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A Logitech Media Server plea, please

Posted by notoneofmyseeds 
A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 15, 2016 01:06PM
LMS was not compiled for our pink pogo boxes.

This person, went through the trouble and put the file here:


Can someone please direct, show, instruct me how I could install it? Please.

The instructions on that link do not apply to my environment, I don't think, as I don't have this directory to which it must be xtracted:


I did create /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/ and downloaded and extracted there, but it's obvious there's more to it than that.

I thank you, very much; for your help!
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 03:08AM
Please see my new Howto at http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,28584 and leave comments



Blog: https://rmkrug.wordpress.com/

1 x Pogoplug E02 (pink): Logitech media server

1 x Pogoplug E02 (pink): FTP server only (throw away configuration - quick to rebuild)

1 x GoFlex Net: running OpenMediaVault
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 04:58AM
Thanks for your contribution.

It won't work on Jessie, because the verson 7.9 .deb file at slimdevices is not compiled for armel for Jessie.

Something about Perl.

I'm on Jessie.

This part below here is on the original post, where this solution can be found, but I don't know how to use it, as the file there is not a .deb file, and so I can't use dkpg -i.

LMS was not compiled for our pink pogo boxes.

This person, went through the trouble and put the file here:


If I can make the file from the above into a .deb file, I will do it and leave it in this forum, as this is a common problem.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 05:15AM
So why don't you use Wheezy? If you are using the pogoplug simply for LMS?

Blog: https://rmkrug.wordpress.com/

1 x Pogoplug E02 (pink): Logitech media server

1 x Pogoplug E02 (pink): FTP server only (throw away configuration - quick to rebuild)

1 x GoFlex Net: running OpenMediaVault
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 09:51AM
Thanks, but I'm well past that now. I don't want to go back to Wheezy, just because of this. I'd rather stick with a more update OS. Thanks, however.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 10:17AM
notoneofmyseeds Wrote:
> Thanks, but I'm well past that now. I don't want
> to go back to Wheezy, just because of this. I'd
> rather stick with a more update OS. Thanks,
> however

I have found many times that you can use guides for Raspberry Pi (with slight modification) to get things like LMS to work on the Pogoplug. In particular the Pro/V3 PP because it has an ARMV6 processor like the Pi. I would use that as a starting point and see how far you can get following the Pi tutorials verbatim, once you hit a snag than you are going to have to figure out the issue through research. That's what I have done.

Edit: I just followed this guide Squeezebox Server on Raspberry PI on a Pogoplug Pro running Wheezy and had it up and running in less than 5 minutes. IIRC, when I tried to do this a couple years ago the problem I ran into was not having a swap file. Try creating a 256MB Swap File (NOT SWAP PARTITION, that you need to do before when you created your rootfs disk) and see if that gets you further. You may have to revert to Wheezy I realize but you could have a LMS server up and running really quickly.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2016 10:44AM by LeggoMyEggo.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 10:34AM
Thanks a lot for the tip. I will pursue that route.

But I must say, given the following:

-the popularity of LMS
-the known Perl issue and Jessie with LMS 7.9.0
-the popularity of these pogo's
-the length of time since Jessie has been around, along with LMS 7.9.0

I do feel a bit like fish out of water, trying to figure this out. I'm either cutting edge or silly. I've spent a great deal of research on this and the solutions are:

-learn how to turn a compiled package into .deb
-or revert to an older version of Debian (and here with respect for bohdi, who has helped me reach this stage with Jessie, I simply won't do.

Thanks a lot.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 11:03AM
That's really interesting, as that's the guide I am about to try. But I noticed that he's using LMS 7.9.0 and I know that version is the one with the perl armel issue.

And if you read closer, which you may have, you'd notice that he said:
"Note: This uses a “nightly build” LMS server. This means that it is a development version. Mostly, this will work fine. But if you encounted problems, replace “7.9.0” in the first “wget” command with “7.8.0”. Allthough I am not sure if the current CPAN binaries will work with that version.."

And with that, I stopped, as I did not want to mess things up. I've come a long, long way, this is the only thing I need now to put this pogo to production. It's really frustrating.

Thanks a lot, however. I know the solution, I just don't know how to apply it. It's simply to covert the file in this link to a .deb file:
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 11:42AM
Helpful hint: I use the Win32DiskImager read function to make incremental backups of my Pogoplug flash drives on my Windoze 7 machine when I am experimenting with programs. That way I can revert to the old image within a matter of minutes having "borked" a flash drive image through experimentation. You can use 7-zip to compress those image files as archives and minimize storage space on your desktop.

It's either that or get more flash drives.......................
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 11:53AM
...and this is a great helpful hint, as I was going head-on into this, either taking extreme care or not trying things out at all as I don't want to go backwards. I will do a backup before proceeding with any of the options being considered.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 12:29PM
Well, I gave the link we've been talking about a try, and this is what I got:

2016-06-16 10:26:38 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:26:43 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:26:48 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:26:53 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:26:58 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:27:03 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:27:08 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:27:13 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:27:18 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:27:23 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:27:28 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:27:33 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:27:38 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:27:43 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:27:48 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-06-16 10:27:54 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.

And the thing is, some folks here have done this, see:

They're just not around now, or interested...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2016 12:40PM by notoneofmyseeds.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 01:22PM
have you tried this one : http://blog.qnology.com/2013/03/tutorial-pogoplug-e02-with-arch-linux.html

The trouble with reviving old threads... people move on or only visit when they have a need, plus no one is under any obligation to assist anyone, its done free and gratis and for the love of it.

If you are really really stuck, I could compile and package it as a one off. which will be time dependant, and you would still have the dependancy issue.

The flip side to me doing this is you MUST do a writeup of the install, much like QUI did
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 01:58PM
Gravelrash Wrote:
> If you are really really stuck, I could compile
> and package it as a one off. which will be time
> dependant, and you would still have the dependancy
> issue.

I have stuck with Wheezy for the most part because most of the tutorials out there work with it. While I know Wheezy is soon EOS and eventually EOL, it has performed for me for most if not all of my needs. I'm sure I'll eventually migrate to Jessie but really haven't had a need to and when I do it will be the same cycle of experiment, failure, experiment, failure, put it away for a while then experiment, failure, experiment, find the right information and success that I had with Wheezy.

In other words, don't feel stupid because you haven't succeeded yet. It will come to you either with time, with luck or with failure.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 02:12PM
Gravelrash Wrote:
> have you tried this one :
> http://blog.qnology.com/2013/03/tutorial-pogoplug-
> e02-with-arch-linux.html
> The trouble with reviving old threads... people
> move on or only visit when they have a need, plus
> no one is under any obligation to assist anyone,
> its done free and gratis and for the love of it.
> If you are really really stuck, I could compile
> and package it as a one off. which will be time
> dependant, and you would still have the dependancy
> issue.
> The flip side to me doing this is you MUST do a
> writeup of the install, much like QUI did

Thanks a lot. Many years ago, when I just got this pogo, I found that thread and I'm quite familiar with it. I was with Arch then. And then fell in love with Debian. I've since gone back to it, but it's not of much help. It's quite old.

Had I known the trouble I was getting myself into with Jessie, I'd have installed what you have. It just seem that everyone was onto bohdi's new rootfs and I thought, well then, join in...now I'm learning folks have been discussing but holding onto soon to be EOL OS'es.

I'm stuck, badly stuck, irriated, upset, sad, angry. I've tried compiling on my laptop here with Debian, and no luck. I've spent days on this. At times I look at the pogo and feel like banging it against the wall, go out and get a machine, that I can't now afford. Imagine being at the end of a race, but you can't seem to ever get there, that's what this is like, plus more.

I understand that folks are not under any obligation to help. I assumed too much from the community. bohdi has been of great help, as you're now. Without bohdi, I'd may have toss this thing, as I lost its root pwd eons ago.

If you can compile, and I install and it works, I will do the write-up; it's the least I can do. But to benefit others, it must work. As long as you use the file from the link from slimdevices, there should be no dependency issues. What that person had done was compile LMS 7.9.0 for armel and the necessary perl. So it's all there, just need to turn the tar package into a .deb package.

Thanks a lot for your continuing help.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 02:13PM
LeggoMyEggo Wrote:
> Gravelrash Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If you are really really stuck, I could compile
> > and package it as a one off. which will be time
> > dependant, and you would still have the
> dependancy
> > issue.
> I have stuck with Wheezy for the most part because
> most of the tutorials out there work with it.
> While I know Wheezy is soon EOS and eventually
> EOL, it has performed for me for most if not all
> of my needs. I'm sure I'll eventually migrate to
> Jessie but really haven't had a need to and when I
> do it will be the same cycle of experiment,
> failure, experiment, failure, put it away for a
> while then experiment, failure, experiment, find
> the right information and success that I had with
> Wheezy.
> In other words, don't feel stupid because you
> haven't succeeded yet. It will come to you either
> with time, with luck or with failure.

That's a lot; these are encouraging words, especially now.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 03:05PM

> This person, went through the trouble and put the
> file here:
> https://server.vijge.net/static/squeezebox/arm-lin
> ux-gnueabi-thread-multi-64int.tar.gz

Where is the writeup for this file? meaning discussion, or description that said this is for jessie?

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 03:12PM
bodhi Wrote:
> notoneofmyseeds,
> > This person, went through the trouble and put
> the
> > file here:
> >
> >
> https://server.vijge.net/static/squeezebox/arm-lin
> > ux-gnueabi-thread-multi-64int.tar.gz
> Where is the writeup for this file? meaning
> discussion, or description that said this is for
> jessie?

Thanks for your question, bohdi, it's here: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?103510-deb-on-Debian-Jessie
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 03:24PM

He (daniel) said it is a binary file, ready to install, not source code.


You can download them here: https://server.vijge.net/static/sque...i-64int.tar.gz Just extract this to /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/arch/5.20/ After that you can start LMS with "sudo /etc/init.d/logitechmediaserver start"

He has a GitHub, but not apparent how to download source for LMS. I think you need to look for LMS source tree.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 03:37PM
bodhi Wrote:
> notoneofmyseeds,
> He (daniel) said it is a binary file, ready to
> install, not source code.

You can download them here:
> https://server.vijge.net/static/sque...i-64int.tar
> .gz Just extract this to
> /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/arch/5.20/ After
> that you can start LMS with "sudo
> /etc/init.d/logitechmediaserver start"
> He has a GitHub, but not apparent how to download
> source for LMS. I think you need to look for LMS
> source tree.

Thanks, bohdi.

I don't have this directory: /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/arch/5.20/

I created /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/

used wget to grab the file from the link with it and extracted there but it did not work.

I think the sources for LMS can be found here:

And there, I don't see a release for armel and Jessie. Daniel is the only person to have compiled LMS 7.9.0 for that platform, taking into account Perl version issues. And provided that on the link sent earlier. But his instructions on how to install does not work for me. And this is perhaps what I need help with. Find a way to build his compiled version into a .deb file, find the tree, or figure out how to install his compiled version. I've spent all day trying several options.

Thanks for your help!
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 03:46PM
bodhi Wrote:
> notoneofmyseeds,
> He (daniel) said it is a binary file, ready to
> install, not source code.

You can download them here:
> https://server.vijge.net/static/sque...i-64int.tar
> .gz Just extract this to
> /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/arch/5.20/ After
> that you can start LMS with "sudo
> /etc/init.d/logitechmediaserver start"
> He has a GitHub, but not apparent how to download
> source for LMS. I think you need to look for LMS
> source tree.

Hi bohdi,

Is this what we're after?
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 03:49PM
N/M, too slow to post. Information already posted above by OP.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2016 04:05PM by LeggoMyEggo.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 03:59PM

> I don't have this directory:
> /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/arch/5.20/
> I created /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/
> used wget to grab the file from the link with it
> and extracted there but it did not work.

> sent earlier. But his instructions on how to
> install does not work for me. And this is perhaps
> what I need help with.

I think you need to figure out why the installation does not work. Perhaps on some LMS forum somewhere. It seems this is just a matter of your environment is different from what is expected to install that package.

Currently, I don't have a lot of free time so I can't think about repackaging or recompiling this.

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 04:39PM
any reason why you cant use 7.8.0


all releases here

im gonna dig around in the package and see whats needed if anything for systemd. This package contains just about any architecture you can imagine. it has "abi" files too so that should work with the plugs.

7.8.0 - relies on scripts on /etc/init.d/ - you should be able to install this and mangle the startup scripts to match Jessie.... or gimme a while and i will find the scripts you need then you can copy and paste them in the correct locations.

The trigger script for the LMS is the following

# $Id$
# logitechmediaserver	initscript for slimserver.pl
#			This file should be placed in /etc/init.d.
# Original Author: Mattias Holmlund
# Updated By: Dan Sully, Michael Herger

# Provides:          	logitechmediaserver
# Required-Start:    	$all
# Required-Stop:     	$all
# Should-Start:      	$all
# Should-Stop:       	$all
# Default-Start:     	2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      	0 1 6
# Short-Description:	Startup script for the Logitech Media Server
# Description:		Logitech Media Server powers the Squeezebox, Transporter and SLIMP3 network music \
#			players and is the best software to stream your music to any software MP3 \
#			player. It supports MP3, AAC, WMA, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, WAV and more! \
#			As of version 7.7 it also supports UPnP clients, serving pictures and movies too!"

set -e

DESC="Logitech Media Server"

# Read config file if it is present.
if [ -r /etc/default/$NEWNAME ]; then
	. /etc/default/$NEWNAME
elif [ -r /etc/default/$NAME ]; then
	. /etc/default/$NAME

#	Function that starts the daemon/service.
d_start() {
        # Use squeezeboxserver_safe to restart the daemon when
        # it dies. This must be done to handle mysql restarts.
	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
                --chuid $SLIMUSER \
                --pidfile $PIDFILE \
		--exec $DAEMON_SAFE \
                --background \
                --make-pidfile \
                -- \
                $DAEMON \
                --prefsdir $PREFSDIR \
                --logdir $LOGDIR \
                --cachedir $CACHEDIR \
		--charset=$CHARSET \

d_start_direct() {
	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
                --chuid $SLIMUSER \
                --pidfile $PIDFILE \
		--exec $DAEMON \
                -- \
                --pidfile $PIDFILE \
                --daemon \
                --prefsdir $PREFSDIR \
                --logdir $LOGDIR \
                --cachedir $CACHEDIR \
		--charset=$CHARSET \

#	Function that stops the daemon/service.
d_stop() {

	## This is a bug in the start-stop-daemon that checks the PID name from the /proc/PID/stat filesystem...
	## Unfortunately this cuts-off the name of the daemon because its longer now, and then it doesnt get 
	## caught by the start-stop-daemon. The daemon actually reports it as squeezeboxserve instead of 
	## squeezeboxserver_safe.
	start-stop-daemon --oknodo --stop --pidfile $PIDFILE --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5

#	Function that sends a SIGHUP to the daemon/service.
d_reload() {
	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --signal 1

case "$1" in
	echo -n "Making sure that $DESC is not running first: "
	echo -n "Starting $DESC"
	echo "."
	echo -n "Stopping $DESC"
	echo "."
	#	If the "reload" option is implemented, move the "force-reload"
	#	option to the "reload" entry above. If not, "force-reload" is
	#	just the same as "restart".
	echo -n "Restarting $NAME"
	echo "."
	# echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
	echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
	exit 1

exit 0

anyone want to volunteer to do the systemd/sysvinit conversion?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2016 03:07AM by Gravelrash.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 07:42PM
having looked through the .deb files for download there isnt a version for any debian or derivative that supports the Jessie platform.....

so i can only presume that what was done was either as a personal project or on a whim.

The best we can do in terms of recompilation is to take version 7.8.0 and repackage it for jessie taking the systemd scripts from one of the rpm packages (that default to systemd) and re packaging,

If i take this approach is there anyone willing to test this on there box? I can do the repackage from my x86 unit, but will not have the access to my plugs (or inclination) to test. It should work. but you test at your own risk

any takers for this approach???

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2016 07:44PM by Gravelrash.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 07:57PM
Hmmmm looks like QUI came up trumps again..... where is he these days? he used to be quite active on the forum... well i digress

Looks like this could be modified from his link above

#download service file
cd /etc/systemd/system
wget http://dl.dropbox.com/u/42238/pogoplug/v2/squeezelite.service

#edit name (optional)
#nano /etc/systemd/system/squeezelite.service

#start squeezelite and avahi-daemon
systemctl start squeezelite avahi-daemon

#autostart squeezelite and avahi-daemon on reboot
systemctl enable squeezelite avahi-daemon


Description=Squeezelite lightweight headless squeezebox emulator

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/squeezelite -n PogoPlug_SqueezeLite



That in combination with the version 7.8.0 install - should in theory - allow it to work on Jessie
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 16, 2016 08:23PM
Reminder, don't confuse squeezeboxmediaserver (the server) with squeezelite (the player). It can get confusing for the uninitiated.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 17, 2016 04:37AM
Thanks a lot. There were issues with 7.8.0. And that's the reason I don't want to install it.

That's based on readings done at slimdevices forum. And it seems all were resolved in 7.9.0

Although I have Jessie, I stuck with bohdi's suggestion and did not proceed with system.d. And so I have /etc/init.d/.

Perhpas there is a way I can confirm this?

So the heavy lifting you suggested should not be necessary.

What about the option to just build Daniel's (https://server.vijge.net/static/squeezebox/arm-linux-gnueabi-thread-multi-64int.tar.gz) into a .deb file. That has all that's needed.

Many thanks.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 17, 2016 05:02AM
Gravelrash Wrote:
> having looked through the .deb files for download
> there isnt a version for any debian or derivative
> that supports the Jessie platform.....
> so i can only presume that what was done was
> either as a personal project or on a whim.
> The best we can do in terms of recompilation is to
> take version 7.8.0 and repackage it for jessie
> taking the systemd scripts from one of the rpm
> packages (that default to systemd) and re
> packaging,
> If i take this approach is there anyone willing to
> test this on there box? I can do the repackage
> from my x86 unit, but will not have the access to
> my plugs (or inclination) to test. It should work.
> but you test at your own risk
> any takers for this approach???

You are right about it been a personal project done by the person in the GitHub links posted above. He did it because Jessie, Perl, armel and LMS 7.9.0 just did not work. And so he put a package together that solved the problems between them all. A few people at slimdevices and some in this forum have managed to benefit from that.

I was hoping that davidedg and pbg4 who have benefitted from that work, discussing the issue in this forum
http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,23287, would pitch in this thread.

Thanks to all those helping.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 17, 2016 05:11AM
DISCLAIMER : YOU DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK - it *should* work but your mileage may vary.

I havent tested this and nor am i likely to.

I have taken the http://downloads.slimdevices.com/LogitechMediaServer_v7.8.0/logitechmediaserver_7.8.0_all.deb file and mangled a script that Jessie *should* be able to use to start the server.

I take no responsibility for any detrimental actions that may occur. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED AND ADVISED.

copy and paste the following into your systemd folder into a file called squeezeboxserver.service (make it executable) - look for other files with the extension .service this will show you where to place it. enable and start it.

# ------------>
Description=Logitech Media Server Daemon




This in combination with the 7.8.0 .deb file listed above, *should* work - let us know you you get on

as with all things, create a backup of your working configuration before you attempt this.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2016 05:16AM by Gravelrash.
Re: A Logitech Media Server plea, please
June 17, 2016 05:19AM
aaaaaaarghhh - i just read your reasons for wanting 7.9.0 - interesting that you should want to use a package that hasnt as yet been officially compiled and released.

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