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Static IP and DHCP at the same time?

Posted by grayman4hire 
Static IP and DHCP at the same time?
August 03, 2015 06:04PM
I posted this question on the archlinuxarm forum but thought I'll also ask this here.

This is more of a general linux networking question...

On my Pogoplug E02/V4 running DEBIAN, is it possible to have both a static IP Address and receive a DHCP address from my router?

Basically, have a static IP Address of something like but at the same time receive an IP Address from my router (192.168.1.x) on the same physical ethernet interface. I know it's trivial to setup multiple IP Addresses on the same physical interface, but wondering if it's possible with one IP being static and the other dynamic.

Any examples? Thank you in advance.

Pogoplug V2 and V3 Serial Connection
Tutorial - Pogoplug v4 (Series 4 and Mobile) with Linux (Debian or Arch)

OpenWRT on Pogoplug Mobile
Tutorial - Pogoplug E02/V4 with Arch Linux ARM
Hacking the Pogoplug v3/Oxnas (Pro/Classic) with Debian

OpenWRT on Pogoplug v3/Oxnas (Pro/Classic)
August 06, 2015 11:18AM
Like so you could use a static mode for home LAN server on a switch without a router assigning IP and then dynamic mode for when you want router to assign it?

-= Cloud 9 =-
Re: Static IP and DHCP at the same time?
August 06, 2015 01:48PM
@Joey, yes.

My use case is fairly simple - I want a static IP Address so I can always access my Pogoplug using that, but would also like to get an IP Address assigned via DHCP when available.

Pogoplug V2 and V3 Serial Connection
Tutorial - Pogoplug v4 (Series 4 and Mobile) with Linux (Debian or Arch)

OpenWRT on Pogoplug Mobile
Tutorial - Pogoplug E02/V4 with Arch Linux ARM
Hacking the Pogoplug v3/Oxnas (Pro/Classic) with Debian

OpenWRT on Pogoplug v3/Oxnas (Pro/Classic)
Re: Static IP and DHCP at the same time?
August 07, 2015 12:24PM
The only thing that crossed my newb mind is wondering if you could set Pogoplug's host name to a static number like your ""?
If that worked (something tells me that's iffy), then your other IP assignment could change with the router.


-update- I'm still not able to test this idea, but was hoping to help a brainstorm session.

-= Cloud 9 =-

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/11/2015 12:28AM by JoeyPogoPlugE02.

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