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Help Unbrinking WD EX2 Ultra (Debian)- Bricked after flashing new uInitrd and uImage

Posted by marcexeu 
Help Unbrinking WD EX2 Ultra (Debian)- Bricked after flashing new uInitrd and uImage
January 17, 2023 08:33AM
Hi guys, long time ago i had installed debian on my WD EX2 Ultra (directly on the board, no USB) and it was working perfectly. I had opevpn server, trasmission, samba etc running on it :)

Today i found this instruction online to update the kernel from 4.15.x RC6 to 5.x.x...: and did it from my shell:

## Usage
# Update Kernel if you have access to shell
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vzhilov/WDMC-Ex2-Ultra/master/uImage (--no-check-certificate in case of error?)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock1
dd if=uImage of=/dev/mtdblock1

# Update ramdisk if you have access to shell
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vzhilov/WDMC-Ex2-Ultra/master/uInitrd
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock2
dd if=uInitrd of=/dev/mtdblock2

I did as above and restarted my device, after restarting my device has now the main led blinking blue and no telnet or ssh access :(

Any way to recover it of is it briked for good?

Thank you all in advance
As long as the bootloader isn't damaged, you can recover it. But you'll need serial connection.


1) Pendrive formated as FAT32
2) new folder called "boot"
3) import both uImage and uRamdisk from here:to the new created folder

With the device off, plug the pendrive to the usb port 2, press and rold the reset buttom and power on the device (keep holding the reset buttom for at least 40 seconds)

Then you can telnet to the device

telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xx 23

then on the device import the uImage and uRamdisk that you desire to flash to /mnt/root

cd /mnt/root

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock1
dd if=uImage of=/dev/mtdblock1
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtdblock2
dd if=uRamdisk of=/dev/mtdblock2

reboot and that was it :)

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