Noob question - /tmp on usb stick ?
September 22, 2011 10:11AM

I try to install devbian on my dockstar. I partitioned the usb stick as you suggested : 6 gb sda1 linux 2gb swap
I mount /dev/sda1 on mnt
I tried to download your script on /mnt and install from here but it says /tmp is full
(I tried to mount /dev/sda1 /tmp but after its a mess I cannot reach anymore

How do you set tmp on the usb stick ?

thanks a lot

Re: Noob question - /tmp on usb stick ?
September 22, 2011 06:26PM
You don't need to mount the USB drive. Simply use the pogo /tmp in the internal flash and go from there. It will install Debian on the /dev/sda1 partition on the USB directly.

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