Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 19, 2017 01:38AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
sudo -i
cd ~ mkdir stuff
cd ~/stuff wget mv 2yTkIaH linux-4.13.5-kirkwood-tld-1-bodhi.tar.bz2
cd ~/stuff wget mv 2gW5oGg Debian-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2
cd /media/superuser/rootfs tar -xjf ~/stuff/Debian-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2
cat /media/superuser/rootfs/etc/fstab # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> LABEL=rootfs / ext3 noatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
cd /media/superuser/rootfs/boot cp -a zImage-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 zImage.fdt cat dts/kirkwood-n1t1.dtb >> zImage.fdt mv uImage uImage.orig mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x00008000 -e 0x00008000 -n Linux-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 -d zImage.fdt uImage
Image Name: Linux-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 Created: Sun Nov 19 08:12:25 2017 Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 3833874 Bytes = 3744.02 kB = 3.66 MB Load Address: 00008000 Entry Point: 00008000
sudo -i gtkterm
setenv console 'console=ttyS0,115200 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env)' setenv bootargs_usb 'root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 earlyprintk=serial' setenv bootargs '$(console) $(bootargs_usb)' setenv mainlineLinux yes
LGE-NAS>> usb start (Re)start USB... USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
LGE-NAS>> ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage .... . 3833938 bytes read
LGE-NAS>> ext2load usb 0:1 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd .... . 7245696 bytes read
LGE-NAS>> printenv bootargs bootargs=$(console) $(bootargs_usb) LGE-NAS>> printenv baudrate=115200 loads_echo=0 ipaddr= serverip= rootpath=/opt/Orion-SDK/armel-2.0/rootfs netmask= run_diag=yes CASset=min MALLOC_len=1 ethprime=egiga0 bootargs_nfs=root=/dev/nfs rw bootargs_end=:::DB88FXX81:eth0:none image_name=uImage boot_name=u-boot.bin up-boot=tftp 2000000 nt/$(boot_name); sflash protect off; sflash erase all; sflash write 2000000 0 $(filesize) root_path=root=/dev/md0 rw read-kern=ide reset; ext2load ide 0 2000000 /boot/$(image_name); mem-clear=mw.l 1000000 0x00000000 1000000 bootcmd_nfs=tftpboot 0x2000000 $(image_name); setenv bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_root) nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath) ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip)$(bootargs_end) $(mvNetConfig) $(mvPhoneConfig); bootm 0x2000000; bootcmd_hdd=run read-kern; setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000; bootcmd_enc=run mem-clear; set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) enclosure; ide res; ide load; bootm 1000000 2000000 bootargs_ram=root=/dev/ram0 rw tftp-ram=tftp 1000000 nt/$(uImage-ram); tftp 2000000 nt/ramdisk_image; set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram); bootm 1000000 2000000 uImage-ram=uImage-2.6.30-nt1_11_ramdisk bootcmd=run bootcmd_hdd bootcmd_tftp=tftp 0x2000000 $(image_name); setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000; ethmtu=1500 mvPhoneConfig=mv_phone_config=dev0:fxs,dev1:fxs mvNetConfig=mv_net_config=(00:11:88:0f:62:81,0:1:2:3),mtu=1500 usb0Mode=host yuk_ethaddr=00:00:00:EE:51:81 netretry=no rcvrip= loadaddr=0x02000000 autoload=no ethact=egiga0 ethaddr=00:E0:91:81:5F:C4 nas_type=0x00000110 stdin=serial stdout=serial stderr=serial enaMonExt=no enaCpuStream=no enaWrAllo=no pexMode=RC disL2Cache=no setL2CacheWT=yes disL2Prefetch=yes enaICPref=yes enaDCPref=yes sata_dma_mode=yes netbsd_en=no vxworks_en=no firmware=firmware.tar.gz bootcmd_netenc=set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) netenc nas_type=$(nas_type) IP=$(ipaddr) SIP=$(serverip) FW=$(firmware); bootm 1000000 2000000 bootcmd_usbenc=set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) usbenc nas_type=$(nas_type) IP=$(ipaddr) SIP=$(serverip) FW=$(firmware); bootm 1000000 2000000 bootdelay=1 disaMvPnp=no hddPowerCtrl=no enaAutoRecovery=no pcieTune=no console=console=ttyS0,115200 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) bootargs_usb=root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 earlyprintk=serial bootargs=$(console) $(bootargs_usb) mainlineLinux=yes filesize=6E8F80 Environment size: 2438/4092 bytes
LGE-NAS>> bootm 0x800000 0x1100000 ## Booting image at 00800000 ..., header_size = 00000040, header_addr = 0068dcdc image_header_t hdr contents hdr->ih_magic = 56190527, hdr->ih_hcrc = fb4cc272 hdr->ih_time = d92e115a, hdr->ih_size = 003a8012 hdr->ih_load = 00800000, hdr->ih_ep = 00800000 hdr->ih_dcrc = 782af5e6 hdr->ih_os = 05, hdr->ih_arch = 02 hdr->ih_type = 02, hdr->ih_comp = 00 hdr->ih_name = Linux-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 Image Name: Linux-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 Created: 2017-11-19 7:12:25 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 3833874 Bytes = 3.7 MB Load Address: 00008000 Entry Point: 00008000 Verifying Checksum ... OK OK ## Loading Ramdisk Image at 01100000, header_addr = 0068dcdc, header_size = 00000040 ... RAMdisk image_header_t hdr contents hdr->ih_magic = 56190527, hdr->ih_hcrc = 54ee2b5c hdr->ih_time = cf3c7559, hdr->ih_size = 006e8f40 hdr->ih_load = 00000000, hdr->ih_ep = 00000000 hdr->ih_dcrc = 4887aca3 hdr->ih_os = 05, hdr->ih_arch = 02 hdr->ih_type = 03, hdr->ih_comp = 01 hdr->ih_name = initramfs-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 Image Name: initramfs-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 Created: 2017-07-24 0:18:23 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (gzip compressed) Data Size: 7245632 Bytes = 6.9 MB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Starting kernel ... Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 19, 2017 03:48AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
su -
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv mainlineLinux yes usb start mw 0x800000 0 1 ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage printenv bootargs printenv bootm 0x800000
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 19, 2017 03:49AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv mainlineLinux yes usb start mw 0x800000 0 1 ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage ext2load usb 0:1 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd printenv bootargs printenv bootm 0x800000 0x1100000
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 19, 2017 05:30AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 19, 2017 05:46AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv mainlineLinux yes usb start mw 0x800000 0 1 ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd printenv bootargs printenv bootm 0x800000 0x2100000
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 19, 2017 06:20AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
su -
cd ~ mkdir stuff
cd ~/stuff wget mv 2yTkIaH linux-4.13.5-kirkwood-tld-1-bodhi.tar.bz2
cd ~/stuff wget mv 2gW5oGg Debian-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2
cd /media/superuser/rootfs tar -xjf ~/stuff/Debian-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2
cat /media/superuser/rootfs/etc/fstab # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> LABEL=rootfs / ext3 noatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
cd /media/superuser/rootfs/boot cp -a zImage-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 zImage.fdt cat dts/kirkwood-n1t1.dtb >> zImage.fdt mv uImage uImage.orig mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x00008000 -e 0x00008000 -n Linux-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 -d zImage.fdt uImage
Image Name: Linux-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 Created: Sun Nov 19 08:12:25 2017 Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 3833874 Bytes = 3744.02 kB = 3.66 MB Load Address: 00008000 Entry Point: 00008000
su - gtkterm
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv mainlineLinux yes
LGE-NAS>> usb start (Re)start USB... USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
LGE-NAS>> mw 0x800000 0 1 LGE-NAS>> ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage .... . 3833938 bytes read
LGE-NAS>> ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd .... . 7245696 bytes read
LGE-NAS>> printenv bootargs bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial LGE-NAS>> printenv baudrate=115200 loads_echo=0 ipaddr= serverip= rootpath=/opt/Orion-SDK/armel-2.0/rootfs netmask= run_diag=yes console=console=ttyS0,115200 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) CASset=min MALLOC_len=1 ethprime=egiga0 bootargs_nfs=root=/dev/nfs rw bootargs_end=:::DB88FXX81:eth0:none image_name=uImage boot_name=u-boot.bin up-boot=tftp 2000000 nt/$(boot_name); sflash protect off; sflash erase all; sflash write 2000000 0 $(filesize) root_path=root=/dev/md0 rw read-kern=ide reset; ext2load ide 0 2000000 /boot/$(image_name); mem-clear=mw.l 1000000 0x00000000 1000000 bootcmd_nfs=tftpboot 0x2000000 $(image_name); setenv bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_root) nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath) ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip)$(bootargs_end) $(mvNetConfig) $(mvPhoneConfig); bootm 0x2000000; bootcmd_hdd=run read-kern; setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000; bootargs_usb=root=/dev/sdc2 rw rootdelay=10 bootcmd_enc=run mem-clear; set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) enclosure; ide res; ide load; bootm 1000000 2000000 bootargs_ram=root=/dev/ram0 rw tftp-ram=tftp 1000000 nt/$(uImage-ram); tftp 2000000 nt/ramdisk_image; set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram); bootm 1000000 2000000 uImage-ram=uImage-2.6.30-nt1_11_ramdisk bootcmd=run bootcmd_hdd bootcmd_tftp=tftp 0x2000000 $(image_name); setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000; ethmtu=1500 mvPhoneConfig=mv_phone_config=dev0:fxs,dev1:fxs mvNetConfig=mv_net_config=(00:11:88:0f:62:81,0:1:2:3),mtu=1500 usb0Mode=host yuk_ethaddr=00:00:00:EE:51:81 netretry=no rcvrip= loadaddr=0x02000000 autoload=no ethact=egiga0 ethaddr=00:E0:91:81:5F:C4 nas_type=0x00000110 stdin=serial stdout=serial stderr=serial enaMonExt=no enaCpuStream=no enaWrAllo=no pexMode=RC disL2Cache=no setL2CacheWT=yes disL2Prefetch=yes enaICPref=yes enaDCPref=yes sata_dma_mode=yes netbsd_en=no vxworks_en=no firmware=firmware.tar.gz bootcmd_netenc=set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) netenc nas_type=$(nas_type) IP=$(ipaddr) SIP=$(serverip) FW=$(firmware); bootm 1000000 2000000 bootcmd_usbenc=set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) usbenc nas_type=$(nas_type) IP=$(ipaddr) SIP=$(serverip) FW=$(firmware); bootm 1000000 2000000 bootdelay=1 disaMvPnp=no hddPowerCtrl=no enaAutoRecovery=no pcieTune=no bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial mainlineLinux=yes filesize=6E8F80 Environment size: 2519/4092 bytes
LGE-NAS>> bootm 0x800000 0x2100000
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 19, 2017 06:37AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 19, 2017 08:07AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv mainlineLinux yes setenv bootcmd 'run usb_boot' setenv start_myusb 'usb start' setenv run_mw 'mw 0x800000 0 1' setenv load_uimage 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage' setenv load_initrd 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd' setenv usb_boot 'run start_myusb; run run_mw; run load_uimage; run load_initrd; bootm 0x800000 0x2100000;' saveenv
LGE-NAS>> run bootcmd_hdd Reset IDE: Marvell Serial ATA Adapter, MAX_DEVICE=32 Integrated Sata device found Channel 0/2 is connected ... This is ATA Disk at channel 0 [0 0 0]: Enable DMA mode (6) Device 0 @ 0 0: Model: Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 Firm: JP4OA3EA Ser#: JP2940HD0Z3K3C Type: Hard Disk Supports 48-bit addressing Capacity: 953869.7 MB = 931.5 GB ( Block : 512) Channel 1/2 is connected ... eDmaRegsOffset1 = 24000, eDmaRegsOffset4 = 6002c0, SEC_CNT:01, SEC_NUM:01, CYL_LOW:14, CYL_HIGH:eb ATAPI Indentify Command Done 2441160 bytes read ## Booting image at 02000000 ..., header_size = 00000040, header_addr = 0068dcdc image_header_t hdr contents hdr->ih_magic = 56190527, hdr->ih_hcrc = da0b609e hdr->ih_time = 0ca2c44e, hdr->ih_size = 00253f88 hdr->ih_load = 00800000, hdr->ih_ep = 00800000 hdr->ih_dcrc = 82b877e2 hdr->ih_os = 05, hdr->ih_arch = 02 hdr->ih_type = 02, hdr->ih_comp = 00 hdr->ih_name = Linux- Image Name: Linux- Created: 2011-11-17 5:56:28 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 2441096 Bytes = 2.3 MB Load Address: 00008000 Entry Point: 00008000 Verifying Checksum ... OK OK Starting kernel ... Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
LGE-NAS>> printenv baudrate=115200 loads_echo=0 ipaddr= serverip= rootpath=/opt/Orion-SDK/armel-2.0/rootfs netmask= run_diag=yes console=console=ttyS0,115200 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) CASset=min MALLOC_len=1 ethprime=egiga0 bootargs_nfs=root=/dev/nfs rw bootargs_end=:::DB88FXX81:eth0:none image_name=uImage boot_name=u-boot.bin up-boot=tftp 2000000 nt/$(boot_name); sflash protect off; sflash erase all; sflash write 2000000 0 $(filesize) root_path=root=/dev/md0 rw read-kern=ide reset; ext2load ide 0 2000000 /boot/$(image_name); mem-clear=mw.l 1000000 0x00000000 1000000 bootcmd_nfs=tftpboot 0x2000000 $(image_name); setenv bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_root) nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath) ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip)$(bootargs_end) $(mvNetConfig) $(mvPhoneConfig); bootm 0x2000000; bootcmd_hdd=run read-kern; setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000; bootargs_usb=root=/dev/sdc2 rw rootdelay=10 bootcmd_enc=run mem-clear; set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) enclosure; ide res; ide load; bootm 1000000 2000000 bootargs_ram=root=/dev/ram0 rw tftp-ram=tftp 1000000 nt/$(uImage-ram); tftp 2000000 nt/ramdisk_image; set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram); bootm 1000000 2000000 uImage-ram=uImage-2.6.30-nt1_11_ramdisk bootcmd_tftp=tftp 0x2000000 $(image_name); setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000; ethmtu=1500 mvPhoneConfig=mv_phone_config=dev0:fxs,dev1:fxs mvNetConfig=mv_net_config=(00:11:88:0f:62:81,0:1:2:3),mtu=1500 usb0Mode=host yuk_ethaddr=00:00:00:EE:51:81 netretry=no rcvrip= loadaddr=0x02000000 autoload=no ethact=egiga0 ethaddr=00:E0:91:81:5F:C4 nas_type=0x00000110 firmware=firmware.tar.gz bootcmd_netenc=set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) netenc nas_type=$(nas_type) IP=$(ipaddr) SIP=$(serverip) FW=$(firmware); bootm 1000000 2000000 bootcmd_usbenc=set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) usbenc nas_type=$(nas_type) IP=$(ipaddr) SIP=$(serverip) FW=$(firmware); bootm 1000000 2000000 bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial arcNumber=1681 bootcmd=run usb_boot start_myusb=usb start run_mw=mw 0x800000 0 1 load_uimage=ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage load_initrd=ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd usb_boot=run start_myusb; run run_mw; run load_uimage; run load_initrd; bootm 0x800000 0x2100000; stdin=serial stdout=serial stderr=serial mainlineLinux=yes enaMonExt=no enaCpuStream=no enaWrAllo=no pexMode=RC disL2Cache=no setL2CacheWT=yes disL2Prefetch=yes enaICPref=yes enaDCPref=yes sata_dma_mode=yes netbsd_en=no vxworks_en=no bootdelay=1 disaMvPnp=no hddPowerCtrl=no enaAutoRecovery=no pcieTune=no Environment size: 2762/4092 bytesIt feels like I am missing some basic understanding of how this work...
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 19, 2017 04:21PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
setenv bootcmd 'if run usb_boot; then ; else setenv mainlineLinux no; run bootcmd_hdd; fi' bootAnd then after you are sure it works for both cases, do it for real:
setenv bootcmd 'if run usb_boot; then ; else setenv mainlineLinux no; run bootcmd_hdd; fi' saveenv
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 20, 2017 02:27AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
setenv bootargs_usb 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv bootcmd_usb 'setenv mainlineLinux yes; run bootargs_usb; usb start; mw 0x800000 0 1; ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage; ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd; bootm 0x800000 0x2100000' setenv bootcmd 'if run bootcmd_usb; then ; else setenv mainlineLinux no; run bootcmd_hdd; fi'
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 20, 2017 08:55AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
setenv bootcmd 'if run usb_boot; then ; else setenv mainlineLinux no; run bootcmd_hdd; fi'
setenv bootargs_usb 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv bootcmd_usb 'setenv mainlineLinux yes; run bootargs_usb; usb start; mw 0x800000 0 1; ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage; ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd; bootm 0x800000 0x2100000' setenv bootcmd 'if run bootcmd_usb; then ; else setenv mainlineLinux no; run bootcmd_hdd; fi'
NEW (not in old): arcNumber=1681 NEW (not in old): bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial Different today : bootcmd=run usb_boot (old was bootcmd=run bootcmd_hdd ) NEW (not in old): load_initrd=ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd NEW (not in old): load_uimage=ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage Different today : mainlineLinux=yes (old was mainlineLinux=no ) NEW (not in old): run_mw=mw 0x800000 0 1 NEW (not in old): start_myusb=usb start NEW (not in old): usb_boot=run start_myusb; run run_mw; run load_uimage; run load_initrd; bootm 0x800000 0x2100000;
bootcmd_hdd=run read-kern; setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000;
read-kern=ide reset; ext2load ide 0 2000000 /boot/$(image_name); image_name=uImage console=console=ttyS0,115200 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) root_path=root=/dev/md0 rw
setenv mainlineLinux no run bootcmd_hddI think so, but it stops at "done, booting the kernel.". It is frustrating because I don't understand why. Again, it feels like I am missing some basic understanding of how this work, or there is a hidden magic spell doing something ;)... Help me Obi Wan Kenobi you're my only hope...
LGE-NAS>> mw 0x2000000 0 1 LGE-NAS>> setenv mainlineLinux no LGE-NAS>> run bootcmd_hdd Reset IDE: Marvell Serial ATA Adapter, MAX_DEVICE=32 Integrated Sata device found Channel 0/2 is connected ... This is ATA Disk at channel 0 [0 0 0]: Enable DMA mode (6) Device 0 @ 0 0: Model: Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 Firm: JP4OA3EA Ser#: JP2940HD0Z3K3C Type: Hard Disk Supports 48-bit addressing Capacity: 953869.7 MB = 931.5 GB ( Block : 512) Channel 1/2 is connected ... eDmaRegsOffset1 = 24000, eDmaRegsOffset4 = 6002c0, SEC_CNT:01, SEC_NUM:01, CYL_LOW:14, CYL_HIGH:eb ATAPI Indentify Command Done 2441160 bytes read ## Booting image at 02000000 ..., header_size = 00000040, header_addr = 0068dcdc image_header_t hdr contents hdr->ih_magic = 56190527, hdr->ih_hcrc = da0b609e hdr->ih_time = 0ca2c44e, hdr->ih_size = 00253f88 hdr->ih_load = 00800000, hdr->ih_ep = 00800000 hdr->ih_dcrc = 82b877e2 hdr->ih_os = 05, hdr->ih_arch = 02 hdr->ih_type = 02, hdr->ih_comp = 00 hdr->ih_name = Linux- Image Name: Linux- Created: 2011-11-17 5:56:28 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 2441096 Bytes = 2.3 MB Load Address: 00008000 Entry Point: 00008000 Verifying Checksum ... OK OK Starting kernel ... Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
setenv console 'console=ttyS0,115200 rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv mainlineLinux no ide reset ext2load ide 0 2000000 /boot/uImage setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352 printenv bootargs printenv bootm 0x2000000
ext2load ide 0 2100000 /boot/uImage bootm 0x2100000
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 20, 2017 03:59PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
setenv load_uimage 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage' setenv load_uinitrd 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd' setenv bootargs_usb 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv bootcmd_usb 'setenv mainlineLinux yes; run bootargs_usb; usb start; mw 0x800000 0 1; run load_uimage; load_uinitrd; bootm 0x800000 0x2100000'
setenv mainlineLinux yes setenv bootcmd_hdd 'run read-kern; setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000' printenv bootargs run bootcmd_hddWe restored the bootcmd_hdd back to stock definition above. If this does not boot to stock, then we'll try the next test.
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 21, 2017 01:23AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv mainlineLinux yes setenv bootcmd 'run usb_boot' setenv start_myusb 'usb start' setenv run_mw 'mw 0x800000 0 1' setenv load_uimage 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage' setenv load_initrd 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd' setenv usb_boot 'run start_myusb; run run_mw; run load_uimage; run load_initrd; bootm 0x800000 0x2100000;' saveenv
setenv mainlineLinux yes setenv bootcmd_hdd 'run read-kern; setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000' printenv bootargs printenv run bootcmd_hddUnfortunately it stoped again at "done, booting the kernel.", for the whole log see the attached file BootHDDtest1.txt
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 21, 2017 02:03AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
setenv mainlineLinux yes setenv bootcmd_hdd 'run read-kern; setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352 earlyprintk=serial; printenv bootargs; printenv; bootm 0x2000000' run bootcmd_hddI hope this stock kernel has the earlyprintk enabled. If that is the case, we will see the reason for the kernel booting freeze in the boot log.
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 21, 2017 02:39AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 21, 2017 04:06AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
U-Boot 1.1.4 (May 21 2011 - 03:56:55)NT1
ide reset
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 21, 2017 07:06AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 21, 2017 11:01AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
printenv ide reset mw 0x800000 0 1 ext2load ide 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage ext2load ide 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd bootm 0x800000 0x2100000
LGE-NAS>> printenv baudrate=115200 loads_echo=0 ipaddr= serverip= rootpath=/opt/Orion-SDK/armel-2.0/rootfs netmask= run_diag=yes console=console=ttyS0,115200 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) CASset=min MALLOC_len=1 ethprime=egiga0 bootargs_nfs=root=/dev/nfs rw bootargs_end=:::DB88FXX81:eth0:none image_name=uImage boot_name=u-boot.bin up-boot=tftp 2000000 nt/$(boot_name); sflash protect off; sflash erase all; sflash write 2000000 0 $(filesize) root_path=root=/dev/md0 rw read-kern=ide reset; ext2load ide 0 2000000 /boot/$(image_name); mem-clear=mw.l 1000000 0x00000000 1000000 bootcmd_nfs=tftpboot 0x2000000 $(image_name); setenv bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_root) nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath) ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip)$(bootargs_end) $(mvNetConfig) $(mvPhoneConfig); bootm 0x2000000; bootcmd_hdd=run read-kern; setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000; bootargs_usb=root=/dev/sdc2 rw rootdelay=10 bootcmd_enc=run mem-clear; set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) enclosure; ide res; ide load; bootm 1000000 2000000 bootargs_ram=root=/dev/ram0 rw tftp-ram=tftp 1000000 nt/$(uImage-ram); tftp 2000000 nt/ramdisk_image; set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram); bootm 1000000 2000000 uImage-ram=uImage-2.6.30-nt1_11_ramdisk bootcmd_tftp=tftp 0x2000000 $(image_name); setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000; ethmtu=1500 mvPhoneConfig=mv_phone_config=dev0:fxs,dev1:fxs mvNetConfig=mv_net_config=(00:11:88:0f:62:81,0:1:2:3),mtu=1500 usb0Mode=host yuk_ethaddr=00:00:00:EE:51:81 netretry=no rcvrip= loadaddr=0x02000000 autoload=no ethact=egiga0 ethaddr=00:E0:91:81:5F:C4 nas_type=0x00000110 firmware=firmware.tar.gz bootcmd_netenc=set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) netenc nas_type=$(nas_type) IP=$(ipaddr) SIP=$(serverip) FW=$(firmware); bootm 1000000 2000000 bootcmd_usbenc=set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) usbenc nas_type=$(nas_type) IP=$(ipaddr) SIP=$(serverip) FW=$(firmware); bootm 1000000 2000000 bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial arcNumber=1681 bootcmd=run usb_boot start_myusb=usb start run_mw=mw 0x800000 0 1 load_uimage=ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage load_initrd=ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd usb_boot=run start_myusb; run run_mw; run load_uimage; run load_initrd; bootm 0x800000 0x2100000; stdin=serial stdout=serial stderr=serial mainlineLinux=yes enaMonExt=no enaCpuStream=no enaWrAllo=no pexMode=RC disL2Cache=no setL2CacheWT=yes disL2Prefetch=yes enaICPref=yes enaDCPref=yes sata_dma_mode=yes netbsd_en=no vxworks_en=no bootdelay=1 disaMvPnp=no hddPowerCtrl=no enaAutoRecovery=no pcieTune=no Environment size: 2762/4092 bytes
root@debian:~# mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/data/ [ 685.937274] EXT4-fs (sda3): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) root@debian:~# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 54M 0 54M 0% /dev tmpfs 12M 144K 12M 2% /run /dev/sda1 88G 534M 83G 1% / tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 23M 0 23M 0% /run/shm tmpfs 58M 0 58M 0% /tmp /dev/sda3 5.4T 59M 5.1T 1% /mnt/dataI think it looks promising :)
setenv mainlineLinux yes setenv set_mw 'mw 0x800000 0 1' setenv load_bootm 'bootm 0x800000 0x2100000' setenv load_usbuimage 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage' setenv load_usbuinitrd 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd' setenv bootargs_usb 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv bootcmd_usb 'run bootargs_usb; usb start; run set_mw; run load_usbuimage; run load_usbuinitrd; run load_bootm' setenv load_myhdduimage 'ext2load ide 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage' setenv load_myhdduinitrd 'ext2load ide 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd' setenv bootcmd_myhdd 'setenv mainlineLinux yes; ide reset; run set_mw; run load_myhdduimage; run load_myhdduinitrd; run load_bootm' setenv bootcmd 'if run bootcmd_usb; then ; else run bootcmd_myhdd; fi'And delete these
NEW (not in old): start_myusb=usb start NEW (not in old): usb_boot=run start_myusb; run run_mw; run load_uimage; run load_initrd; bootm 0x800000 0x2100000;With
setenv start_myusb setenv usb_boot
LGE-NAS>> run bootcmd Unknown command 'if' - try 'help' Unknown command 'then' - try 'help' Unknown command 'else' - try 'help' This command can be used only if enaMonExt is set!Maybe cheat with
setenv bootcmd 'run bootcmd_usb; run bootcmd_myhdd'If USB works, HDD will never run. If USB don't work, HDD will run.
setenv mainlineLinux yes setenv set_mw 'mw 0x800000 0 1' setenv load_bootm 'bootm 0x800000 0x2100000' setenv load_usbuimage 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage' setenv load_usbuinitrd 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd' setenv bootargs_usb 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv bootcmd_usb 'run bootargs_usb; usb start; run set_mw; run load_usbuimage; run load_usbuinitrd; run load_bootm' setenv load_myhdduimage 'ext2load ide 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage' setenv load_myhdduinitrd 'ext2load ide 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd' setenv bootcmd_myhdd 'setenv mainlineLinux yes; ide reset; run set_mw; run load_myhdduimage; run load_myhdduinitrd; run load_bootm' setenv bootcmd 'run bootcmd_usb; run bootcmd_myhdd' setenv start_myusb setenv usb_boot saveenv
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 21, 2017 04:13PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
ide part
fdisk -l
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 21, 2017 04:44PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
setenv mainlineLinux yes setenv set_mw 'mw 0x800000 0 1' setenv load_bootm 'bootm 0x800000 0x2100000' setenv load_usbuimage 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage' setenv load_usbuinitrd 'ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd' setenv bootargs_usb 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial' setenv bootcmd_usb 'run bootargs_usb; usb start; run set_mw; run load_usbuimage; run load_usbuinitrd; run load_bootm' setenv load_myhdduimage 'ext2load ide 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage' setenv load_myhdduinitrd 'ext2load ide 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd' setenv bootcmd_myhdd 'setenv mainlineLinux yes; ide reset; run set_mw; run load_myhdduimage; run load_myhdduinitrd; run load_bootm' setenv bootcmd 'run bootcmd_usb; run bootcmd_myhdd' setenv start_myusb setenv usb_boot
setenv bootcmd_myhdd 'ide reset; run set_mw; run load_myhdduimage; run load_myhdduinitrd; run load_bootm'
setenv bootcmd 'run bootcmd_usb; run bootcmd_myhdd; reset'
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 22, 2017 05:37AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
root@debian:~# fdisk -l Disk /dev/mtdblock0: 512 KiB, 524288 bytes, 1024 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk /dev/sda: 5.5 TiB, 6001175126016 bytes, 11721045168 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes Disklabel type: gpt Disk identifier: 20E87844-62F0-4A8B-8D0A-0C8FBCD354DB Device Start End Sectors Size Type /dev/sda1 2048 187539455 187537408 89.4G Linux filesystem /dev/sda2 11719997440 11721043967 1046528 511M Linux swap /dev/sda3 187539456 11719997439 11532457984 5.4T Linux filesystem Partition table entries are not in disk order.
LGE-NAS>> ide part Partition Map for IDE device 0 -- Partition Type: EFI Part Start LBA End LBA gpt1 0x%lX 0x%lX gpt2 0x%lX 0x%lX gpt3 0x%lX 0x%lX
setenv bootcmd_myhdd 'ide reset; run set_mw; run load_myhdduimage; run load_myhdduinitrd; run load_bootm'
LGE-NAS>> printenv baudrate=115200 loads_echo=0 ipaddr= serverip= rootpath=/opt/Orion-SDK/armel-2.0/rootfs netmask= run_diag=yes console=console=ttyS0,115200 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) CASset=min MALLOC_len=1 ethprime=egiga0 bootargs_nfs=root=/dev/nfs rw bootargs_end=:::DB88FXX81:eth0:none image_name=uImage boot_name=u-boot.bin up-boot=tftp 2000000 nt/$(boot_name); sflash protect off; sflash erase all; sflash write 2000000 0 $(filesize) root_path=root=/dev/md0 rw read-kern=ide reset; ext2load ide 0 2000000 /boot/$(image_name); mem-clear=mw.l 1000000 0x00000000 1000000 bootcmd_nfs=tftpboot 0x2000000 $(image_name); setenv bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_root) nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath) ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip)$(bootargs_end) $(mvNetConfig) $(mvPhoneConfig); bootm 0x2000000; bootcmd_hdd=run read-kern; setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000; bootcmd_enc=run mem-clear; set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) enclosure; ide res; ide load; bootm 1000000 2000000 bootargs_ram=root=/dev/ram0 rw tftp-ram=tftp 1000000 nt/$(uImage-ram); tftp 2000000 nt/ramdisk_image; set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram); bootm 1000000 2000000 uImage-ram=uImage-2.6.30-nt1_11_ramdisk bootcmd_tftp=tftp 0x2000000 $(image_name); setenv bootargs $(console) $(root_path) lpj=4964352; bootm 0x2000000; ethmtu=1500 mvPhoneConfig=mv_phone_config=dev0:fxs,dev1:fxs mvNetConfig=mv_net_config=(00:11:88:0f:62:81,0:1:2:3),mtu=1500 usb0Mode=host yuk_ethaddr=00:00:00:EE:51:81 netretry=no rcvrip= loadaddr=0x02000000 autoload=no ethact=egiga0 ethaddr=00:E0:91:81:5F:C4 nas_type=0x00000110 firmware=firmware.tar.gz bootcmd_netenc=set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) netenc nas_type=$(nas_type) IP=$(ipaddr) SIP=$(serverip) FW=$(firmware); bootm 1000000 2000000 bootcmd_usbenc=set bootargs $(console) $(bootargs_ram) usbenc nas_type=$(nas_type) IP=$(ipaddr) SIP=$(serverip) FW=$(firmware); bootm 1000000 2000000 bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial arcNumber=1681 run_mw=mw 0x800000 0 1 load_uimage=ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage load_initrd=ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd set_mw=mw 0x800000 0 1 load_bootm=bootm 0x800000 0x2100000 load_usbuimage=ext2load usb 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage load_usbuinitrd=ext2load usb 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd bootargs_usb=console=ttyS0,115200 root=LABEL=rootfs rootdelay=10 mtdparts=spi_flash:0x78000@0(uboot),0x1000@0x78000(env) earlyprintk=serial bootcmd_usb=run bootargs_usb; usb start; run set_mw; run load_usbuimage; run load_usbuinitrd; run load_bootm load_myhdduimage=ext2load ide 0:1 0x800000 /boot/uImage load_myhdduinitrd=ext2load ide 0:1 0x2100000 /boot/uInitrd bootcmd=run bootcmd_usb; run bootcmd_myhdd; reset stdin=serial stdout=serial stderr=serial mainlineLinux=yes enaMonExt=no enaCpuStream=no enaWrAllo=no pexMode=RC disL2Cache=no setL2CacheWT=yes disL2Prefetch=yes enaICPref=yes enaDCPref=yes sata_dma_mode=yes netbsd_en=no vxworks_en=no bootdelay=1 disaMvPnp=no hddPowerCtrl=no enaAutoRecovery=no pcieTune=no bootcmd_myhdd=ide reset; run set_mw; run load_myhdduimage; run load_myhdduinitrd; run load_bootm Environment size: 3251/4092 bytes
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 22, 2017 06:00AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
ls -l /sys/class/leds
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 22, 2017 06:44AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host* ssh-keygen -A
apt-get update apt-get upgrade | tee apt-get-upgrade.log echo ' ' echo '**** CHECKING FOR UPDATE-INITRAMFS! **********' echo '**** This will look for things like this:' echo 'update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1' echo ' ' echo '**** IF FOUND, you will have to do this (otherwies, do nothing):' echo ' ' echo 'cd /boot' echo 'mkimage -A arm -O linux -T ramdisk -C gzip -a 0x00000000 -e 0x00000000 -n initramfs-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 -d initrd.img-4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 uInitrd ' echo ' ' echo '**** Checking (if you see nothing here under, nothing is found)....' cat apt-get-upgrade.log | grep update-initramfs
root@debian:~# ls -l /sys/class/leds total 0 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Nov 22 04:22 . drwxr-xr-x 41 root root 0 Nov 22 03:39 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Nov 22 04:22 status:white:hdd -> ../../devices/platform/gpio-leds/leds/status:white:hdd lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Nov 22 04:22 status:white:odd -> ../../devices/platform/gpio-leds/leds/status:white:odd lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Nov 22 04:22 status:white:usb -> ../../devices/platform/gpio-leds/leds/status:white:usb
root@debian:~# cat /etc/rc.local #!/bin/sh -e # # rc.local # # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel. # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other # value on error. # # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution # bits. # # By default this script does nothing. # turn on LED if [ -d /sys/class/leds/status:green:health ]; then echo default-on > /sys/class/leds/status:green:health/trigger if [ -d /sys/class/leds/status:orange:fault ]; then echo none > /sys/class/leds/status:orange:fault/trigger fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/status:blue:health ]; then echo none > /sys/class/leds/status:blue:health/trigger fi fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/dockstar:green:health ]; then echo default-on > /sys/class/leds/dockstar:green:health/trigger echo none > /sys/class/leds/dockstar:orange:misc/trigger fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/plug:green:health ]; then echo default-on > /sys/class/leds/plug:green:health/trigger if [ -d /sys/class/leds/plug:red:misc ]; then echo none > /sys/class/leds/plug:red:misc/trigger fi fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/power:blue ]; then echo default-on > /sys/class/leds/power:blue/trigger ### echo default-on > /sys/class/leds/otb:blue/trigger echo none > /sys/class/leds/power:red/trigger fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/usb1:blue ]; then echo usb-host > /sys/class/leds/usb1\:blue/trigger fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/usb2:blue ]; then echo usb-host > /sys/class/leds/usb2\:blue/trigger fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/usb3:blue ]; then echo usb-host > /sys/class/leds/usb3\:blue/trigger fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/usb4:blue ]; then echo usb-host > /sys/class/leds/usb4\:blue/trigger fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/nsa325:green:sys ]; then echo default-on > /sys/class/leds/nsa325:green:sys/trigger echo none > /sys/class/leds/nsa325:orange:sys/trigger fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/nsa325:green:sata1 ]; then echo ide-disk1 > /sys/class/leds/nsa325:green:sata1/trigger fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/nsa325:green:sata2 ]; then echo ide-disk2 > /sys/class/leds/nsa325:green:sata2/trigger fi if [ -d /sys/class/leds/nsa325:green:usb ]; then echo usb-host > /sys/class/leds/nsa325\:green\:usb/trigger fi exit 0
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 22, 2017 04:24PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
echo usb-host > /sys/class/leds/status:white:usb/triggerTo turn it off completely
echo none > /sys/class/leds/status:white:usb/triggerTo turn it on permanently
echo default-on > /sys/class/leds/status:white:usb/trigger
cat /sys/class/leds/status:white:usb/trigger
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 23, 2017 02:30AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
cat /sys/class/leds/status:white:usb/trigger [none] kbd-scrolllock kbd-numlock kbd-capslock kbd-kanalock kbd-shiftlock kbd-altgrlock kbd-ctrllock kbd-altlock kbd-shiftllock kbd-shiftrlock kbd-ctrlllock kbd-ctrlrlock f1072004.mdio-bus-mii:08:1Gbps f1072004.mdio-bus-mii:08:100Mbps f1072004.mdio-bus-mii:08:10Mbps usbport usb-gadget usb-host timer oneshot disk-activity ide-disk1 ide-disk2 mtd nand-disk heartbeat gpio default-on panic cat /sys/class/leds/status:white:hdd/trigger none kbd-scrolllock kbd-numlock kbd-capslock kbd-kanalock kbd-shiftlock kbd-altgrlock kbd-ctrllock kbd-altlock kbd-shiftllock kbd-shiftrlock kbd-ctrlllock kbd-ctrlrlock f1072004.mdio-bus-mii:08:1Gbps f1072004.mdio-bus-mii:08:100Mbps f1072004.mdio-bus-mii:08:10Mbps usbport usb-gadget usb-host timer oneshot disk-activity ide-disk1 [ide-disk2] mtd nand-disk heartbeat gpio default-on panic root@debian:~# cat /sys/class/leds/status:white:odd/trigger none kbd-scrolllock kbd-numlock kbd-capslock kbd-kanalock kbd-shiftlock kbd-altgrlock kbd-ctrllock kbd-altlock kbd-shiftllock kbd-shiftrlock kbd-ctrlllock kbd-ctrlrlock f1072004.mdio-bus-mii:08:1Gbps f1072004.mdio-bus-mii:08:100Mbps f1072004.mdio-bus-mii:08:10Mbps usbport usb-gadget usb-host timer oneshot disk-activity [ide-disk1] ide-disk2 mtd nand-disk heartbeat gpio default-on panic
/sys/class/leds/status:white:usb/trigger = [none] /sys/class/leds/status:white:hdd/trigger= [ide-disk2] (and it is flashing) /sys/class/leds/status:white:odd/trigger =[ide-disk1] (this flash when I plug in the USB)
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 23, 2017 03:22AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 27, 2017 10:53AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 56 |
root@debian:~# pwmconfig # pwmconfig revision 6243 (2014-03-20) This program will search your sensors for pulse width modulation (pwm) controls, and test each one to see if it controls a fan on your motherboard. Note that many motherboards do not have pwm circuitry installed, even if your sensor chip supports pwm. We will attempt to briefly stop each fan using the pwm controls. The program will attempt to restore each fan to full speed after testing. However, it is ** very important ** that you physically verify that the fans have been to full speed after the program has completed. /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: No sensors found! (modprobe sensor modules?)
root@debian:~# sensors-detect # sensors-detect revision 6284 (2015-05-31 14:00:33 +0200) # DMI data unavailable, please consider installing dmidecode 2.7 # or later for better results. # Kernel: 4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 armv5tel # Processor: Feroceon 88FR131 rev 1 (v5l) (//) This program will help you determine which kernel modules you need to load to use lm_sensors most effectively. It is generally safe and recommended to accept the default answers to all questions, unless you know what you're doing. Some south bridges, CPUs or memory controllers contain embedded sensors. Do you want to scan for them? This is totally safe. (YES/no): YES modprobe: FATAL: Module cpuid not found in directory /lib/modules/4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 Failed to load module cpuid. Silicon Integrated Systems SIS5595... No VIA VT82C686 Integrated Sensors... No VIA VT8231 Integrated Sensors... No AMD K8 thermal sensors... No AMD Family 10h thermal sensors... No AMD Family 11h thermal sensors... No AMD Family 12h and 14h thermal sensors... No AMD Family 15h thermal sensors... No AMD Family 16h thermal sensors... No AMD Family 15h power sensors... No AMD Family 16h power sensors... No Intel digital thermal sensor... No Intel AMB FB-DIMM thermal sensor... No Intel 5500/5520/X58 thermal sensor... No VIA C7 thermal sensor... No VIA Nano thermal sensor... No Lastly, we can probe the I2C/SMBus adapters for connected hardware monitoring devices. This is the most risky part, and while it works reasonably well on most systems, it has been reported to cause trouble on some systems. Do you want to probe the I2C/SMBus adapters now? (YES/no): YES Sorry, no supported PCI bus adapters found. Sorry, no sensors were detected. Either your system has no sensors, or they are not supported, or they are connected to an I2C or SMBus adapter that is not supported. If you find out what chips are on your board, check for driver status.
Re: LG N1T1 NAS November 27, 2017 11:07AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 16 |
Re: LG N1T1 NAS December 24, 2017 10:27AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 6 |
Re: LG N1T1 NAS December 24, 2017 11:46PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,290 |