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Unbrick Synology DS918+

Posted by superchromix 
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
November 06, 2024 08:29AM
Hi All,
does anyone have a ready-made bios to send me? I have unfortunately damaged my chip. I bought another one but I guess I can't just write the file extracted from the bios. I have a ds918+ . Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
November 26, 2024 10:12AM
Finally I managed to login to the forum
I have working bios for DS218+ and just managed to upload to dropbox
let's hope this link works and still comply with the rules of the forum

Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
December 01, 2024 04:07PM
barto2 Wrote:
> Hi All,
> does anyone have a ready-made bios to send me? I
> have unfortunately damaged my chip. I bought
> another one but I guess I can't just write the
> file extracted from the bios. I have a ds918+ .
> Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

Someone can help me?

@superchromix I send you a PM.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/01/2024 04:08PM by barto2.
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
December 01, 2024 06:08PM
Hi I am trying to recover a DS220+ can you tell me from which version of .PAT, you took this bios. This content is very different from the one I am trying with the DS220.
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
December 22, 2024 12:23AM
Hi All

I have also a 918+ which break and flashing blue light. When I tried to use the crocodile clip to read the bios it show all zero not sure if it is fired. I bought some of the Winbond chip and downloaded the new bios but without any information from the old bios I am unable to connect to the chip.
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
January 04, 2025 12:33PM
Hey, thanks for this info, I'll read it carefully and try to understand it as it seems I have same issue. purchased a 918+ without memory or power adapter and ... endless blue blinking led, no other leds are on on the front.
BUT if I plug ethernet cables to the ports, both leds of each port go to static green... was this same situation on your side?
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
January 16, 2025 03:53PM
first of all, thanks to everybody, op and superchromix

Well I bite the bullet, purchased the CH341 flasher with the 1.8v mod, I can read the chip (connected to the mainboard using aligator clips) but each time I read it the saved file is different (I run a checksum on it) I dont know if that's normal, doesnt seem so...
anyhow, now I'm stuck on how to generate the valid firmware from the bios.rom file in the .pat downloaded. I'm completely clueless on this task...

I use "CH341 programmer 1,29" and HxD on a windows 11 machine

anyone care to explain again (like if I were a 6 years old kid) or share the correct bios for 918+ ?
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
January 17, 2025 12:03AM
There seems to be some confusion about the binary file which needs to be flashed onto the winbond chip.

To clarify: the original content of the winbond chip does not need to be read out.

All of the binary data needed for flashing is obtained from the .pat file, as described above.

So, if you can read the original (probably corrupted) data from the winbond chip, that’s fine, but it is not necessary.
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
January 17, 2025 12:09AM

If you read a different data each time you try to read, it doesn’t sound to me like the reader is working. I’m not sure I would trust that setup for writing.

As described above, I used a different flasher and I also desoldered the chip from the board.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2025 12:10AM by superchromix.
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
January 17, 2025 05:51AM
Hello @superchromix, thanks for your reply.

My main goal in reading the chip was to check if I could successfully communicate with it and understand how to use the CH341 programming software (it's my first time). I backed up the chip's content multiple times but noticed that the checksum of the saved files was different each time. This makes me suspect that I'm doing something wrong. I'll try desoldering the chip and reading it outside of the motherboard. (or Maybe my problem is that I'm not doing the check-in calculation properly!)

My second goal was to follow the instructions on how to find the correct section of the BIOS file—identifying the start and end of the original BIOS dump within the downloaded BIOS file. I can do this part, but when I edit the downloaded BIOS file to remove the header and... "footer?" I end up with a file size that isn't quite right. It's close but not exactly the expected size.

For this, could someone share with me the already trimmed BIOS file for the 918+?

I'm sure I'm missing some details. English is not my first language, so I might not be fully understanding the instructions or expressing myself correctly. My apologies, and thanks for your help!
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
January 17, 2025 06:21AM
poseidoposeido Wrote:
> Hello @superchromix, thanks for your reply.
> My main goal in reading the chip was to check if I
> could successfully communicate with it and
> understand how to use the CH341 programming
> software (it's my first time). I backed up the
> chip's content multiple times but noticed that the
> checksum of the saved files was different each
> time. This makes me suspect that I'm doing
> something wrong. I'll try desoldering the chip and
> reading it outside of the motherboard. (or Maybe
> my problem is that I'm not doing the check-in
> calculation properly!)
> My second goal was to follow the instructions on
> how to find the correct section of the BIOS
> file—identifying the start and end of the
> original BIOS dump within the downloaded BIOS
> file. I can do this part, but when I edit the
> downloaded BIOS file to remove the header and...
> "footer?" I end up with a file size that isn't
> quite right. It's close but not exactly the
> expected size.
> For this, could someone share with me the already
> trimmed BIOS file for the 918+?
> I'm sure I'm missing some details. English is not
> my first language, so I might not be fully
> understanding the instructions or expressing
> myself correctly. My apologies, and thanks for
> your help!


You are on the right track. After cutting out the correct section, you need to add zeros to bring the file up to the correct size, before writing it to the chip.

I believe the final size of the file should be 16MB = 16777216 bytes. See above.
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
January 18, 2025 11:20AM
ok, now I'm quite puzzled, the file backup.bin that I'm extracting from the chip it's not 16 mb but 8, exactly the 8,388,608 bytes you comment, so I dont understand the padding step to 16mb
also when I trim bios.rom from the original PAT file, is exactly 8,388,608 (I used this https://global.synologydownload.com/download/DSM/release/6.2.4/25556/DSM_DS918%2B_25556.pat )

any hint?

P.S. mine is a synology 918+

PS2: I just did a CRC on the bios.rom file after trimming start and end and shows 24EC72E2 then I programmed the chip with this bios.rom trimmed file, (using NeoProgrammer) the unit didnt boot properly (same flashing light), but I downloaded the bios content again with the aligator clips from the chip and did a CRC, showing the 24EC72E2 value too, so I understand that my flashing procedure works (both original flashed bios file and downloaded file has the same CRC... I guess I'm failing on the trimming and padding thingy...

could anyone share with me the trimmed and padded 918+ 16mb bios file so I can flash it?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2025 11:49AM by poseidoposeido.
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
January 18, 2025 11:55AM
The chip has a storage size of 16MB. So, it doesn’t matter that the rom is only 8MB - you should fill the rest with zeros up to 16MB.

The address of the start and end if the trim region are posted in the thread above.
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
January 18, 2025 12:54PM
Umm, I was able to boot it (using the 8mn file without extra padding) even got network and was found by ds finder, even updated it to dsm 7


But it does not work consistently, boat of the times I try to boot, it does not boot or even show anything on serial.. there must be something else wrong with mi device too.
Other times it shows boot info on serial but stops in different actions..

Oh hell :(

Thanks anyhow to everyone!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2025 01:05PM by poseidoposeido.
Re: Unbrick Synology DS918+
January 18, 2025 01:31PM
cool, congrats! Sounds like the bios is fixed at least

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