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Wheezy install script

Posted by Jeff 
Re: Wheezy install script
August 05, 2012 06:23AM
I have the new uBoot, and I installed the ArchLinux instead.
Got it personalised on a USB stick, and thinking about moving it all to a big drive so I have room for a compiler - I want some amateur radio software on the device.
I'll think about the Rescue system install - I'd be happiest with a newer Linux written to the NAND.
Re: Wheezy install script
August 07, 2012 07:53PM
I think I might have spotted two small errors in the script:

I guess "RO_ROOT_" and "RO_ROOT" are supposed to be the same variable, so I guess line 71 should be "RO_ROOT=0".

In the install-function it checks whether "is_readonly" is 1, but it can never be 1 (since it's always set to 0). I guess line 168 should be "local is_readonly=1".

Thanks for some great scripts!
Re: Wheezy install script
August 19, 2012 06:34PM
I messed up my squeeze installation and decided to reinstall with wheezy. The script ran fine, but when I tried to connect as root with ssh (using the password root, as specified) I got:

Permission denied, please try again.

Has the default root password changed?
Re: Wheezy install script
August 25, 2012 01:35PM
Install Rescue V2 http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?4,3896

mount -o remount,rw /
chmod 666 /usr/bin/microperl
rm /usr/sbin/debootstrap
rm -rf /usr/share/debootstrap


cd /tmp
wget http://projects.doozan.com/debian/kirkwood.debian-wheezy.sh
chmod +x kirkwood.debian-wheezy.sh
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin

Finally got the script running !

Thanks everyone

funtoy1001 Wrote:
> dvl36 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Confirming the "kernel too old" using original
> > Goflex home,
> > and new one issue:
> > ---
> > # Starting debootstrap installation
> > E: unrecognized or invalid option
> > --no-check-gpg

> > debootstrap failed.
> > See /tmp/debian/debootstrap/debootstrap.log for
> > more information.
> > rescue:/tmp#
> > ---
> > Installing from Resque 3.0
> I got the same message when I try to install
> sequeeze or wheezy on a pogoplug pink. It said to
> check /tmp/debian/debootstrap/debootstrap.log for
> more information but there is no such file. As a
> matter of fact, directory has not been created
> yet.
> EDIT: forgot to
> rm /usr/sbin/debootstrap
> rm -rf /usr/share/debootstrap
Felix Furtak
Re: Wheezy install script
August 27, 2012 05:52AM
Hmm, I too seem to have fallen foul of debootstrap error on my brand new GoFlex net.

Unfortunately I rebooted and now the it won't start, either with or without the USB flash drive (fast flashing orange light).

Can anybody point me towards the easiest way to get this working again?


Felix Furtak 1
Re: Wheezy install script
August 27, 2012 06:26AM
So I booted used the rescue image to boot up into rescue. Question is, how can I get back to the point where the installation script failed?

The GoFlex won't boot without the rescue disk.
Re: Wheezy install script
October 07, 2012 05:08AM
I put the Arch install on the Pogoplug.
This weekend I thought I'd update it and it became completely broken when glibc wouldn't update.
Made another Arch USB to boot from then I took the plunge and installed Rescue
then installed Debian Wheezy
having to work through the script line by line because a few things didn't want to co-operate
Now I have the Pogoplug running Debian wheezy
Thanks guys
Re: Wheezy install script
January 03, 2013 06:48PM
Script does not work anymore!

Hi again (after quite some time),

having managed to buy two HDDs for the GoFlex Net, I wanted to test it today. First problem is that the USB-drive I made in July will boot, but won't let me ssh to the machine, while rescue will ...

Ok, so I try to make another stick according to this post with all the bells and whistles like removing old debootsrap and making perl not executable. The script runs for roughly 20 minutes and then it finally breaks when trying to configure initramfs-tools. However, even before that, according to the log (see attachment) it complains that multiarch-support has been unpacked, but never configured. Also, a few other pre-dependency problems are encountered.

For info, I also included my fw_printenv output.

Help would be appreciated!



Standart ist der Standardfehler
open | download - 20130104_fw_printenv (3.1 KB)
open | download - 20130104_debootstrap.log (73.8 KB)
Re: Wheezy install script
January 16, 2013 07:56PM
Hi there,

i've tried a brand new Go Flex Net with the Whizzy Script, i got the Debootstrap-Error, too.
What's now the best way ?
I've tried to install the Resuce V2, but it won't start :
This program must be run outside the Pogolug install / Rescue System
Please boot from USB Device & try again.

I don't turn off the GFN now, cause I'm still in the bash ...

Greets, Tommes
Re: Wheezy install script
January 16, 2013 09:46PM
Try install Squeeze first, and then apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade to Wheezy.
Re: Wheezy install script on GoFlex Net
January 18, 2013 02:31AM
Hi there,

yeah, it's fully working :-)

I did the following:

- Plug USB-Stick to the Go Flex Net (GFN)
- PowerOn & Booting ...
- Register & SignIn at http://my.pogoplug.com/de/signin
- Register the GFN
- Activate ssh (at the security settings)
- Login via ssh
- Install Debian Squeeze
cd /tmp
wget http://projects.doozan.com/debian/dockstar.debian-squeeze.sh
chmod +x dockstar.debian-squeeze.sh
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin
- Reboot & Login
apt-get update
apt-get install nano
nano /etc/apt/sources.list

I took this sources:
deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian wheezy main

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Cause I've had problems with Jeff's Wheezy Script,
I did this, I don't know, if it's required:
rm /usr/sbin/debootstrap
rm -rf /usr/share/debootstrap
Source: Here

Greets, Tommes
Re: Wheezy install script
January 20, 2013 08:36AM
dvl36 Wrote:
> Confirming the "kernel too old" using original
> Goflex home,
> and new one issue:
> ---
> # Starting debootstrap installation
> E: unrecognized or invalid option
> --no-check-gpg

> debootstrap failed.
> See /tmp/debian/debootstrap/debootstrap.log for
> more information.
> rescue:/tmp#
> ---

On a Dockstar I solved with:
mount -o remount,rw /
rm /usr/sbin/debootstrap
rm -r /usr/share/debootstrap
mount -o remount,ro /

hope this helps

Re: Wheezy install script
January 22, 2013 06:45AM
I have now updated 2 DockStar to Debian wheezy. It was a long procedure, because all the know how is in the forum, but very much distributed.
Version: Linux debian 3.2.0-4-kirkwood #1 Debian 3.2.35-2 armv5tel GNU/Linux

I have tried to write everything together on my home page:
Dockstar Debian Wheezy

In the installation script kirkwood.debian-wheezy.sh is a mismatch about the kernel number:
should read

It took some time, until I understood, that for Debian wheezy you have to update first to:
  • U-boot version 2011.12
  • Rescue Linux 2.8.2
After learning all that, I programmed an original DockStar with my procedure, and it worked without problem.
I hope, this will help some people to update their DockStar without frustration.


http://www.rudiswiki.de/wiki9/DockStarDebian - Debian 7 wheezy setup documentation

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/2013 06:56AM by Rudolf.
Re: Wheezy install script
January 22, 2013 11:22AM
Hi Rudolf,

thanks for making this effort. I have been thinking of doing very much the same, but haven't yet found the time to do so.

There is one thing, however, which I do not understand at all, and that is the issue of cloning a USB stick. The solution you are suggesting is way too complicated in my eyes and actually relies on stick to either have the same size or else you will have to do a lot of fiddling around. Also, unnecessarily, you are saying that you should modify the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, when, in fact, the easiest thing to do is to delete that file altogether and also the file /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules, which would be responsible for writing a new version of the first file (sorry, I read this somewhere but I do not know the source anymore, so I can only give indirect credit like this!).

I have written up my own way of cloning a USB-drive, which, I believe, is a good add-on to the effort you made. Maybe you will find it useful too.

Standart ist der Standardfehler
Re: Wheezy install script
January 22, 2013 01:55PM
chessplayer Wrote:

> Also, unnecessarily, you are saying that
> you should modify the file
> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules,
> when, in fact, the easiest thing to do is to
> delete that file altogether and also the file
> /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.r
> ules
, which would be responsible for writing a
> new version of the first file (sorry, I read this
> somewhere but I do not know the source anymore, so
> I can only give indirect credit like this!).

IMO, modifying the files is a better approach than deleting it. You'll be able to use the same stick for all your plugs (i.e. have your latest Debian system backup for all plugs). IIRC, once you've booted into Debian, the udev persistent files got recreated. In any case, it's a minor thing, either way would work fine :)
Re: Wheezy install script
January 23, 2013 12:08AM
Thank you for the hint. As usual serveral ways are routing to Rome.
Please have also a look at Clone Disk Drives with Ubuntu

@ bodhi
Thank you for the positve feedback.

Regards, Rudolf

http://www.rudiswiki.de/wiki9/DockStarDebian - Debian 7 wheezy setup documentation

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2013 12:13AM by Rudolf.
Re: Wheezy install script
January 23, 2013 06:52PM
I recently acquired a Pogoplug E02, and have been playing around with Jeff's Wheezy install script. I have a handful of changes to contribute; below is a walk-through of them:

* Removed URL_FW_CONFIG definition, as it is not used (but see note below on /etc/fw_env.config)

* Replaced dummy/transitional packages in EXTRA_PACKAGES with their successors: module-init-tools -> kmod, uboot-envtools & uboot-mkimage -> u-boot-tools

* Added "dialog" to EXTRA_PACKAGES to allow debconf dialogs to work

* Removed KERNEL_VERSION assignment, as it's no longer needed (and is prone to falling out of date anyway)

* Fixed RO_ROOT_ typo (thanks to the anonymous poster above who caught it)

* Hide error message from RO_ROOT test, for polish

* Fixed "is_readonly=0" typo (also thanks to anonymous poster above)

* Fixed typos in Perl check: missing apostrophe, and "[" has "=" as an operator, not "=="

* tar(1) function letters should not be prefixed with a hyphen

* Add security.debian.org line to /etc/apt/sources.list, to keep the system abreast of security updates

* Instead of creating /etc/apt/apt.conf, drop a fragment into /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ (more appropriate for something as small as this)

* The mkimage invocations are not needed; the flash-kernel package already generates uImage/uInitrd correctly during debootstrap

* Added the nice comment header (with minor edits) from $URL_FW_CONFIG to /etc/fw_env.config, and spaced out the hex values to line up with the column-header comment

* Append to /etc/network/interfaces instead of overwriting it, to keep the original file comment header and a layout more like regular Debian systems have

* Tweaked the alignment of columns in /etc/fstab

* Removed the /tmp tmpfs entry from /etc/fstab (in favor of setting RAMTMP=1 in /etc/default/tmpfs)

* Don't create (overwrite) /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-flash-kernel, since the flash-kernel package already provides [a better version of] this script

* Added some comments to explain what's going on with /etc/inittab et al.

* HWCLOCKACCESS=no belongs in /etc/default/hwclock now

* CONCURRENCY=shell is obsolete according to /etc/init.d/rc, and some mailing-list messages indicate that this setting can sometimes cause the boot-up process to fail, so this is probably best done away with

* Don't clobber /etc/shadow with a single line; just edit the entry for root and leave the others untouched

* Clear out about 50 MB of .deb files from /var/cache/apt/archives/ after we're done

I'm attaching a patch file against the current version (1.0, 7/14/2012) of the script, and a copy of the patched script for those who would like to give it a try. Feedback is welcome!
open | download - kirkwood.debian-wheezy.patch (5.1 KB)
open | download - kirkwood.debian-wheezy.new.sh (10.9 KB)
Re: Wheezy install script
January 23, 2013 07:42PM
@iSKUNK! your changes look good, thank you!

The sources for the script are up on github: https://github.com/doozan/DebianInstaller If you send me a pull request, I'll happily merge in your changes and the you'll have the appropriate git changelog attribution.
Re: Wheezy install script
January 24, 2013 01:46PM
I see the git repository has other scripts with similar code, so I've patched those up as well, and sent the pull request.

On a related note: Would it be feasible for the site to provide a rootfs of the installed Wheezy system?

I ask this because once I ran into the issue of the Pogoplug kernel not being able to chroot, what saved me was the Arch Linux ARM rootfs from this page. The forums here seemed to indicate the thing to do was to install the rescue system and run the Wheezy script from there, but the rescue system has to be flashed on the device and I wanted to keep the stock Pogoplug system as the fallback.

Of course, I or someone else here could post a tarball, but there's a trust issue when users download an entire OS from a source that doesn't have "street cred." So there would be real value in having a rootfs that can be downloaded from projects.doozan.com (or, at least, have hashes posted on same).
Re: Wheezy install script
January 27, 2013 06:25PM

thanks a lot. I have meanwhile been able to get everything I need working with davygravy's Kernel and what not, but it is always good to have something running cleanly out of the box.

Tried it out and with a little extra work for my separate boot partition, everything worked like a charm!

Standart ist der Standardfehler
Re: Wheezy install script
February 01, 2013 01:43AM

but the rescue system has to be flashed on the device

I found that I could just boot from the rescue system rootfs on a usb drive, as long as the uboot had been replaced by one that looks for a system on a usb drive. There was no need to flash mtd2. In fact, since flashing mtd2, I have never had access to it again. I've been booting that machine happily from usb though.

Someday I'll flash it back with the images that I saved from a virgin pogoplug.

Thanks for fixing the install script! I haven't dared upgrade another one because of all the hassles involved.

I have succeeded in cloning flash cards. I have simplified my life by using identical cards.
Contrary to the bit above, the persistent rules /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and /lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules files are not replaced on booting debian, but on updating debian. I have chosen to move them so they are not to be found, but I am able to put them back if I decide I need them. BTW, I posted that bit here, but found it somewhere else first. They are only a problem if you try to use your cloned flash drive on a different machine. I note that Arch uses a different approach of insisting that the mac address be in a file: /usr/local/mac_addr

Now, if anyone has succesfully compiled the BSD fetch program on their arm device, I would sorely like to have it on my plugs. Smaller. Faster. Simpler.

Re: Wheezy install script
February 01, 2013 02:55AM
TJ Wrote:
> I note
> that Arch uses a different approach of insisting
> that the mac address be in a file:
> /usr/local/mac_addr

It's only true for the Pogoplug Pro (OXNAS)! For the other models, Arch Linux ARM does not need /usr/local/mac_addr.
Re: Wheezy install script
February 01, 2013 10:28AM
Would that be the same as an image of working operating system? Sorry, I'm still a newbie to linux and ARM, I get some of the terminology confused.

I have a workin Uboot on my E02, but I think I hosed my USB drive with the OS on it. I would like to just reinstall the OS on the USB with another computer, and then stick it in the PogoPlug and boot. But everything I keep reading is about install scripts (which I'm afraid will mess up my Uboot), or Uboot recovery. To me, this just seems harder than it needs to be.
Re: Wheezy install script
February 01, 2013 12:22PM

In order to NOT installing U-boot with the debian installation script you just have to comment 2 lines in the script:
#echo "Installing Bootloader"
#/tmp/install_uboot_mtd0.sh --noprompt

By the way, I have hostet the new Debian wheezy installation script from iSKUNK! on my server.
wget http://www.rudiswiki.de/debian/kirkwood.debian-wheezy.new.sh

Regards, Rudolf

http://www.rudiswiki.de/wiki9/DockStarDebian - Debian 7 wheezy setup documentation
Re: Wheezy install script
February 03, 2013 01:48AM
chessplayer Wrote:
> thanks a lot. I have meanwhile been able to get
> everything I need working with davygravy's Kernel
> and what not, but it is always good to have
> something running cleanly out of the box.

Aye, I'm big on "clean," especially in terms of playing ball with the way a distribution expects to be administrated. I wish there were an official Debian installer for these devices, but as Jeff's scripts are the best available option, I figured polishing them up a bit would get everyone basically the same end result.

TJ Wrote:
> I found that I could just boot from the rescue
> system rootfs on a usb drive, as long as the uboot
> had been replaced by one that looks for a system
> on a usb drive. There was no need to flash mtd2.

There's a big gulf between what's possible, and what appears to be possible when you skim the relevant forum threads :-] The ArchLinux option was easy because I could just follow the steps given, without needing to do them any differently than intended.

> Thanks for fixing the install script! I haven't
> dared upgrade another one because of all the
> hassles involved.

Hope you find it useful! Jeff dealt with all the hard issues already; I mostly removed unnecessary bits, and brought in some Debian-specific know-how.

cheeto4493 Wrote:
> Would that be the same as an image of working
> operating system? Sorry, I'm still a newbie to
> linux and ARM, I get some of the terminology
> confused.

You mean, "rootfs?" It's literally just the root (i.e. "/") filesystem. I was referring to distributing a tarball (.tar.gz file) of the root filesystem, something that you could just unpack into a disk partition and boot off of immediately.

> I have a workin Uboot on my E02, but I think I
> hosed my USB drive with the OS on it. I would like
> to just reinstall the OS on the USB with another
> computer, and then stick it in the PogoPlug and
> boot. But everything I keep reading is about
> install scripts (which I'm afraid will mess up my
> Uboot), or Uboot recovery. To me, this just seems
> harder than it needs to be.

As Rudolf said, you can just comment out the bit that modifies the bootloader. What you may want to do is, once you've run the install script, create a tarball of the newly-installed system. Then, if the system ever goes bye-bye, you can just unpack the tarball instead of running the install script again.

I do agree that being able to just download such a tarball would be easier---especially since the install script can't be run on a PC, and doesn't work on the Pogoplug's stock Linux setup. This is what the ArchLinux folks do already, and it was very helpful for me.

Rudolf Wrote:
> By the way, I have hostet the new Debian wheezy
> installation script from iSKUNK! on my server.

Appreciate the gesture, but there's no need; Jeff has already merged my pull request, and updated the files on his site. (The version I submitted via git also has some last-minute fixes not in the script I posted here.)
Re: Wheezy install script
February 05, 2013 07:35PM
Having run into the same problem with deboostrap:
> # Starting debootstrap installation
> E: unrecognized or invalid option
> --no-check-gpg
> debootstrap failed.

I decided to do some digging to figure out with debootstrap versio was being fetched. Even though I didn't have it on my filesystem, the script helpfully fetched it - except it fetched the old version:
The script decided to get version debootstrap_1.0.26+squeeze1_all.deb
I've forced URL_DEBOOTSTRAP to be:

And the installer went past this stage.
Re: Wheezy install script
February 06, 2013 12:50PM
I have spent my last days and nights to get a working debian on my Goflex net, with no success. Tried squeeze, wheezy, all of my flash drives, installing from various versions of rescue, installing on other machine with debootstrap - every try failed. Most of the problems are discussed here, but i found no working solution.
I would like to ask, if someone manages to install debian to a Goflex Net, please be so kind and upload a tarball from the working system. Thanks!
Re: Wheezy install script
February 06, 2013 01:05PM

You can use Davy's NSA320 rootfs here : http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,7806. It boots just about any Kirkwwod boxes, including the GF Net.
Re: Wheezy install script
February 06, 2013 01:37PM
Yes, that is the only one i found, and boots without a problem. If you say it is good for me, i start to use it.
Thanks :)
Re: Wheezy install script
February 14, 2013 02:23PM
I tried the new script, but I am still stuck at configuring intramfs, it tries to configue it 5 times then fails, I tried the NSA320 rootfs on my goflex home but it doesn't seem to work properly and never ask's for an IP address meaning I cannot administrate it. Any ideas? I have an image of a drive that was able to compile correctly.... but it decided not to boot :(.

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