RN104 bricked September 17, 2020 09:25AM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
BootROM 1.20 Booting from NAND flash BootROM: Bad header at offset 00000000 BootROM: Bad header at offset 00010000 BootROM: Bad header at offset 00020000 BootROM: Bad header at offset 00030000 BootROM: Bad header at offset 00040000 BootROM: Bad header at offset 00050000 .... BootROM: Bad header at offset 012A0000 BootROM: Bad header at offset 012B0000 BootROM: Bad header at offset 012C0000 BootROM: Bad header at offset 012D0000
Re: RN104 bricked September 17, 2020 09:31AM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
kwboot -t /dev/ttyUSB0 -b ./uboot.bin -B 115200 -p
Sending boot message. Please reboot the target...| Sending boot image... 0 % [......................................................................] 1 % [......................................................................] 2 % [......................................................................] 3 % [......................................................................] 4 % [......................................................................] 5 % [......................................................................] 6 % [......................................................................] 7 % [......................................................................] 8 % [......................................................................] 9 % [......... General initialization - Version: 1.0.0 High speed PHY - Version: 2.1.4 (COM-PHY-V20) Update PEX Device ID 0x6710 High speed PHY - Ended Successfully 0000 DDR3 Training Sequence - Ver 5.7.1 DDR3 Training Sequence - Run without PBS. DDR3 Training Sequence - Ended Successfully .............................................................] 10 % [......................................................................] 11 % [......................................................................] 12 % [......................................................................] 13 % [......................................................................] 14 % [......................................................................] 15 % [......................................................................] 16 % [......................................................................] 17 % [......................................................................] 18 % [......................................................................] 19 % [......................................................................] 20 % [......................................................................] 21 % [......................................................................] 22 % [......................................................................] 23 % [......................................................................] 24 % [......................................................................] 25 % [......................................................................] 26 % [......................................................................] 27 % [......................................................................] 28 % [......................................................................] 29 % [......................................................................] 30 % [......................................................................] 31 % [......................................................................] 32 % [......................................................................] 33 % [......................................................................] 34 % [......................................................................] 35 % [......................................................................] 36 % [......................................................................] 37 % [......................................................................] 38 % [......................................................................] 39 % [......................................................................] 40 % [......................................................................] 41 % [......................................................................] 42 % [......................................................................] 43 % [......................................................................] 44 % [......................................................................] 45 % [......................................................................] 46 % [......................................................................] 47 % [......................................................................] 48 % [......................................................................] 49 % [......................................................................] 50 % [......................................................................] 51 % [......................................................................] 52 % [......................................................................] 53 % [......................................................................] 54 % [......................................................................] 55 % [......................................................................] 56 % [......................................................................] 57 % [......................................................................] 58 % [......................................................................] 59 % [......................................................................] 60 % [......................................................................] 61 % [......................................................................] 62 % [......................................................................] 63 % [......................................................................] 64 % [......................................................................] 65 % [......................................................................] 66 % [......................................................................] 67 % [......................................................................] 68 % [......................................................................] 69 % [......................................................................] 70 % [......................................................................] 71 % [......................................................................] 72 % [......................................................................] 73 % [......................................................................] 74 % [......................................................................] 75 % [......................................................................] 76 % [......................................................................] 77 % [......................................................................] 78 % [......................................................................] 79 % [......................................................................] 80 % [......................................................................] 81 % [......................................................................] 82 % [......................................................................] 83 % [......................................................................] 84 % [......................................................................] 85 % [......................................................................] 86 % [......................................................................] 87 % [......................................................................] 88 % [......................................................................] 89 % [......................................................................] 90 % [......................................................................] 91 % [......................................................................] 92 % [......................................................................] 93 % [......................................................................] 94 % [......................................................................] 95 % [......................................................................] 96 % [......................................................................] 97 % [......................................................................] 98 % [......................................................................] 99 % [.........................................................] [Type Ctrl-\ + c to quit] __ __ _ _ | \/ | __ _ _ ____ _____| | | | |\/| |/ _` | '__\ \ / / _ \ | | | | | | (_| | | \ V / __/ | | |_| |_|\__,_|_| \_/ \___|_|_| _ _ ____ _ | | | | | __ ) ___ ___ | |_ | | | |___| _ \ / _ \ / _ \| __| | |_| |___| |_) | (_) | (_) | |_ \___/ |____/ \___/ \___/ \__| ** LOADER ** U-Boot 2011.12-gec25d27-dirty (Oct 26 2015 - 16:56:14) Marvell version: v2011.12 2014_T2.0p1 06/23/2015 ReadyNAS-104 V2.0 Board: DB-88F6710-BP SoC: MV6710 A1 CPU: Marvell PJ4B v7 UP (Rev 1) LE CPU @ 1200 [MHz] L2 @ 600 [MHz] TClock @ 200 [MHz] DDR @ 600 [MHz] DDR 16Bit Width, FastPath Memory Access DRAM: 512 MiB Map: Code: 0x1feef000:0x1ff9f514 BSS: 0x1ffef8a0 Stack: 0x1f9eeef8 Heap: 0x1f9ef000:0x1feef000 NAND: (ID 0xf1ad) 128 MiB MMC: MRVL_MMC: 0 Bad block table found at page 65472, version 0x01 Bad block table found at page 65408, version 0x01 nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x000001660000 Initialize and scan all PCI interfaces PEX unit.port(active IF[-first bus]): ------------------------------------------ PEX 0: Root Complex Interface, Detected Link X1, GEN 2.0 PEX 1: Root Complex Interface, Detected Link X1, GEN 2.0 FPU not initialized USB 0: Host Mode USB 1: Host Mode Shutting down unused interfaces: SDIO AUDIO TDM Modules/Interfaces Detected: RGMII0 Phy RGMII1 Phy PEX0 (Lane 0) PEX1 (Lane 1) SATA0 (Lane 2) SATA1 (Lane 3) Net: egiga0, egiga1 [PRIME] Power On! FDT loaded successfully Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 NAND read: device 0 offset 0x200000, size 0x400000 4194304 bytes read: OK NAND read: device 0 offset 0x800000, size 0x400000 4194304 bytes read: OK Wrong Image Format for bootm command ERROR: can't get kernel image! Marvell>>
Re: RN104 bricked September 17, 2020 09:40AM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: RN104 bricked September 17, 2020 10:05AM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
arvell>> mtdparts device nand0 <armada-nand>, # parts = 5 #: name size offset mask_flags 0: u-boot 0x000000180000 0x000000000000 0 1: u-boot-env 0x000000020000 0x000000180000 0 2: uImage 0x000000600000 0x000000200000 0 3: minirootfs 0x000000400000 0x000000800000 0 4: ubifs 0x000007400000 0x000000c00000 0 active partition: nand0,0 - (u-boot) 0x000000180000 @ 0x000000000000 defaults: mtdids : none mtdparts: none
Marvell>> printenv AC_Power_fail_detect=open CASset=min HW_version=MVT MALLOC_len=5 Manufacturer=NETGEAR NANDboot=nand read.e 0x2000000 0x200000 0x400000;nand read.e 0x1000000 0x7e00000 0x20000;nand read.e 0x3000000 0x800000 0x400000;bootz 0x2000000 0x3000000 0x1000000 Product=ReadyNAS 104 SKUNum=RN104 Startup=Normal USBboot=fatload usb 0:1 0x2000000 /zImage-recovery;fatload usb 0:1 0x1000000 /RN104-recovery.dtb;fatload usb 0:1 0x3000000 /initrd-recovery.gz;bootz 0x2000000 0x3000000 0x1000000 Version=V1.0 autoload=no baudrate=115200 bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 earlyprintk root-dev/sde1 bootargs_end=: bootargs_orig=bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 bootargs_root=root=/dev/nfs rw bootcmd=nand read 0x2000000 0x200000 0x400000; nand read 0x3000000 0x800000 0x400000; bootm 0x2000000 0x3000000 0x1000000 bootcmd_fdt=tftpboot 0x2000000 $image_name;tftpboot $fdtaddr $fdtfile;setenv bootargs $console $mtdparts $bootargs_root nfsroot=$serverip:$rootpath ip=$ipaddr:$serverip$bootargs_end $mvNetConfig video=dovefb:lcd0:$lcd0_params clcd.lcd0_enable=$lcd0_enable clcd.lcd_panel=$lcd_panel; bootz 0x2000000 - $fdtaddr; bootcmd_orig=bootcmd=nand read 0x2000000 0x200000 0x400000 bootcmd_ubi=ubi part ubifs; ubifsmount rootfs; ubifsload 0x2000000 kernel; ubifsload 0x3000000 initrd.gz; bootm 0x2000000 0x3000000 0x1000000 bootdelay=0 bootfile=uboot.bin cacheShare=no check_usb=usb start; fatload usb 0:1 0x2000000 /NTGR_USBBOOT_INFO.txt console=console=ttyS0,115200 disL2Cache=yes disaMvPnp=no eeeEnable=no enaAutoRecovery=yes enaClockGating=yes enaFPU=no enaWrAllo=no envver=3 eth1addr=00:50:43:02:00:00 eth1mtu=1500 ethact=egiga1 ethaddr=00:50:43:02:02:00 ethmtu=1500 ethprime=egiga1 fdt_skip_update=no fdtaddr=0x1000000 fdtfile=armada-370-db.dtb fileaddr=1200000 filesize=46707F image_name=uImage initrd_high=0xFFFFFFFF initrd_name=uInitrd ipaddr= loadaddr=0x02000000 loads_echo=0 mtddevname=u-boot mtddevnum=0 mtdids=nand0=armada-nand mtdparts=mtdparts=armada-nand:0x180000@0(u-boot),0x20000@0x180000(u-boot-env),0x600000@0x200000(uImage),0x400000@0x800000(minirootfs),-(ubifs) mvNetConfig=switch_config=none mv_pon_addr=00:50:43:00:00:02 nandEcc=1bit netbsd_en=no netmask= netretry=no partition=nand0,0 pcieTune=no pexMode=rc pxe_files_load=:default.arm-armada370-db:default.arm-armadaxp:default.arm pxefile_addr_r=3100000 rcvrip= rootpath=/srv/oneiric sata_delay_reset=0 sata_dma_mode=yes serverip= standalone=fsload 0x2000000 $image_name;setenv bootargs $console $mtdparts root=/dev/mtdblock0 rw ip=$ipaddr:$serverip$bootargs_end; bootm 0x2000000; stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial usb0Mode=host usb1Mode=host usb2Mode=device usbActive=0 vxworks_en=no yuk_ethaddr=00:00:00:EE:51:81 Environment size: 2929/131068 bytes
Re: RN104 bricked September 17, 2020 02:44PM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
Marvell>> setenv serverip Marvell>> setenv ipaddr Marvell>> setenv gatewayip Marvell>> tftpboot 0x000000000000 uboot.bin egiga1 wait for link ....... no link (wait 6000 ms) egiga0 wait for link .Done - link up. Using egiga0 device TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'uboot.bin'. Load address: 0x0 Loading: ############################################################# done Bytes transferred = 894280 (da548 hex) Marvell>> nand write 0x000000000000 0 0x000000180000 NAND write: device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x180000 1572864 bytes written: OK Marvell>>
Re: RN104 bricked September 17, 2020 03:21PM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: RN104 bricked September 17, 2020 04:14PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,325 |
printenvAnd please post the output here.
0: u-boot 0x000000180000 0x000000000000 0
1: u-boot-env 0x000000020000 0x000000180000 0 2: uImage 0x000000600000 0x000000200000 0 3: minirootfs 0x000000400000 0x000000800000 0 4: ubifs 0x000007400000 0x000000c00000 0
Re: RN104 bricked September 17, 2020 05:36PM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
printenv Marvell>> printenv AC_Power_fail_detect=open CASset=min HW_version=MVT MALLOC_len=5 Manufacturer=NETGEAR NANDboot=nand read.e 0x2000000 0x200000 0x400000;nand read.e 0x1000000 0x7e00000 0x20000;nand read.e 0x3000000 0x800000 0x400000;bootz 0x2000000 0x3000000 0x1000000 Product=ReadyNAS 104 SKUNum=RN104 Startup=Normal USBboot=fatload usb 0:1 0x2000000 /zImage-recovery;fatload usb 0:1 0x1000000 /RN104-recovery.dtb;fatload usb 0:1 0x3000000 /initrd-recovery.gz;bootz 0x2000000 0x3000000 0x1000000 Version=V1.0 autoload=no baudrate=115200 bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 bootargs_end=: bootargs_root=root=/dev/nfs rw bootcmd=nand read 0x2000000 0x200000 0x400000; nand read 0x3000000 0x800000 0x400000; bootm 0x2000000 0x3000000 0x1000000 bootcmd_fdt=tftpboot 0x2000000 $image_name;tftpboot $fdtaddr $fdtfile;setenv bootargs $console $mtdparts $bootargs_root nfsroot=$serverip:$rootpath ip=$ipaddr:$serverip$bootargs_end $mvNetConfig video=dovefb:lcd0:$lcd0_params clcd.lcd0_enable=$lcd0_enable clcd.lcd_panel=$lcd_panel; bootz 0x2000000 - $fdtaddr; bootcmd_ubi=ubi part ubifs; ubifsmount rootfs; ubifsload 0x2000000 kernel; ubifsload 0x3000000 initrd.gz; bootm 0x2000000 0x3000000 0x1000000 bootdelay=0 cacheShare=no check_usb=usb start; fatload usb 0:1 0x2000000 /NTGR_USBBOOT_INFO.txt console=console=ttyS0,115200 disL2Cache=yes disaMvPnp=no eeeEnable=no enaAutoRecovery=yes enaClockGating=yes enaFPU=no enaWrAllo=no envver=3 eth1addr=00:50:43:02:00:00 eth1mtu=1500 ethact=egiga1 ethaddr=00:50:43:02:02:00 ethmtu=1500 ethprime=egiga1 fdt_skip_update=no fdtaddr=0x1000000 fdtfile=armada-370-db.dtb image_name=uImage initrd_high=0xFFFFFFFF initrd_name=uInitrd ipaddr= loadaddr=0x02000000 loads_echo=0 mtdids=nand0=armada-nand mtdparts=mtdparts=armada-nand:0x180000@0(u-boot),0x20000@0x180000(u-boot-env),0x600000@0x200000(uImage),0x400000@0x800000(minirootfs),-(ubifs) mvNetConfig=switch_config=none mv_pon_addr=00:50:43:00:00:02 nandEcc=1bit netbsd_en=no netmask= netretry=no pcieTune=no pexMode=rc pxe_files_load=:default.arm-armada370-db:default.arm-armadaxp:default.arm pxefile_addr_r=3100000 rcvrip= rootpath=/srv/oneiric sata_delay_reset=0 sata_dma_mode=yes serverip= standalone=fsload 0x2000000 $image_name;setenv bootargs $console $mtdparts root=/dev/mtdblock0 rw ip=$ipaddr:$serverip$bootargs_end; bootm 0x2000000; stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial usb0Mode=host usb1Mode=host usb2Mode=device usbActive=0 vxworks_en=no yuk_ethaddr=00:00:00:EE:51:81 Environment size: 2690/131068 bytes
Power On! FDT loaded successfully Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 (Re)start USB... USB: Active port: 0 Register 10011 NbrPorts 1 USB EHCI 1.00 scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found reading /uImage-recovery 3159060 bytes read reading /initrd-recovery.gz 2729717 bytes read NAND read: device 0 offset 0xd4000, size 0x6000 24576 bytes read: OK ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 02000000 ... Image Name: Linux-3.0.101.RN_ARM.4 Created: 2015-04-01 23:06:44 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 3158996 Bytes = 3 MiB Load Address: 00008000 Entry Point: 00008000 Verifying Checksum ... OK ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 03000000 ... Image Name: initrd-recovery Created: 2017-12-22 19:19:16 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (lzma compressed) Data Size: 2729653 Bytes = 2.6 MiB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Verifying Checksum ... OK ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 01000000 Booting using the fdt blob at 0x01000000 Skipping FDT on legacy kernel Loading Kernel Image ... OK Starting kernel ... Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel. o 2 Giga ports supported o SKB recycle supported (Enabled) o NETA acceleration mode 1 o RX Queue support: 8 Queues * 512 Descriptors o TX Queue support: 8 Queues * 512 Descriptors o GSO supported o GRO supported o Receive checksum offload supported o Transmit checksum offload supported o Driver ERROR statistics enabled o Loading network interface(s) o Port 0 is connected to Linux netdevice giga p=0: mtu=1500, mac=d002be44 o eth0, ifindex = 2, GbE port = 0 o Port 1 is connected to Linux netdevice giga p=1: mtu=1500, mac=d002be44 o eth1, ifindex = 3, GbE port = 1 Starting USB Recovery... ARCH: arm Got systype=rn104 Searching for external boot flash device...sdb Searching for external boot flash device...sdb UBI device number 0, total 919 LEBs (116690944 bytes, 111.3 MiB), available 906 LEBs (115040256 bytes, 109.7 MiB), LEB size 126976 bytes (124.0 KiB) Internal flash attached Searching for internal boot flash device...Did not find boot flash! ERROR: Could not find internal flash device!! Booting into debug mode... udhcpc (v1.21.1) started grep: /etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory Sending discover... Sending select for Lease of obtained, lease time 86400 deleting routers route: SIOCDELRT: No such process adding dns Hostid: 43020200 /bin/ash: can't access tty; job control turned off / # / # / #
Re: RN104 bricked September 17, 2020 05:44PM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: RN104 bricked September 17, 2020 05:57PM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
tftpboot 0x000000000000 uboot.bin nand write 0x000000000000 0 0x000000180000
tftp 0x000000180000 kernel.arm nand write 0x000000180000 0 0x000000020000 tftp 0x000000200000 uImage-recovery nand write 0x000000200000 0 0x000000600000
1: u-boot-env 0x000000020000 0x000000180000 0 2: uImage 0x000000600000 0x000000200000 0 3: minirootfs 0x000000400000 0x000000800000 0 4: ubifs 0x000007400000 0x000000c00000 0
csums.md5 initrd.gz kernel.arm u-boot-rn104-2.0.img initrd-recovery.gz uImage-recovery
Re: RN104 bricked September 17, 2020 06:37PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,325 |
Re: RN104 bricked September 18, 2020 05:04AM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
csums.md5 initrd.gz kernel.arm u-boot-rn104-2.0.img initrd-recovery.gz uImage-recovery
0: u-boot 0x000000180000 0x000000000000 0 1: u-boot-env 0x000000020000 0x000000180000 0 2: uImage 0x000000600000 0x000000200000 0 3: minirootfs 0x000000400000 0x000000800000 0 4: ubifs 0x000007400000 0x000000c00000 0
Re: RN104 bricked September 18, 2020 01:11PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 192 |
apt install -y mtd-utils or apt-get install -y mtd-utilsto install 'nandwrite'.
nrutil chrootThis command swaps the root file system in RAM with a root file system on the first RAID partition on a HDD or SSD in slot 1, so for this to work you must have a disk with the (unpacked) stock firmware on it.
rnutil --help Usage: rnutil COMMAND [OPTIONS] event_push push a system event to the UI get_disk_info print a list of all attached disks and disk information check_ups_drv check and possibly start network ups drivers rn_shutdown shutdown readynasd and system gracefully rn_lcd LCD display remote_access start a remote access session for tech support volume_util perform volume operations mkhomedir_helper home subvolume creator for PAM disk_event_handler handler for disk events hotplug_event notifier for hotplug events md_event notifier for MD RAID events start_raids start all MD RAID arrays volume_schedule start volume schedule job spindown_schedule start spindown schedule job backup_md backup MD RAID superblocks bit_rot_event bit rot events firmware_update check for firmware update apt_wait Wait for an APT lock to release create_system_log Create system log archive diagnostics Run system diagnostics blink Locate the NAS with LEDs bluetooth_event Bluetooth events dump_sysflags List systype flags or check if flag is set for system clamav_event ClamAV events antivirus_scan_rootfscan antivirus in rootfs list list all personalities help print this help textI don't know what 'nrutil firmware_update' does, but if you have a broken system I guess it cannot make things much worse.
Re: RN104 bricked September 18, 2020 04:47PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,325 |
device nand0 <armada-nand>, # parts = 5 #: name size offset mask_flags 0: u-boot 0x000000180000 0x000000000000 0 1: u-boot-env 0x000000020000 0x000000180000 0 2: uImage 0x000000600000 0x000000200000 0 3: minirootfs 0x000000400000 0x000000800000 0 4: ubifs 0x000007400000 0x000000c00000 0 active partition: nand0,0 - (u-boot) 0x000000180000 @ 0x000000000000 defaults: mtdids : none mtdparts: none
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 10:38AM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
tftpboot 0x000000000000 uboot.bin nand write 0x000000000000 0 0x000000180000 tftp 0x000000180000 kernel.arm nand write 0x000000180000 0 0x000000020000 tftp 0x000000200000 uImage-recovery nand write 0x000000200000 0 0x000000600000
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 11:06AM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
nand erase.chip Marvell>> setenv serverip Marvell>> setenv ipaddr Marvell>> setenv gatewayip Marvell>> tftpboot 0x000000000000 uboot.bin Using egiga0 device TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'uboot.bin'. Load address: 0x0 Loading: ############################################################# done Bytes transferred = 894280 (da548 hex) Marvell>> nand write 0x000000000000 0x000000020000 0x000000180000 NAND write: device 0 offset 0x20000, size 0x180000 1572864 bytes written: OK Marvell>> tftpboot 0x2000000 kernel.arm Using egiga0 device TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'kernel.arm'. Load address: 0x2000000 Loading: ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ########################################## done Bytes transferred = 3474632 (3504c8 hex) Marvell>> nand write 0x2000000 0x200000 0x400000 NAND write: device 0 offset 0x200000, size 0x400000 4194304 bytes written: OK Marvell>> tftpboot 0x3000000 initrd.gz Using egiga0 device TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'initrd.gz'. Load address: 0x3000000 Loading: ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ####################################### done Bytes transferred = 3425169 (344391 hex) Marvell>> nand write 0x3000000 0x800000 0x400000 NAND write: device 0 offset 0x800000, size 0x400000 4194304 bytes written: OK Marvell>> boot ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 02000000 ... Image Name: Linux-4.4.190.armada.1 Created: 2019-10-28 2:07:50 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 3474568 Bytes = 3.3 MiB Load Address: 00008000 Entry Point: 00008000 Verifying Checksum ... OK ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 03000000 ... Image Name: initramfs Created: 2020-02-12 1:13:27 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (lzma compressed) Data Size: 3425105 Bytes = 3.3 MiB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Verifying Checksum ... OK ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 01000000 Booting using the fdt blob at 0x01000000 Loading Kernel Image ... OK Loading Ramdisk to 1f6aa000, end 1f9ee351 ... OK Using Device Tree in place at 01000000, end 010068e5 Updating device tree successful Starting kernel ... Starting the boot process... Detected system type: RN104 Loading kernel modules...done Boot mode: Normal UBI device number 0, total 919 LEBs (116690944 bytes, 111.3 MiB), available 915 LEBs (116183040 bytes, 110.8 MiB), LEB size 126976 bytes (124.0 KiB) Searching for disks (5)... Bringing up network...done ERROR: Could not resolve host: update.readynas.com command failed: /usr/bin/rnutil firmware_update mdadm: array /dev/md0 started. mke2fs 1.42.13 (17-May-2015) Discarding device blocks: done Creating filesystem with 1047552 4k blocks and 1048576 inodes Filesystem UUID: 1ea9e77c-a133-4bd0-bb95-b6b9db536643 Superblock backups stored on blocks: 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736 Allocating group tables: done Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (16384 blocks): done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done Extracting root image...ERROR: Could not mount boot flash [/dev/ubi0_0] (Invalid argument) Welcome to ReadyNASOS nas-02-02-00 login: command failed: mdev -s command failed: /usr/sbin/telnetd Welcome to ReadyNASOS nas-02-02-00 login:
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 11:21AM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
| \/ | __ _ _ ____ _____| | | | |\/| |/ _` | '__\ \ / / _ \ | | | | | | (_| | | \ V / __/ | | |_| |_|\__,_|_| \_/ \___|_|_| _ _ ____ _ | | | | | __ ) ___ ___ | |_ | | | |___| _ \ / _ \ / _ \| __| | |_| |___| |_) | (_) | (_) | |_ \___/ |____/ \___/ \___/ \__| ** LOADER ** U-Boot 2011.12-gec25d27-dirty (Oct 26 2015 - 16:56:14) Marvell version: v2011.12 2014_T2.0p1 06/23/2015 ReadyNAS-104 V2.0 Board: DB-88F6710-BP SoC: MV6710 A1 CPU: Marvell PJ4B v7 UP (Rev 1) LE CPU @ 1200 [MHz] L2 @ 600 [MHz] TClock @ 200 [MHz] DDR @ 600 [MHz] DDR 16Bit Width, FastPath Memory Access DRAM: 512 MiB Map: Code: 0x1feef000:0x1ff9f514 BSS: 0x1ffef8a0 Stack: 0x1f9eeef8 Heap: 0x1f9ef000:0x1feef000 NAND: (ID 0xf1ad) 128 MiB MMC: MRVL_MMC: 0 Bad block table found at page 65472, version 0x01 Bad block table found at page 65408, version 0x01 nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x000002120000 nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x000004580000 nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x000007640000 Initialize and scan all PCI interfaces PEX unit.port(active IF[-first bus]): ------------------------------------------ PEX 0: Root Complex Interface, Detected Link X1, GEN 2.0 PEX 1: Root Complex Interface, Detected Link X1, GEN 2.0 FPU not initialized USB 0: Host Mode USB 1: Host Mode Shutting down unused interfaces: SDIO AUDIO TDM Modules/Interfaces Detected: RGMII0 Phy RGMII1 Phy PEX0 (Lane 0) PEX1 (Lane 1) SATA0 (Lane 2) SATA1 (Lane 3) Net: egiga0, egiga1 [PRIME] Power On! FDT loaded successfully Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 NAND read: device 0 offset 0x200000, size 0x400000 4194304 bytes read: OK NAND read: device 0 offset 0x800000, size 0x400000 4194304 bytes read: OK ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 02000000 ... Image Name: Linux-4.4.190.armada.1 Created: 2019-10-28 2:07:50 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 3474568 Bytes = 3.3 MiB Load Address: 00008000 Entry Point: 00008000 Verifying Checksum ... OK ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 03000000 ... Image Name: initramfs Created: 2020-02-12 1:13:27 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (lzma compressed) Data Size: 3425105 Bytes = 3.3 MiB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Verifying Checksum ... OK ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 01000000 Booting using the fdt blob at 0x01000000 Loading Kernel Image ... OK Using Ramdisk in place at 03000040, end 03344391 Using Device Tree in place at 01000000, end 010068e5 Updating device tree successful Starting kernel ... [ 4.082785] rtc-isl12057 0-0068: _isl12057_rtc_read_time: oscillator failure bit set, continuing anyway [ 4.094643] rtc-isl12057 0-0068: _isl12057_rtc_read_time: oscillator failure bit set, continuing anyway [ 4.106071] rtc-isl12057 0-0068: _isl12057_rtc_read_time: oscillator failure bit set, continuing anyway [ 4.264428] rtc-isl12057 0-0068: _isl12057_rtc_read_time: oscillator failure bit set, continuing anyway Starting the boot process... Detected system type: RN104 Loading kernel modules...done Boot mode: Normal UBI device number 0, total 917 LEBs (116436992 bytes, 111.0 MiB), available 9 LEBs (1142784 bytes, 1.1 MiB), LEB size 126976 bytes (124.0 KiB) Searching for disks (5)... Bringing up network...eth0.done name: ReadyNASOS version: 6.10.3 verno: 6010003 time: 1581469513 arch: arm size: 77369344 md5sum: fe0afd1f70df930a070482a2ddbcee19 descr: ReadyNASOS Not downgrading firmware. mdadm: array /dev/md0 started. mke2fs 1.42.13 (17-May-2015) Discarding device blocks: done Creating filesystem with 1047552 4k blocks and 1048576 inodes Filesystem UUID: 701b6498-5bfc-4685-8c07-cb682cd998be Superblock backups stored on blocks: 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736 Allocating group tables: done Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (16384 blocks): done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done Extracting root image...done Bringing up RAID arrays...done e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015) /dev/md0 is mounted. e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting. Swap array is not optimal -- trying to recreate...can't. Found no usable partitions. lib/systemd/system/apps.mount lib/systemd/system/home.mount var/lib/connman/settings etc/exports etc/group etc/snmp/snmpd.conf etc/aliases etc/nsswitch.conf etc/passwd etc/environment etc/shadow etc/timezone etc/hostname etc/fstab etc/forked-daapd.conf etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf etc/pam.d/common-auth etc/pam.d/common-account etc/samba/smb.conf etc/frontview/apache/Shares.conf etc/frontview/apache/http-share-redirect.conf etc/frontview/apache/http-redirect.conf etc/frontview/apache/apps-https.conf etc/frontview/rn_audit.conf etc/frontview/proftpd/Shares.conf etc/frontview/proftpd/proftpd.conf.overrides etc/frontview/samba/Shares.conf etc/frontview/samba/dfs.conf etc/frontview/samba/Shares.conf.admin etc/frontview/samba/usermap.conf etc/frontview/account.conf etc/frontview/rsync/Shares.conf etc/ssh/sshd_config etc/netatalk/extmap.conf etc/netatalk/afp.conf etc/readytivo.conf etc/default/locale etc/default/noflushd etc/default/nfs-kernel-server etc/default/services etc/nut/upsd.conf etc/nut/nut.conf etc/nut/upsd.users etc/nut/ups.conf etc/nut/upsmon.conf etc/clamav/clamd.conf etc/hosts etc/readydrop/readydropd.conf etc/sysconfig/snapper etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/apps.mount etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/home.mount etc/alternatives/editor etc/alternatives/vi etc/alternatives/rview etc/alternatives/ex etc/localtime etc/gshadow bin/ping6 bin/ping opt/p2p/conf/lnconfiguration.xml opt/remote/conf/lnallshares.xml opt/remote/conf/lnvpnshares.xml opt/remote/conf/lnfoldershares.xml opt/remote/conf/lnremoteconfig.xml usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled Switching root to RAID device. Welcome to ReadyNASOS 6.10.3! [ OK ] Reached target Encrypted Volumes. [ OK ] Started Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch. [ OK ] Listening on /dev/initctl Compatibility Named Pipe. [ OK ] Listening on Journal Socket (/dev/log). [ OK ] Listening on udev Kernel Socket. [ OK ] Created slice User and Session Slice. [ OK ] Listening on Journal Socket. [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre). [ OK ] Reached target Remote File Systems. [ OK ] Created slice System Slice. [ OK ] Created slice system-serial\x2dgetty.slice. [ OK ] Started ReadyNAS LCD splasher. Starting ReadyNASOS system prep... Starting Load Kernel Modules... Starting Remount Root and Kernel File Systems... Starting Journal Service... [ OK ] Reached target Slices. Mounting POSIX Message Queue File System... [ OK ] Started Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. Starting Create Static Device Nodes in /dev... [ OK ] Created slice system-getty.slice. [ OK ] Listening on udev Control Socket. [ OK ] Mounted POSIX Message Queue File System. [ OK ] Started Load Kernel Modules. [ OK ] Started Remount Root and Kernel File Systems. [ OK ] Started Create Static Device Nodes in /dev. Starting udev Kernel Device Manager... Starting Rebuild Hardware Database... Starting Load/Save Random Seed... Mounting FUSE Control File System... Starting Apply Kernel Variables... Mounting Configuration File System... [ OK ] Started Load/Save Random Seed. [ OK ] Mounted FUSE Control File System. [ OK ] Mounted Configuration File System. [ OK ] Started udev Kernel Device Manager. [ OK ] Started Apply Kernel Variables. Starting MD arrays... [ OK ] Started MD arrays. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems (Pre). [ OK ] Reached target Swap. [ OK ] Reached target Local File Systems. [ OK ] Started Journal Service. Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... [ OK ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... [ OK ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... [ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. [ OK ] Started Rebuild Hardware Database. Starting udev Coldplug all Devices... [ OK ] Started udev Coldplug all Devices. Starting udev Wait for Complete Device Initialization... [ OK ] Found device /dev/ttyS0. [ OK ] Listening on Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status /dev/rfkill Watch. [ OK ] Started udev Wait for Complete Device Initialization. [ OK ] Started ReadyNASOS system prep. [ OK ] Reached target System Initialization. [ OK ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. [ OK ] Started Log Truncate Timer. [ OK ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. [ OK ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket. [ OK ] Reached target Sockets. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. [ OK ] Started MD repair service. [ OK ] Started MD monitoring service. [ OK ] Started Reset I2C. Starting Login Service... [ OK ] Started Regular background program processing daemon. [ OK ] Started RAIDar discovery service. [ OK ] Started Timer for ReadyNAS Update Service. [ OK ] Reached target Timers. Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack... [ OK ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus. [ OK ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack. Starting Connection service... [ OK ] Started Connection service. [ OK ] Started Login Service. Starting Wait until network is up... [ OK ] Reached target Network. Starting Permit User Sessions... Starting Hostname Service... [ OK ] Started Permit User Sessions. [ OK ] Started Hostname Service. [ OK ] Started Serial Getty on ttyS0. [ OK ] Started Getty on tty1. [ OK ] Reached target Login Prompts. ReadyNASOS 6.10.3 nas-36-66-02 ttyS0 nas-36-66-02 login:
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 11:31AM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
0: u-boot 0x000000180000 0x000000000000 0 1: u-boot-env 0x000000020000 0x000000180000 0 2: uImage 0x000000600000 0x000000200000 0 3: minirootfs 0x000000400000 0x000000800000 0 4: ubifs 0x000007400000 0x000000c00000 0
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 02:42PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 192 |
I have checked, the Tech Support mode is completely useless "apt" and "nandwrite" doesn't work, "rnutil chroot" doesn't write anything, "rnutil firmware_update" doest update anything
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 04:29PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,325 |
0: u-boot 0x000000180000 0x000000000000 0 1: u-boot-env 0x000000020000 0x000000180000 0 2: uImage 0x000000600000 0x000000200000 0 3: minirootfs 0x000000400000 0x000000800000 0 4: ubifs 0x000007400000 0x000000c00000 0
Marvell>> nand write 0x000000000000 0x000000020000 0x000000180000 Marvell>> nand write 0x2000000 0x200000 0x400000 Marvell>> nand write 0x3000000 0x800000 0x400000
mkdir -p /media/mtd_backup cd /media/mtd_backup
nanddump --noecc --omitoob -f mtd3.minirootfs.rn104 /dev/mtd3 nanddump --noecc --omitoob -f mtd4.ubifs.rn104 /dev/mtd4
cat /proc/mtdIf it is good, go ahead and flash
cd /media/sdb1/mtd_backup nandwrite /dev/mtd3 mtd3.minirootfs.rn104 nandwrite /dev/mtd4 mtd4.ubifs.rn104 /dev/ubifs
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 06:14PM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
0: u-boot 0x000000180000 0x000000000000 0 1: u-boot-env 0x000000020000 0x000000180000 0 2: uImage 0x000000600000 0x000000200000 0 3: minirootfs 0x000000400000 0x000000800000 0 4: ubifs 0x000007400000 0x000000c00000 0
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 06:34PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,325 |
Can anyone please help me to written default FW image to nand via ubifs ?
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 06:39PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 192 |
'rnutil chroot' command does work which gives me the root access but I cant find nand, ubifs, minirootfs partions for the image to written.
apt install -y mtd-utils u-boot-tools
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 07:23PM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
I just did above.
root@20B:/# cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="ReadyNASOS 6.10.3" NAME="Debian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="8" VERSION="8 (jessie)" ID=debian HOME_URL="http://www.debian.org/" SUPPORT_URL="http://www.debian.org/support" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.debian.org/"
root@20B:/# help GNU bash, version 4.3.30(1)-release (arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi) These shell commands are defined internally. Type `help' to see this list. Type `help name' to find out more about the function `name'. Use `info bash' to find out more about the shell in general. Use `man -k' or `info' to find out more about commands not in this list. A star (*) next to a name means that the command is disabled. job_spec [&] history [-c] [-d offset] [n] or history -anrw [filename] or history -ps arg [arg...] (( expression )) if COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; [ elif COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; ]... [ else COMMANDS; ] fi . filename [arguments] jobs [-lnprs] [jobspec ...] or jobs -x command [args] : kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec] [ arg... ] let arg [arg ...] [[ expression ]] local [option] name[=value] ... alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ] logout [n] bg [job_spec ...] mapfile [-n count] [-O origin] [-s count] [-t] [-u fd] [-C callback] [-c quantum] [array] bind [-lpsvPSVX] [-m keymap] [-f filename] [-q name] [-u name] [-r keyseq] [-x keyseq:shell-command] [keyseq:readli> popd [-n] [+N | -N] break [n] printf [-v var] format [arguments] builtin [shell-builtin [arg ...]] pushd [-n] [+N | -N | dir] caller [expr] pwd [-LP] case WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]...) COMMANDS ;;]... esac read [-ers] [-a array] [-d delim] [-i text] [-n nchars] [-N nchars] [-p prompt] [-t timeout] [-u fd] [name ...] cd [-L|[-P [-e]] [-@]] [dir] readarray [-n count] [-O origin] [-s count] [-t] [-u fd] [-C callback] [-c quantum] [array] command [-pVv] command [arg ...] readonly [-aAf] [name[=value] ...] or readonly -p compgen [-abcdefgjksuv] [-o option] [-A action] [-G globpat] [-W wordlist] [-F function] [-C command] [-X filterp> return [n] complete [-abcdefgjksuv] [-pr] [-DE] [-o option] [-A action] [-G globpat] [-W wordlist] [-F function] [-C command]> select NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do COMMANDS; done compopt [-o|+o option] [-DE] [name ...] set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...] continue [n] shift [n] coproc [NAME] command [redirections] shopt [-pqsu] [-o] [optname ...] declare [-aAfFgilnrtux] [-p] [name[=value] ...] source filename [arguments] dirs [-clpv] [+N] [-N] suspend [-f] disown [-h] [-ar] [jobspec ...] test [expr] echo [-neE] [arg ...] time [-p] pipeline enable [-a] [-dnps] [-f filename] [name ...] times eval [arg ...] trap [-lp] [[arg] signal_spec ...] exec [-cl] [-a name] [command [arguments ...]] [redirection ...] true exit [n] type [-afptP] name [name ...] export [-fn] [name[=value] ...] or export -p typeset [-aAfFgilrtux] [-p] name[=value] ... false ulimit [-SHabcdefilmnpqrstuvxT] [limit] fc [-e ename] [-lnr] [first] [last] or fc -s [pat=rep] [command] umask [-p] [-S] [mode] fg [job_spec] unalias [-a] name [name ...] for NAME [in WORDS ... ] ; do COMMANDS; done unset [-f] [-v] [-n] [name ...] for (( exp1; exp2; exp3 )); do COMMANDS; done until COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done function name { COMMANDS ; } or name () { COMMANDS ; } variables - Names and meanings of some shell variables getopts optstring name [arg] wait [-n] [id ...] hash [-lr] [-p pathname] [-dt] [name ...] while COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; done help [-dms] [pattern ...] { COMMANDS ; }
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 07:35PM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
Now you may install any tool you like, for instance:
apt install -y mtd-utils y-boot-tools
root@nas-36-66-02:~# apt install -y mtd-utils y-boot-tools Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package y-boot-tools
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 09:13PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,325 |
cd /media/tools ./nanddumpso on.
cd /media/tools ./nandwrite
Re: RN104 bricked September 19, 2020 10:20PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 192 |
Re: RN104 bricked September 20, 2020 01:55PM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
then in the bricked box, do the same when you execute nandwrite
./nandwrite /dev/mtd3 mtd3.minirootfs.rn104 ./nandwrite /dev/mtd4 mtd4.ubifs.rn104
./nanddump --noecc --omitoob -f mtd0.u-boot.rn104 /dev/mtd0 ./nanddump --noecc --omitoob -f mtd1.u-boot-env.rn104 /dev/mtd1 ./nanddump --noecc --omitoob -f mtd2.uImage.rn104 /dev/mtd2 ./nanddump --noecc --omitoob -f mtd3.minirootfs.rn104 /dev/mtd3 ./nanddump --noecc --omitoob -f mtd4.ubifs.rn104 /dev/mtd4
./nandwrite /dev/mtd0 mtd0.u-boot.rn104 ./nandwrite /dev/mtd1 mtd1.u-boot-env.rn104 ./nandwrite /dev/mtd2 mtd2.uImage.rn104 ./nandwrite /dev/mtd3 mtd3.minirootfs.rn104 ./nandwrite /dev/mtd4 mtd4.ubifs.rn104
root@nas-36-66-02:/media/USB_FLASH_1/nand# ./nandwrite /dev/mtd1 mtd1.u-boot-env.rn104 nandwrite: error!: /dev/mtd1 error 13 (Permission denied)
Re: RN104 bricked September 20, 2020 03:41PM |
Registered: 4 years ago Posts: 25 |
__ __ _ _ | \/ | __ _ _ ____ _____| | | | |\/| |/ _` | '__\ \ / / _ \ | | | | | | (_| | | \ V / __/ | | |_| |_|\__,_|_| \_/ \___|_|_| _ _ ____ _ | | | | | __ ) ___ ___ | |_ | | | |___| _ \ / _ \ / _ \| __| | |_| |___| |_) | (_) | (_) | |_ \___/ |____/ \___/ \___/ \__| ** LOADER ** U-Boot 2011.12-gec25d27-dirty (Oct 26 2015 - 16:56:14) Marvell version: v2011.12 2014_T2.0p1 06/23/2015 ReadyNAS-104 V2.0 Board: DB-88F6710-BP SoC: MV6710 A1 CPU: Marvell PJ4B v7 UP (Rev 1) LE CPU @ 1200 [MHz] L2 @ 600 [MHz] TClock @ 200 [MHz] DDR @ 600 [MHz] DDR 16Bit Width, FastPath Memory Access DRAM: 512 MiB Map: Code: 0x1feef000:0x1ff9f514 BSS: 0x1ffef8a0 Stack: 0x1f9eeef8 Heap: 0x1f9ef000:0x1feef000 NAND: (ID 0xf1ad) 128 MiB MMC: MRVL_MMC: 0 Bad block table found at page 65472, version 0x01 Bad block table found at page 65408, version 0x01 nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x000001660000 Initialize and scan all PCI interfaces PEX unit.port(active IF[-first bus]): ------------------------------------------ PEX 0: Root Complex Interface, Detected Link X1, GEN 2.0 PEX 1: Root Complex Interface, Detected Link X1, GEN 2.0 FPU not initialized USB 0: Host Mode USB 1: Host Mode Shutting down unused interfaces: SDIO AUDIO TDM Modules/Interfaces Detected: RGMII0 Phy RGMII1 Phy PEX0 (Lane 0) PEX1 (Lane 1) SATA0 (Lane 2) SATA1 (Lane 3) Net: egiga0, egiga1 [PRIME] Power On! FDT loaded successfully Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 NAND read: device 0 offset 0x200000, size 0x400000 4194304 bytes read: OK NAND read: device 0 offset 0x800000, size 0x400000 4194304 bytes read: OK ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 02000000 ... Image Name: Linux-4.4.190.armada.1 Created: 2019-10-28 2:07:50 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 3474568 Bytes = 3.3 MiB Load Address: 00008000 Entry Point: 00008000 Verifying Checksum ... OK ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 03000000 ... Image Name: initramfs Created: 2020-02-12 1:13:27 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux RAMDisk Image (lzma compressed) Data Size: 3425105 Bytes = 3.3 MiB Load Address: 00000000 Entry Point: 00000000 Verifying Checksum ... OK ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 01000000 Booting using the fdt blob at 0x01000000 Loading Kernel Image ... OK Loading Ramdisk to 1f6aa000, end 1f9ee351 ... OK Using Device Tree in place at 01000000, end 010068e5 Updating device tree successful Starting kernel ... Starting the boot process... Detected system type: RN104 Loading kernel modules...done Boot mode: Normal [ 4.382673] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 0:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.394049] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 1:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.405215] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 2:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.416386] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 3:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.427539] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 4:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.438686] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 5:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.449897] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 6:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.461068] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 7:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.472203] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 8:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.483330] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 9:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.494460] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 10:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.505705] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 11:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.516929] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 12:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.528143] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 13:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.539354] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 14:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.550575] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 15:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.561833] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 16:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.573068] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 17:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.584286] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 18:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.595596] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 19:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.606896] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 20:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.619250] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 21:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.631794] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 22:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.643123] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 23:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.654373] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 24:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.665638] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 25:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.676873] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 26:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.688102] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 27:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.699314] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 28:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.710546] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 29:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.721756] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 30:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.732968] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 31:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.744184] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 32:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.755400] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 33:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.766610] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 34:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.777824] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 35:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.789036] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 36:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.800269] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 37:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.811486] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 38:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.822702] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 39:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.833913] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 40:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.845127] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 41:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.856347] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 42:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.867565] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 43:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.878791] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 44:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.890008] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 45:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.901236] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 46:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.912452] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 47:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.923666] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 48:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.934880] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 49:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.946090] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 50:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.957307] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 51:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.968523] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 52:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.979734] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 53:0, read 64 bytes [ 4.990960] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 54:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.002173] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 55:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.013396] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 56:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.024610] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 57:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.035826] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 58:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.047038] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 59:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.058263] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 60:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.069480] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 61:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.080703] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 62:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.091912] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 63:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.103131] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 64:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.114345] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 65:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.125563] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 66:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.136783] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 67:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.148000] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 68:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.159218] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 69:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.170439] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 70:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.181655] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 71:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.192868] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 72:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.204087] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 73:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.215302] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 74:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.226519] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 75:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.237734] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 76:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.248950] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 77:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.260172] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 78:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.271383] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 79:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.282601] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 80:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.293814] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 81:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.305026] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 82:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.316241] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 84:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.327453] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 85:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.338669] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 86:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.349906] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 87:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.361139] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 88:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.372366] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 89:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.383587] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 90:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.394803] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 91:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.406014] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 92:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.417225] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 93:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.428447] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 94:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.439667] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 95:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.450892] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 96:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.462109] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 97:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.473324] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 98:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.484538] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 99:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.495755] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 100:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.507054] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 101:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.518354] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 102:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.529658] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 103:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.540964] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 104:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.552271] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 105:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.563575] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 106:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.574880] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 107:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.586183] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 108:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.597486] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 109:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.608791] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 110:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.620108] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 111:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.631411] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 112:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.642715] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 113:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.654017] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 114:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.665318] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 115:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.676626] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 116:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.687929] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 117:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.699232] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 118:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.710548] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 119:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.721845] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 120:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.733142] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 121:0, read 64 bytes [ 5.744448] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 122:0, read 64 bytes [ 22.023591] ubi0 error: ubi_io_read: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 917:0, read 64 bytes UBI device number 0, total 919 LEBs (116690944 bytes, 111.3 MiB), available 11 LEBs (1396736 bytes, 1.3 MiB), LEB size 126976 bytes (124.0 KiB Searching for disks (5)... Bringing up network...eth0.done ERROR: Resolving timed out after 10008 milliseconds command failed: /usr/bin/rnutil firmware_update mdadm: array /dev/md0 started. mke2fs 1.42.13 (17-May-2015) Discarding device blocks: done Creating filesystem with 1047552 4k blocks and 1048576 inodes Filesystem UUID: f47add44-1aef-48ae-8b95-ba14d8873a22 Superblock backups stored on blocks: 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376, 294912, 819200, 884736 Allocating group tables: done Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (16384 blocks): done Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done Extracting root image...ERROR: Could not mount boot flash [/dev/ubi0_0] (Invalid argument) Welcome to ReadyNASOS nas-02-02-00 login: command failed: mdev -s command failed: /usr/sbin/telnetd
Re: RN104 bricked September 20, 2020 06:02PM |
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