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Need Help GoFlex Net

Posted by BritzFox 
Need Help GoFlex Net
June 13, 2016 02:27PM
i have a seagate goflex net and i wanted to install a simple NAS or Samba.
The Goflex had no SSH and i was not able to enable it.
So i ordered an USB Serial interface and now i can use login on serial port.

after this i testet a lot i found on google but nothing worked.
Last i installed a script that installed arch linux.
But i want a small emdebian into nand with ssh or samba without USB stick
(i have an debian server on my PC and i understand better how to change things)

but i dont kwow how to install Debian from arch linux.
i can log in and install packeges, but how can i install a debian like described here

What i want is -use any USB Drive connected to goflex- on other PC over Network
hope anyone can help me.
maybe step by step. i dont understand that arch linux... i am debianer ;-)

i think i need mtd-utils + wget, so i installed this on my arch.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/13/2016 02:31PM by BritzFox.
Re: Need Help GoFlex Net
June 29, 2016 05:38AM
I forgot to address the questions in this post. Better late than never! so here is:

Emdebbian is no longer supported. So to install a simple Debian system on NAND, you could install one of rescue systems in this forum:


If you want a more recent kernel then perhaps OpenWrt is better:

Forum Wiki
bodhi's corner (buy bodhi a beer)
Re: Need Help GoFlex Net
June 29, 2016 06:53AM
thank you for reply.
i found some samba files (smbd nmbd) on the goflex-net original firmware
but if i start smbd, it makes an error. some lib not found.
if i coud make a simple share from the usb drive with samba, this would help me.
i am unable to install nano or mc.

i try out the links you have sent me.
thank you

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