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Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate

Posted by Adam 
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 07, 2015 08:28PM
Many thanks Bodhi and grayman4hire for the information.
Re: when you say these are Pogo 3
April 07, 2015 09:03PM
JoeyPogoPlugE02 Wrote:
> -edit-
> bohdi I don't mean to sound freakout, but I don't
> know which you were referring to when you say
> "these are".
> I ordered a good one or not?

Yes they are good. The one you've ordered are P02, so it's Pogo V3 dual-core. If that's what you intended to buy.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2015 09:05PM by bodhi.
April 07, 2015 10:49PM
oh that's great - I'll probably configure one for OpenWRT and the other as Debian NAS heartbeat.

Forgive my non-saviness but if anyone knows of a good, cheap TTL to USB thing (not just a guess plz!) let me know. I have a few bucks on my PayPal but... due to their terminology that "address confirmation" is accomplished using a credit card... last night NewEgg won't let me process (their loss). The money is in the account and I've ordered for a year now, no problems. Adorama didn't require "address confirmation" and in fact it said it shipped to the address as told by PayPal! Cray cray. Oh well.

Seeing as how I've got some time to prepare, I'll tune up the E02 and prepare for the next step. Thanks bodhi now and every person previous.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2015 10:51PM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.
Re: saweet!
April 07, 2015 10:55PM
I'm using this:


You can just get the converter and find the wires at your work place.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
April 07, 2015 11:16PM
Two on the way just in case. Again they got my address from PayPal. Thanks much, I'll keep an eye out for the cable and likely probably have one on hand. Hear that Leggo? I'll go register at openWRT as JoeGuinea or something LOL

Thinking out loud again, another place i might deviate from Zyxel and other's designs, is to use the standard laptop cooler fan for the cooling needs. Dead silent, variable speeds, replaceable from 75 cents at Salvation Army (mine was new in a box for that) to $12 at BigLots, and USB powered.

Well this ought to be neat - thanks again - barring interim problems I'll get back to the E02 and see if I can blatantly replicate Gravelrash's Debian config to Arch. Great learning. Thanks SO much!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2015 11:37PM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.
Re: done!
April 08, 2015 05:51AM
JoeyPogoPlugE02 Wrote:
I'll get back to the E02
> and see if I can blatantly replicate Gravelrash's
> Debian config to Arch. Great learning. Thanks SO
> much!

:)) Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery :))
Good luck!!
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 08, 2015 05:20PM
Which makes "Imitation" and login name "gravelrash" flattery and a half :-D

I was wondering too, if anyone minds, final cables to acquire for Pro before I'm broke...

* I don't understand the eSata adapter thing - the pics I've seen online made me think it was a standard SATA jack and run it out to SATA drive. Not so? Specialty cables needed?

* another thing that piqued my imagination, is Leggo saying the Wifi card is plugged into a "mini-pci-e slot". This get me head spinning with possibilities, including (but not limited to) a (gasp) graphics adapter. My Pogos don't need a graphics adapter but I wouldn't' turn one down either.

Or USB 3 port or anything that connects to PCIe.

In my case, since Pogos need DHCP lovin' and all routers have wireless, I wouldn't need the onboard WiFi as much as something COOL that plugs into PCie.
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 08, 2015 06:19PM

> * I don't understand the eSata adapter thing - the
> pics I've seen online made me think it was a
> standard SATA jack and run it out to SATA drive.
> Not so? Specialty cables needed?

SATA connector is inside the box. So you want SATA-eSATA cable in order to use the eSATA enclosures. You can also plug in SATA-SATA cable, but then it can only be used with one external drive.

> * another thing that piqued my imagination, is
> Leggo saying the Wifi card is plugged into a
> "mini-pci-e slot". This get me head spinning with
> possibilities, including (but not limited to) a
> (gasp) graphics adapter. My Pogos don't need a
> graphics adapter but I wouldn't' turn one down
> either.

If anybody can find a cheap PCIe graphics adapter sold somewhere please post.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
yeah yer right
April 08, 2015 09:42PM
Yeah although there's a lot of nice "upgrades" for that particular slot (bluetooth, AC WiFi, SATA SSD etc) I don't see affordable mini pcie graphics cards. Therefore what i'll keep an eye out for is, adapters from mini to regular pcie. I already see some in the $7 neighborhood, and if that's possible then the world of anything pcie is right there. I'm certain there's not enough onboard power to float a whole PCIE graphics card, but there's something about that port I expect to have an aha! moment any time now.

I'll drop that tangent in the meantime.

But for now, depending on cheap SSD or 2.5 SATA solutions, that mini pcie slot might best be used for storage retrieval.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2015 10:20PM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 08, 2015 11:15PM
bodhi Wrote:
> If anybody can find a cheap PCIe graphics adapter
> sold somewhere please post.

This would get you part way there: http://www.ebay.com/itm/261446605806?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

I don't recall if anybody has tried a DisplayLink USB video display adapter like this one with Pogoplug: http://www.amazon.com/Plugable-USB-VGA-165-1920x1080-1600x1200-DisplayLink/dp/B004D0QC0A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1428552834&sr=8-1&keywords=displaylink+usb
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 08, 2015 11:52PM
(I might have thought the other-way-around adapter was $7, sorry if true)

I really like that riser one, it's the one that impressed me at Amazon. That makes so much sense it isn't funny, a true PCie jack on the outside of a pogoplug and maybe even a drip of power if the device is efficient.

Hey Leggo somewhere I saw you salivating over the idea of AC wireless, and one thing i can say after owning three, they can have enormous fragmentation and require insane RAM usage. I wouldn't go there for pogoplug unless it's free somehow.

Well i may as well hit the sack while the hittin's good.
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 09:34AM
bodhi Wrote:

> If anybody can find a cheap PCIe graphics adapter
> sold somewhere please post.


here are a few options for PCIE graphics

will need a minipcie to pcie adaptor tho
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 03:43PM
After rebuilding and reflashing my FON2100, I can now use it to connect to the serial console on my PogoPlug Pro P02. What surprises me is the original firmware on my PogoPlug Pro P02 is full of garbage files that are of 0 size in almost every directories. The rootfs (/) directory is as shown below. I wonder if it is safe to remove them.
/ # ls -la
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:01 -b
drwxr-xr-x   14 root     root          1560 Jan  1 00:13 .
drwxr-xr-x   14 root     root          1560 Jan  1 00:13 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:05 1] 
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:01 SW
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:01 [ox820direct_eh]
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4408 Jan  1 00:02 bin
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:01 cd
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root         19016 Jun 10  2010 dev 
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:13 e
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root          1232 Jan  1 00:06 etc
drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root          2240 Nov 30  2010 lib
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:01 lllllllllllslslslslslslslslslsls
drwx------    2 root     root           160 Nov 30  2010 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root           160 Jun 10  2010 mnt
dr-xr-xr-x   46 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:00 proc
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:01 pwd
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root           160 Jun 10  2010 root
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          2848 Nov 30  2010 sbin
drwxr-xr-x   11 root     root             0 Jan  1 00:00 sys
drwxrwxrwt    3 root     root            80 Jan  1 00:17 tmp
drwxr-xr-x    7 root     root           480 Nov 30  2010 usr
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root             8 Nov 30  2010 var -> /tmp/var
/ #
OTOH, the /etc/shadow file seems to contain an unknown password for root account (root:$1$fPVAGjvb$h7mEC9fKHuLr2EWGJoG0y1:14167:0:99999:7:::). I replaced it with a known hash key from the /etc/shadow file of my Seagate GoFLEX Home and SSH connection is still disabled (ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused). When I got my Seagate GoFLEX Home, I was able to enable SSH by just copying the root hash key from the /etc/shadow file of my Seagate DockStar, IIRC. So, does anyone out here know how to enable the SSH via a serial console connection?
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 03:52PM

> When I got my Seagate GoFLEX Home, I was
> able to enable SSH by just copying the root hash
> key from the /etc/shadow file of my Seagate
> DockStar, IIRC. So, does anyone out here know how
> to enable the SSH via a serial console connection?

The correct way to enable SSH on a brand new Pogo is to register and enable SSH at website (furthermore, connection refused could be someting else, not just the key). If you intent to keep stock software, you must enable SSH the official way first, and then log in , change password. But if you don't care, then just flash new u-boot (nanddump mtd0 for restore purpose first).

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 03:54PM
Gravelrash Wrote:
> bodhi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If anybody can find a cheap PCIe graphics
> adapter
> > sold somewhere please post.
> @bidhi
> here are a few options for PCIE graphics
> http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/Computer-Components-Part
> s-/175673/i.html?_from=R40&LH_BIN=1&_nkw=pcie+grap
> hics+card&_sop=15
> will need a minipcie to pcie adaptor tho


Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 04:36PM
Finally, I managed to enable SSH through a serial/console connection on my PogoPlug Pro P02 sans going through the registration on a PogoPlug site. Here is how I did it through a serial/console connection:
  1. Remount rootfs as read/write. Interestingly, I found out this isn't necessary through a serial/console.
    mount -o remount,rw /
  2. Apply this patch to disable the hbwd
    --- a/usr/local/cloudengines/bin/hbplug_init/hbplug_init 2015-04-09 17:27:35.833340185 -0400  +++ b/usr/local/cloudengines/bin/hbplug_init/hbplug_init 2015-04-09 17:24:45.868408745 -0400  @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@  echo -n "Starting hbplug: "  ulimit -n 65536  ulimit -c unlimited  - nohup $INSTDIR/bin/hbwd $INSTDIR/bin/hbplug > /dev/null 2>&1 &  + #nohup $INSTDIR/bin/hbwd $INSTDIR/bin/hbplug > /dev/null 2>&1 &  echo "Success"   return $RETVAL
  3. Apply this patch to enable SSH:
    --- a/etc/init.d/rcS 2015-04-09 17:17:05.738716446 -0400  +++ b/etc/init.d/rcS 2015-04-09 17:16:52.416059116 -0400  @@ -53,10 +53,8 @@   /etc/init.d/db   -if [ "x$cedebug" != "x" ]; then  - telnetd  - /usr/sbin/dropbear  -fi  +/usr/sbin/telnetd  +/usr/sbin/dropbear   ifconfig ra0 up # Moved here to avoid race  /etc/init.d/hbmgr.sh start
  4. Reboot your PogoPlug Pro P02 device.
Now, it is time to upgrade u-boot from an SSH login.
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 04:50PM

It's the hacker's way :) so you can no longer use Pogoplug software, FWIW.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 05:21PM
@bodhi - I am not sure exactly what you meant by PogoPlug software. If you meant PogoPlug services, you are right. However, the procedure is reversible so long as the the device runs on the stock firmware, AFAICT. I believe it is also possible to move the firmware to a USB stick and let the device run off from it to use the PogoPlug services.
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 06:23PM
I'm no coder habibie but am interested in what you're saying. I never cared to run Pogo software on my first plug, but after what I've seen, if I could crowbar Pogo's software from broadcasting to foreign nations... or put it this way... I live in rural America, and would love to have a neighborhood file sharing thing going, maybe 1-2 thousand feet in any direction. Most especially a message board, off the Internet, just local. This could be accomplished by having my Netgear N600 router/USB stick out in the shed, but there's no nice GUI of nice pretty categories of pics, books, videos (just sayin') like original Pogo or other apps have. Even my G-connect has a nice GUI for those accessing it... why god why...
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 08:48PM
JoeyPogoPlugE02 Wrote:
> I'm no coder habibie but am interested in what
> you're saying. I never cared to run Pogo software
> on my first plug, but after what I've seen, if I
> could crowbar Pogo's software from broadcasting to
> foreign nations... or put it this way... I live in
> rural America, and would love to have a
> neighborhood file sharing thing going, maybe 1-2
> thousand feet in any direction. Most especially a
> message board, off the Internet, just local. This
> could be accomplished by having my Netgear N600
> router/USB stick out in the shed, but there's no
> nice GUI of nice pretty categories of pics, books,
> videos (just sayin') like original Pogo or other
> apps have. Even my G-connect has a nice GUI for
> those accessing it... why god why...
I am not sure if I have understood what you were saying. Were you saying you want to run original PogoPlug firmware through a USB memory stick which I have never done it? AFAICT (probably more involved), in order to do this, one will need to configure uboot in such a way to load the Linux kernel and then rootfs from the media. I am sure Bodhi and/or someone else who is more knowledgeable will be able to chime it.
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 08:58PM
LeggoMyEggo Wrote:
> I just checked here:
> http://support.pogoplug.com/hc/en-us/articles/2023
> 07730-What-are-the-product-specs-for-my-Pogoplug-d
> evice- . Pogoplug calls it armv6 "compatible"
> which makes you kinda wonder if it is armv6 or
> armv11 as I saw a reference here:
> http://www.datasheetarchive.com/dl/Datasheet-097/D
> SA00159702.pdf. Look here too:
> http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/hardward/doc/soc.oxnas
From my PogoPlug Pro P02, cat /proc/cpuinfo returns an ARMv6 as shown below:
/etc/init.d # cat /proc/cpuinfo 
Processor	: ARMv6-compatible processor rev 5 (v6l)
processor	: 0
BogoMIPS	: 279.34

processor	: 1
BogoMIPS	: 279.34

Features	: swp half thumb fastmult edsp java 
CPU implementer	: 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant	: 0x0
CPU part	: 0xb02
CPU revision	: 5

Hardware	: Oxsemi NAS
Revision	: 0000
Serial		: 0000000000000000
/etc/init.d #
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 09:06PM
grayman4hire Wrote:
> Try my tutorial I just published. It's still a
> work in progress and your feedback would be
> welcome. Thanks
> http://blog.qnology.com/2015/04/hacking-pogoplug-v
> 3oxnas-proclassic.html

I just got a Pro and a Mobile and haven't had a chance to try your tutorials yet (thanks, by the way!), but I did notice a small flaw in the Pro page. The links for the POGO-P01 and POGO-P02 both link to the same thing (P02) on the Adorama site. And while we're at it, what's the difference between the two (other than the $3)?

Looking forward to putting Debian on these things when I get a chance!
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 09:21PM
renojim Wrote:
> grayman4hire Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Try my tutorial I just published. It's still a
> > work in progress and your feedback would be
> > welcome. Thanks
> >
> >
> http://blog.qnology.com/2015/04/hacking-pogoplug-v
> > 3oxnas-proclassic.html
> I just got a Pro and a Mobile and haven't had a
> chance to try your tutorials yet (thanks, by the
> way!), but I did notice a small flaw in the Pro
> page. The links for the POGO-P01 and POGO-P02
> both link to the same thing (P02) on the Adorama
> site. And while we're at it, what's the
> difference between the two (other than the $3)?
> Looking forward to putting Debian on these things
> when I get a chance!
> -JT

Thanks for letting me know. Supposedly the POGO-P01 is a PRO, but If you want the Pro I would suggest getting the one that is clearly advertised as a Pogoplug Pro (POGO-P02).
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 11:33PM

> Thanks for letting me know. Supposedly the
> POGO-P01 is a PRO, but If you want the Pro I would
> suggest getting the one that is clearly advertised
> as a Pogoplug Pro (POGO-P02).

The Pogoplug P01 is even more certain that's a Pro version. That's the first Pro version in the US.


Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2015 11:35PM by bodhi.
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 09, 2015 11:51PM
habibie Wrote:

> >
> I am not sure if I have understood what you were
> saying. Were you saying you want to run original
> PogoPlug firmware through a USB memory stick which
> I have never done it? AFAICT (probably more
> involved), in order to do this, one will need to
> configure uboot in such a way to load the Linux
> kernel and then rootfs from the media. I am sure
> Bodhi and/or someone else who is more
> knowledgeable will be able to chime it.

My newb-thusiasm gets the best of me sometimes; I'll slip out the back, jack and let weightier conversations prevail.
But before my nose hits the grindstone I'll just share one last whacko idea - something to do with using said graphics adapter solely for the extra RAM, or otherwise use that PCIE slot for RAM. The reason being, if i read the specs correctly, seems the speed is half that of USB 3, but is still a fast bus. End of tangent :-) You were saying?
-update ARGH! I keep defaulting to my current Pogo using USB 2.0 in and out. I forget about SATA already in the Pro. Excuse me.... :-)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2015 11:58PM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 10, 2015 01:06AM

> using said graphics adapter solely for the extra
> RAM, or otherwise use that PCIE slot for RAM

It's a really good idea not whacky at all, if we can make it work for a cheap price! The PogoPro CPU performance with an overclocked SPL 850MHz is equivalent to a 1.6GHz Zyxel NSA325 :) the same juice you'd get for 1/10 of the cost. But with less memory.

However, when you add in the RAM to the PCI bus on typical Windows boxes, did you have to use the slower RAM speed? I have never looked closely into this issue on a PC so it is an honest question!

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Pogoplug sale! $5 after rebate
April 10, 2015 01:33AM
bodhi Wrote:

> However, when you add in the RAM to the PCI bus on
> typical Windows boxes, did you have to use the
> slower RAM speed? I have never looked closely into
> this issue on a PC so it is an honest question!

I'm still in the brainstorming zone, throwing pasta at the ceiling, and only got as far as thinking extra ram could be a real cushy hard drive access buffer and swap drive. So really any number that's faster than current swap file. I see adapters out there for mini PCIe to USB 3, but I don't know how they arrive at that calculation unless there's some double data rate thing going on. I was never too much a hardware guy. I've even come to a place to see the benefits of a wireless Pogo with two hard drives strapped to it, place anywhere...

But that adapter, that's what I'll keep an eye out for, or some (you know how that goes) $2 part that has that adapter incidentally LOL

Yeah I'm somewhat off the graphics adapter tangent but then again, meaningful PCie cards are usually cheaper than the adapter! We'll find something.
uhm... fellas?
April 10, 2015 02:28PM
I can't believe this: if integratable this fulfills the awesomeness of Pogo:


Or 1-Gig version for under $9:


If it's possible to manage it, and that particular Pogoplug dosen't need graphics nor wireless, this is IT!

If this alone is doable, that is,if any expert here thinks that's possible, I'll order two before bedtime.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2015 04:04PM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.
Re: uhm... fellas?
April 10, 2015 04:55PM
> If this alone is doable, that is,if any expert
> here thinks that's possible, I'll order two before
> bedtime.

Best get ordering joey.....format it as a swap drive and mount from fstab. With an aggressive setting in the sysctl.conf and you have your expanded memory.
April 10, 2015 07:30PM
On second thought I might be lucky Amazon doesn't take PayPal. The reviewers bring some great insights to the table. One, that it's memory that can wear out. What i had in mind was, a memory that's as durable as regular RAM. Still if i see the same part I might make a China order off eBay for a couple other RAMS for my little Wyze SX0. For some of you especially Windows users, these devices are SO cheap i have to mention it:


I've got two of those and they're so cute I'm about to drill some holes in the walls for ethernet to finalize downloads/torrents every night. Perfect match if Pogo is next to the router.

While we're at it, figure a desirable Zyxel has 512 MB to play with, and in this case an Amazon reviewer said you can only use 512 MB at a time. Still not a deal breaker me thinks. I was going to ask if the pogo would still run with a 2 GB piece if that's the only part I can get?

I don't mean to count my chickens before they hatch, but may as well just prepare the barbecue now and get it out of the way LOL

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2015 07:50PM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.

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