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/25/2024 05:03PM by bodhi.
Re: Systemdpocalypse 258
January 11, 2025 09:54PM
Just saw debian 12.9 released, can upgrade quite a few packages.
systemd/stable 252.33-1~deb12u1 armel [upgradable from: 252.31-1~deb12u1]
Still okay.
Re: Systemdpocalypse 258
January 12, 2025 01:10PM
Maybe working together with Devuan(=Debian without systemd)? They do have arm(el) images and a lot of dtb too (https://pkgmaster.devuan.org/devuan/dists/beowulf/main/installer-armel/current/images/ and https://arm-files.devuan.org/RaspberryPi%20Latest%20Builds/). The most recent images are mainly for RPiĀ“s but older versions exist for orion and kirkwood.
Re: Systemdpocalypse 258
January 13, 2025 12:36AM
> Maybe working together with Devuan(=Debian without
> systemd)? They do have arm(el) images and a lot of
> dtb too

I'm sticking to Debian for a while. But I'm appreciative of Devuan developers keeping upstreaming the compatibility packages to Debian to make life easier for many.

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