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Debian/OpenWrt - built-in NAND flash - Promwad-ThinClient/Depo Sky A60/AK-Systems AK1100 and AK-systems IP-Plug

Posted by cmp18 
DO NOT FLASH OTHER DEVICES! This UBIFS only for specific NAND flash (Samsung NAND 1GiB 3,3V 8-bit, Manufacturer ID: 0xec, Chip ID: 0xd3)

1) Debian (rootfs via debootstrap, systemd logs in ram) with bodhi kernel with modules (from bodhi topic)

Link (images and howto)

2) OpenWRT with official OpenWRT kernel (kmod packages are working)
(the official openwrt kernel config for kirkwood is without HIGHMEM, therefore, only 768Mb of RAM is visible)

Link (images and howto)

Issues (because the work with FTD (dtb/dts) is not finished yet):
-usb - only very low-power usb devices work, such as keyboards or some flash drives
-mini pci-e - possibly not working (not tested)
-videocard, soundcard - not working

Additional links:
topic in which we are working whit FDT (dtb/dts) (usb, pci-e,...)
topic with sources (u-boot 2011.06, stock 2.6.39 kernel), stock firmware (debian 6 based with XFCE, root password: nosoup4u, user password: secret), and manual about stock firmware
topic with latest kirkwood kernel (you can use this kernel with this openwrt, but you will need unpack and put modules in the right folder, and sometimes there will be kmod dependency errors when installing packages (errors do not affect anything))

If you want to compile OpeWRT by yourself, there is an excellent instruction, very detailed and with a description of many nuances. You need to select a similar device (cisco on 100 in our case), and replace the dtb with your own.
if you are satisfied with everything by default, we will create a uImage and rootfs for our device based on the firmware from a similar device, like this:

me@pc:~/tmpdir$ wget https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/23.05.5/targets/kirkwood/generic/openwrt-23.05.5-kirkwood-generic-cisco_on100-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

me@pc:~/tmpdir$ tar xf openwrt-23.05.5-kirkwood-generic-cisco_on100-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin 

me@pc:~/tmpdir$ cd sysupgrade-cisco_on100/

#find out where the uImage header and FTD are in order to delete
me@pc:~/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100$ binwalk kernel 

0             0x0             uImage header, header size: 64 bytes, header CRC: 0xF503333B, created: 2024-09-23 12:34:46, image size: 2791120 bytes, Data Address: 0x8000, Entry Point: 0x8000, data CRC: 0x62DCBA0C, OS: Linux, CPU: ARM, image type: OS Kernel Image, compression type: none, image name: "ARM OpenWrt Linux-5.15.167"
64            0x40            Linux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (little-endian)
30160         0x75D0          xz compressed data
30652         0x77BC          xz compressed data
2779640       0x2A69F8        Flattened device tree, size: 11544 bytes, version: 17

me@pc:~/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100$ dd if=kernel of=zImage-baddtb bs=64 skip=1

me@pc:~/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100$ binwalk zImage-baddtb

0             0x0             Linux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (little-endian)
30096         0x7590          xz compressed data
30588         0x777C          xz compressed data
2779576       0x2A69B8        Flattened device tree, size: 11544 bytes, version: 17

me@pc:~/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100$ dd if=zImage-baddtb of=zImage bs=2779576 count=1

#make uImage with our FDT
me@pc:~/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100$ cat kirkwood-promwad-thin-client.dtb >> zImage
me@pc:~/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100$ mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x8000 -e 0x8000 -n Linux-5.15.167-1 -d zImage uImage5.15.167-1

#we need to be root when creating a rootfs so that there are no permissions issues
me@pc:~/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100$ sudo -s

root@pc:/home/me/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100# unsquashfs root

#enable ttyS0 console for login and shell
root@pc:/home/me/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100# echo 'ttyS0::askfirst:/usr/libexec/login.sh' >> squashfs-root/etc/inittab

#set general ubi parametrs
root@pc:/home/me/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100# echo '[ubifs]' > ubinize.cfg; echo 'mode=ubi' >> ubinize.cfg;  echo 'image=ow.tmp' >> ubinize.cfg; echo 'vol_id=0' >> ubinize.cfg; echo 'vol_size=900MiB' >> ubinize.cfg; echo 'vol_type=dynamic' >> ubinize.cfg; echo 'vol_name=rootfs' >> ubinize.cfg ;echo 'vol_flags=autoresize' >> ubinize.cfg

#set nand parametrs
#erase block, page, and subpage parameters are taken from the nand flash datasheet
#logical UBI block parameters calculated according to the formula, and matches the value in the stock firmware
#the count of logical UBIFS blocks is calculated for the UBIFS size of 900M
root@pc:/home/me/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100# mkfs.ubifs -q -r squashfs-root/ -m 2048 -e 129024 -c 8191 -o ow.tmp
root@pc:/home/me/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100# ubinize -o ow23.05.5.ubi -m 2048 -p 128KiB -s 512 ubinize.cfg

root@pc:/home/me/tmpdir/sysupgrade-cisco_on100# chown me.me ow23.05.5.ubi uImage5.15.167-1

Edited 43 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/2025 08:19AM by cmp18.
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad ThinClient (aka Depo Sky A60) (aka AK Systems AK1100)
December 22, 2024 05:21PM

Do you have any instruction for people to do it on their own? or at least the log of how did you do it?

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad ThinClient (aka Depo Sky A60) (aka AK Systems AK1100)
December 23, 2024 01:09PM

Thanks for 'howto' and OpenWrt build!

Unfortunately i got ECC error in NAND blocks at mtd2 (rootfs):

[    1.582382] ubi0: attaching mtd2
[    1.585798] ecc_sw_hamming_correct: uncorrectable ECC error
[    1.591403] ubi0 warning: 0xc04c5004: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 0:0, read only 64 bytes, retry
[    1.602995] ecc_sw_hamming_correct: uncorrectable ECC error
[    1.608598] ubi0 warning: 0xc04c5004: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 0:0, read only 64 bytes, retry
[    1.619790] ecc_sw_hamming_correct: uncorrectable ECC error
[    1.625395] ubi0 warning: 0xc04c5004: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 0:0, read only 64 bytes, retry
[    1.636592] ecc_sw_hamming_correct: uncorrectable ECC error
[    1.642197] ubi0 error: 0xc04c503c: error -74 (ECC error) while reading 64 bytes from PEB 0:0, read 64 bytes

bad blocks table:
Marvell>> nand bad

Device 0 bad blocks:

log in attach

another one Thin Client is ordered)
open | download - nand error.txt (17.5 KB)
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad ThinClient (aka Depo Sky A60) (aka AK Systems AK1100)
December 24, 2024 04:32AM

I updated the first post.


badblocks are normal, even on new NAND there may be about 20 badblocks (and this is not a manufacturing defect).
badblocks in the rootfs (UBIFS) are not critical (UBIFS was specially made for NAND and knows how to work with badblocks). so don't worry about bad blocks in the rootfs.

But you have another problem - there are blocks in the kernel partition:
003a0000 (3801088) = at 3712 KiB (at 3,625 MiB)
00600000 (6291456) = at 6144 KiB (at 6 MiB)

This is critical, but it can also be fixed.
(by creating bad partition, like this:
0M-1M U-Boot
1M-10M badblocks
10M-20M kernel
20M-..M rootfs)

To do this, flash THIS device according to THESE instructions so that everything works:

connect to the u-boot console, and execute the commands:

setenv serverip; setenv ipaddr; nand erase.chip;

mw.b 0x06400000 00 0x100000
tftp 0x06400000 thinclient-u-boot.kwb
nand write 0x06400000 0x0 0x100000

tftp 0x06400000 uImage5.15.167-1
nand write.e 0x06400000 0xA00000 0xA00000

tftp 0x06400000 ow23.05.5.ubi
nand write.e 0x06400000 0x1400000 0xA00000


(there will be a double start for setting default envs)

terminate boot, and enter the commands to u-boot console:

set x_bootcmd_kernel_rcvr; set x_bootargs_root_rcvr; set bootcmd_rcvr;

setenv serverip; setenv ipaddr;

set bootcmd 'setenv bootargs ${x_bootargs} ${x_bootargs_root}; run x_bootcmd_kernel; bootm 0x6400000;'

set x_bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 loglevel=9 mtdparts=orion_nand:1M(U-Boot),9M(badblocks),10M(uImage),-(ubipart) earlyprintk=serial

set x_bootargs_root ubi.mtd=3 ubi.block=0,rootfs root=/dev/ubiblock0_0

set x_bootcmd_kernel nand read.e 0x06400000 0xA00000 0xA00000

saveenv; reset;

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2024 04:35AM by cmp18.
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad ThinClient (aka Depo Sky A60) (aka AK Systems AK1100)
December 24, 2024 11:58AM

thanks so much!

BusyBox v1.36.1 (2024-09-23 12:34:46 UTC) built-in shell (ash)

  _______                     ________        __
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
 OpenWrt 23.05.5, r24106-10cc5fcd00

+1 OpenWrt box is Up)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2024 12:02PM by MM.
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad ThinClient (aka Depo Sky A60) (aka AK Systems AK1100)
December 24, 2024 10:10PM


more about ecc errors: it also sometimes happens that ecc errors appear when partitions are partially overwritten from uboot (for example, only the kernel, or only rootfs), so, it would be good to erase full nand chip first before flashing anything from uboot (as written at the beginning of the instructions)
cmp18, great work!

I also successfully completed my device.
However, there is a question.
Is it possible to enable support for mini PCIe slot?

Now is no output in lspci and dmesg for pcie cards in lspci and dmesg.
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad ThinClient (aka Depo Sky A60) (aka AK Systems AK1100)
January 23, 2025 02:00AM

With promwad thin client everything depends on dtb. we are trying to make usb work in this topic. maybe, we also will fix pci-e.
however, several new dtbs have already been released after these openwrt builds, but I doubt that pci-e has worked with them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2025 02:01AM by cmp18.

Thanks for answer.

Please more info about USB.

we are trying to make usb work in this topic

What did you mean by that?

In my device, after install kmod-usb and other fs modules, i can view usb flash, i.e sda1, and mount it.

This look as usb worked. Or no?

Oh, i find in topic from your post, what problem with USB.
Confirm, i also viewed that power problem in dmesg log.
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad ThinClient (aka Depo Sky A60) (aka AK Systems AK1100)
January 23, 2025 08:21AM

yes, there is a problem with usb power - only low-power devices work (the power is controlled by the usb hub driver via the hub's i2c)
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad ThinClient (aka Depo Sky A60) (aka AK Systems AK1100)
January 23, 2025 02:43PM
See the working thread for new DTBs.


Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/23/2025 02:44PM by bodhi.
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad ThinClient (aka Depo Sky A60) (aka AK Systems AK1100)
January 31, 2025 02:53AM

NAND params of IP-PLUG:

NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xec, Chip ID: 0xd3 (Samsung NAND 1GiB 3,3V 8-bit)
Scanning device for bad blocks
Bad eraseblock 2960 at 0x000017200000
Bad eraseblock 3222 at 0x0000192c0000
Bad eraseblock 3977 at 0x00001f120000
Bad eraseblock 4088 at 0x00001ff00000
Using static partition definition
Creating 4 MTD partitions on "nand_mtd":
0x000000000000-0x000000100000 : "u-boot"
0x000000100000-0x000000500000 : "uImage"
0x000000500000-0x000013100000 : "rootfs"
0x000013100000-0x000040000000 : "auxfs"
UBI: attaching mtd2 to ubi0
UBI: physical eraseblock size:   131072 bytes (128 KiB)
UBI: logical eraseblock size:    129024 bytes
UBI: smallest flash I/O unit:    2048
UBI: sub-page size:              512
UBI: VID header offset:          512 (aligned 512)
UBI: data offset:                2048
UBI: attached mtd2 to ubi0
UBI: MTD device name:            "rootfs"
UBI: MTD device size:            300 MiB
UBI: number of good PEBs:        2400
UBI: number of bad PEBs:         0
UBI: max. allowed volumes:       128
UBI: wear-leveling threshold:    4096
UBI: number of internal volumes: 1
UBI: number of user volumes:     1
UBI: available PEBs:             0
UBI: total number of reserved PEBs: 2400
UBI: number of PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 24
UBI: max/mean erase counter: 3/1
UBI: image sequence number: 1823311101

it's the same Samsung chip

your build of OpenWrt working fine

IP-plug LE: no usb, no pcie => no problems)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2025 10:20AM by MM.
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad ThinClient (aka Depo Sky A60) (aka AK Systems AK1100)
January 31, 2025 09:08AM

yes, you are right, manufacturer id/chip id/size are same, and block/page/subpage size information from stock output (from you post) same too.
(added this device model to the first post)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/2025 09:08AM by cmp18.
does it have a luci web interface?
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad-ThinClient/Depo Sky A60/AK-Systems AK1100 and AK-systems IP-Plug
January 31, 2025 02:33PM
Vadim_Boev Wrote:
> does it have a luci web interface?

see howto

ps: thanks for the stock firmware and sources)
cmp18 Wrote:
> Vadim_Boev Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > does it have a luci web interface?
> yes,
> see howto
> ps: thanks for the stock firmware and sources)

Wow, were you able to figure it out thanks to the source code that I posted?

tell me, what size USB flash drive is needed? 8 / 16 / 32 / 64 GB ?
Re: OpenWrt on Promwad-ThinClient/Depo Sky A60/AK-Systems AK1100 and AK-systems IP-Plug
February 02, 2025 09:11AM
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Vadim_Boev Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------

> Wow, were you able to figure it out thanks to the
> source code that I posted?

stock firmware and source code were useful for us for FDT (dtb/dts) created by bodhi in the other topic.
but this openwrt build is possible because the openwrt project supports soc kirkwood.

> tell me, what size USB flash drive is needed? 8 /
> 16 / 32 / 64 GB ?

USB flash drive is not required. openwrt is flashed into internal nand flash (1Gb)
debian added.
openwrt updated.

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