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New install question and comments.

Posted by glalonde 
New install question and comments.
September 13, 2010 08:42PM
Hello all.

I just did an install tonight, a few quick comments and a question.

You really need to add a couple comments about doing the fdisk. I managed to get it done but it took almost 30 minutes since I have not run that command in many years and I forgot about how to create the swap space. Create partition then change the type.

I had an issue with the first try, gave some kind of debootstrap error, seems like it was just a repo problem since it worked the second time.

Finally I had a question. After the boot I could not find the dockstar. I use the MAC address to map to a specific IP, seems the install changed the mac address?? It now shows in the router as '6574683000010001C79262CC0010751A' that seems very strange. Is that normal? How do I find it normally?

Many thanks.
Glen Lalonde

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