How do I swtich from ArchLinux to Debian on E02
February 19, 2015 10:14AM
Hi all

I used Qui's user friendly tutorial to install Arch Linux on my PogoPlug E02 :

Everything has been nice and stable but I've recently discovered the power of Debian and would like to make that switch.

Can someone help me out with the steps? I've got a Linux box (Ubuntu) up and running with a flash drive plugged in ready to follow brodhi's steps over here but want to be sure I know what I'm doing. Still not that confident with my Linux experience.,12096

I tried to mount the USB drive at /media/sdb1 but from what I can tell so far it's mounted at /dev/sdb1 and when I CD to the /media directory I see the USB drive @ /media/username/XXX-XXXX

I used X's but it's a series of numbers that I'm not sure I should disclose. I think it's just the volume ID of the storage device.

Am I on the right track?

edit :

Reading other posts it looks like I can format the drive on Windows as well (more comforatble with that method) but not sure what I need to do other than make it ext3 (or ext2) and label it "rootfs" with only 1 partition. Does it need to marked "active" as well?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/19/2015 11:49AM by Lenny.
Re: How do I swtich from ArchLinux to Debian on E02
February 19, 2015 12:33PM
When you boot from the Ubuntu installation usb drive and into ubuntu, you can then run open a "command prompt" console.

then run the following commands

su root (if asked for a password just hit the return key)

this will launch gparted and is a graphical tool to allow you to create partitions etc.
create an EXT3 partition on the usb drive you wish to use, format it and label it to rootfs

download the root filesystem and extract to your usb drive
you will need to read bodhi's release notes and make any adjustments that are relevant to your box

then install the usb
and marvel in the glory of a new debian install and thank bodhi and the other developers on here for a marvellous contribution to the world!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/19/2015 12:35PM by Gravelrash.
Re: How do I swtich from ArchLinux to Debian on E02
February 19, 2015 01:09PM

Do what Gravelrash suggested on Ubuntu, not Windows.

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