Debian Squeeze with language localisation, WebCam, 1-wire interface
September 09, 2010 07:12AM
I have described the Debian Squeeze (DockStar kernel) installation on an USB-Stick with language localisation (German) and WebCam and 1-wire interface on .

The Dockstar should take over the function of an old NSLU2 box running a temperature measuring application, see The program gnuplot is used to generate a data diagram. All specific applications programs (Debian) are already working on the DockStar Squeeze.

If someone is interested, I can explain more about this application.

Regards, Rudolf
Re: Debian Squeeze with language localisation, WebCam, 1-wire interface
September 09, 2010 09:37AM
Very nice pages and good docu; thanks Rudolf!

What "server app" do you use/plan to use on your debian-dockstar to host e.g. your "Heizungs-Page"?
I've just seen some drivers etc. on

Re: Debian Squeeze with language localisation, WebCam, 1-wire interface
September 09, 2010 10:43AM
Hello Lou,

The server application is the wiki (version 1.88) which has a web server included with small foot print. It is used as an application frontend for the five collected temperature data in form of a table, 5 hour diagram from gnuplot and a webcam picture. Specific data are read via Python macro, the diagram and webcam shot are just displayed.
Just have a look at the raw wiki text with click on menu "Weitere Aktionen/Rohform,

I selected the moin wiki, because it is written in Python, has also email support, and can be easily synchronized to a backup computer.
The temperatures are collected via digitemp (1-wire bus, sensor DS18S20) with a background process.
Every 30 seconds a 5 hour diagram (300 one minute values) is build and a picture shot by the webcam.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask.

Regards, Rudolf
Re: Debian Squeeze with language localisation, WebCam, 1-wire interface
September 09, 2010 11:19AM
wow, that was fast, Rudolf :) thanks for the info.
i will take a closer look at "moinmoin"... seems to be pretty interesting!

Re: Debian Squeeze with language localisation, WebCam, 1-wire interface
September 09, 2010 05:36PM
Does arm Debian has any Chinese support? The web-server works fine on Dockstar but cannot handle Chinese characters.
Re: Debian Squeeze with language localisation, WebCam, 1-wire interface
September 09, 2010 10:36PM
Hello twinclouds,

If it concerns the moin wiki, it has "Simplified_Chinese" and "Traditional_Chinese" language set on board. You can test that with the "Desktop Edition" in Windows and Linux. Just download the archiv, unpack it (Python 2.5 or 2.6 must be installed). When you run, a web server on http://localhost:8080 will start. Point your web browser to that address and you will see the "frontpage". On page "SystemPagesSetup" you will see all provided languages. On page "HelpOnLanguages" is explained how to setup.

If it is Debian itself, you have the localisation (i18n) zh_CN, zh_HK, zh_SG, zh_TW. Just give it a try.

Regards, Rudolf
Re: Debian Squeeze with language localisation, WebCam, 1-wire interface
September 10, 2010 01:27PM
Thanks. After I installed and configured it, the main text become non-English (German?) Don't know why. I thought the default was selected as US English but I can check again.

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