I have installed Debian squeeze on my Seagate dockstar,a while ago then successfully upgraded with apt-get to wheezy (7.1) last July. Now I'm trying to upgrade to 7.3. There about 40 packages that need to be upgraded. Things go smoothly through the first several of them, but after it upgrades libapt-pkg4.12 nothing works. Except for some bultin bash commands, any command I type at the shell prompt back with either "Illegal Instruction" or "Segmentation fault". I have the netconsole module loaded in the initramfs, so I can tell that when I reboot the system it dies with a kernel panic. Fortunately, I saved a copy of the file system. Just installing that single package breaks the system. I looked at the package contents and it only has locale files in /usr/share/locales, documentation files in /usr/share/doc and the library in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi/libapt-pkg.so.4.12.0. Nothing that seems like it should break the system in such a profound way. Does anyone have any idea what could be going on here or how I should look into it?