Re: Debian on ARM Topics and Tutorials September 03, 2015 07:00PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,314 |
Re: Debian on ARM Topics and Tutorials November 21, 2016 03:01PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,314 |
Network performance - SAMBA - NFS (various protocols)
Pogo Pro V3 Network NFS benchmarks
Kirkwood vs OXNAS network performance
Kirkwood vs OXNAS network performance (turn off flow control)
Debian Desktop
XFCE desktop Pogoplug Debian
Pogoplug Debian with XDM display manager
Linux Logo
Developer Section
Jeff's Notes on building uBoot for the Kirwood plugs
Finding address of stock envs of fw_printenv
Sata DOM hardware mod to Canvio NAS
LAN printer - CUPS Setup, Google Cloud Print
Under/Over the hood Modding
Pogoplug Network Stack with PiHole: pics, and description
Booting Other Linux Distros on Pogoplug
How to boot Arch Linux ARM with bodhi's released u-boot
How to boot Void Linux with bodhi's released u-boot
Under/Over the hood Modding
Make your inexpensive GoFLEX Home/Net SATA HDD cable
VOIP - Asterisk / Fusion/ FreeSWITCH
Fusion/FreesSWITCH on debian
VOIP - Asterisk / Fusion/ FreeSWITCH
Fusion/FreesSWITCH on debian and more tips here and here.
Automount USB drives with udev rules using disk label
Under/Over the hood Modding
Pogoplug Pro / V3 Internal SSD Mod
Pogoplug Pro HW mods
USB Wireless Extender (homemade antenna)
Adding 2nd SATA to HP Thin Client T5325 - Mod 1
Adding 2nd SATA to HP Thin Client T5325 - Mod 2
Connect to external SATA drives (or eSATA enclosures) from a Pogoplug V4
Dual Wireless Antenna on Pogo V3
A quiet and movable fan for your desktop case
NSA320 mod for an additional usb port
Pogoplug Pro V3 Dual Antenna for Wifi
Sata DOM hardware mod to Canvio NAS
Reset button for Pogoplug V3 (OXNAS)
Pogo V3 Pro internal Dual SD Card (USB 2.0) using mPCIe slot
Make your inexpensive GoFLEX Home/Net SATA HDD cable
Pogoplug Network Stack with PiHole: pics, and description
PiHole on Pogoplug Mobile
PiHole on Pogoplug Pro V3 (OXNAS)
Under/Over the hood Modding
Dell Kace M300 internal HDD Mod, and SSD Mod.
Developer Section
Jeff's Notes on building uBoot for the Kirwood plugs
Finding address of stock envs of fw_printenv
Basic steps in building Linux modules
Peek/Poke GPIOs in serial console (Armada SoC example)
Peek/Poke GPIOs in serial console (Kirkwood SoC example)
UBIFS example
Debian on Lenovo IX2 NAS
See this very well written tutorial by Geoff (external link)