I'm attempting to set up an HDHomerun to save mpeg.ts streams to the dockstar.
I've succesfully complied the latest version of the hdhomerun_config, and the commands seem to be work, I'm able to set channels, program number, get stream information, etc.
However, when I attempt to save a stream, I get an initial file created, but the file size stays at zero.
I ran 'nmap localhost' on the dockstar, before and during the attempt to save a stream and came up with the following on both scans:
Starting Nmap 5.00 (
http://nmap.org ) at 2010-10-07 08:22 EDT
Warning: Hostname localhost resolves to 2 IPs. Using
Interesting ports on localhost (
Not shown: 996 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
9091/tcp open unknown
10000/tcp open snet-sensor-mgmt
49152/tcp open unknown
These are all known ports for ssh, transmission, webmin, and mediatomb, which were all running at idle.
The HDHomerun uses the following ports:
Discovery - UDP 65001
Control - TCP 65001
Video stream - UDP 5002 and UDP 5004
I didn't have to specifically open up 65001 for discovery or control, and that portion is working. I wouldn't expect to have to open up 5002 or 5004, but maybe I'm missing something.