How to recover password?
May 29, 2011 11:20AM

I installed Debian Linux on my Dockstar based on Jeff's tutorial. Everything works great. Recently, I found I lost the root password. Is there anyway to recover the root password? Thanks.
Re: How to recover password?
May 30, 2011 01:01AM
I was in a similar situation after resurrecting my Dockstar with JTAG after a long spell and forgetting root password.

If you have serial access, from the top of my head,

1. modify usb_custom_params in uboot to 'init=/bin/bash'

2. mount -no remount,rw / at the root prompt.

3. passwd root to reset password.

4. Reset usb_custom_params after the reboot.

If you don't have serial access, you could setting up a chroot armel environment on your desktop PC, ie Then you chroot to the usb drive and run passwd.

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