Tom Cooper
Bricked Pogo E02 after attempting OpenWRT install February 27, 2019 05:56PM |
U-Boot 2014.10 (Jul 24 2015 - 20:11:30) Pogo E02 SoC: Kirkwood 88F6281_A0 DRAM: 256 MiB WARNING: Caches not enabled NAND: 128 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: egiga0 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 3 2 1 0 UBI: attaching mtd1 to ubi0 UBI: scanning is finished UBI: attached mtd1 (name "mtd=3", size 126 MiB) to ubi0 UBI: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 129024 bytes UBI: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 512 UBI: VID header offset: 512 (aligned 512), data offset: 2048 UBI: good PEBs: 1006, bad PEBs: 2, corrupted PEBs: 0 UBI: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128 UBI: max/mean erase counter: 2/1, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 0 UBI: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 1006, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 18 ** File not found /boot/zImage ** ** File not found /boot/pogo_e02.dtb ** Unmounting UBIFS volume rootfs! libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC No FDT memory address configured. Please configure the FDT address via "fdt addr <address>" command. Aborting! No FDT memory address configured. Please configure the FDT address via "fdt addr <address>" command. Aborting! Bad Linux ARM zImage magic! PogoE02>The current environment is:
printenv baudrate=115200 bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 mtdparts=orion_nand:0xe0000@0x0(uboot),0x20000@0xe0000(uboot_env),0x100000@0x100000(second_stage_uboot),-@0x200000(root) ubi.mtd=3 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw bootargs_root=ubi.mtd=3 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw bootcmd=setenv bootargs ${console} ${mtdparts} ${bootargs_root}; ubi part root; ubifsmount ubi:rootfs; ubifsload 0x800000 ${kernel}; ubifsload 0x700000 ${fdt}; ubifsumount; fdt addr 0x700000; fdt resize; fdt chosen; bootz 0x800000 - 0x700000 bootdelay=3 cesvcid=xxxxxx console=console=ttyS0,115200 ethact=egiga0 ethaddr=00:25:31:00:96:75 fdt=/boot/pogo_e02.dtb ipaddr= kernel=/boot/zImage mtddevname=uboot mtddevnum=0 mtdids=nand0=orion_nand mtdparts=mtdparts=orion_nand:0xe0000@0x0(uboot),0x20000@0xe0000(uboot_env),0x100000@0x100000(second_stage_uboot),-@0x200000(root) nand_erasesize=20000 nand_oobsize=40 nand_writesize=800 partition=nand0,0 serverip= stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial Environment size: 1066/131068 bytes PogoE02>
PogoE02> nand info Device 0: nand0, sector size 128 KiB Page size 2048 b OOB size 64 b Erase size 131072 b PogoE02> nand bad Device 0 bad blocks: 01840000 06520000 PogoE02>
Re: Bricked Pogo E02 after attempting OpenWRT install February 28, 2019 04:14AM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,314 |
0x01840000 at about 24MB 0x06520000 at about 101 MB
** File not found /boot/zImage ** ** File not found /boot/pogo_e02.dtb **
Tom Cooper
Re: Bricked Pogo E02 after attempting OpenWRT install March 01, 2019 12:26PM |
tftpboot 0x800000 uboot.2017.07-tld-1.pogo_e02.mtd0.kwb nand erase 0x0 0x80000 nand write.e 0x800000 0x0 0x80000Now when I boot, this is what I see on the serial console:
U-Boot 2017.07-tld-1 (Sep 05 2017 - 00:13:18 -0700) Pogo E02 SoC: Kirkwood 88F6281_A0 DRAM: 256 MiB WARNING: Caches not enabled NAND: 128 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: egiga0 Hit any key to stop autoboot: 3 2 1 0 starting USB... USB0: USB EHCI 1.00 scanning bus 0 for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found ** Bad device usb 0 ** ** Bad device usb 0 ** ubi0: attaching mtd1 ubi0: scanning is finished UBI init error 22 ** Bad device usb 0 ** ** Bad device usb 1 ** ** Bad device usb 2 ** ** Bad device usb 3 ** ** Bad device usb 0 ** ** Bad device usb 0 ** Wrong Image Format for bootm command ERROR: can't get kernel image! stopping USB.. NAND read: device 0 offset 0x100000, size 0x400000 4194304 bytes read: OK ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 00800000 ... Image Name: OpenWrt Das U-Boot uImage Created: 2015-07-24 18:12:43 UTC Image Type: ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) Data Size: 454856 Bytes = 444.2 KiB Load Address: 00600000 Entry Point: 00600000 Verifying Checksum ... OK Loading Kernel Image ... OK Starting kernel ... U-Boot 2014.10 (Jul 24 2015 - 20:12:13) Pogo E02 SoC: Kirkwood 88F6281_A0 DRAM: 256 MiB WARNING: Caches not enabled NAND: 128 MiB Using default environment In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Net: egiga0 Error: egiga0 address not set. Hit any key to stop autoboot: 3 2 1 0 UBI: attaching mtd1 to ubi0 UBI: scanning is finished UBI: attached mtd1 (name "mtd=3", size 126 MiB) to ubi0 UBI: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 129024 bytes UBI: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 512 UBI: VID header offset: 512 (aligned 512), data offset: 2048 UBI: good PEBs: 1006, bad PEBs: 2, corrupted PEBs: 0 UBI: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128 UBI: max/mean erase counter: 2/1, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 0 UBI: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 1006, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 18 ** File not found /boot/zImage ** ** File not found /boot/pogo_e02.dtb ** Unmounting UBIFS volume rootfs! libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC No FDT memory address configured. Please configure the FDT address via "fdt addr <address>" command. Aborting! No FDT memory address configured. Please configure the FDT address via "fdt addr <address>" command. Aborting! Bad Linux ARM zImage magic! PogoE02>It seems like I should be able to get this to work from here.
PogoE02> printenv arcNumber=2097 baudrate=115200 bootargs_root=root=/dev/mtdblock2 ro bootcmd=usb start; run force_rescue_bootcmd; run ubifs_bootcmd; run usb_bootcmd; usb stop; run rescue_bootcmd; run pogo_bootcmd; reset bootdelay=3 ceboardver=PPV2 cesvcid=xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx console=console=ttyS0,115200 ethact=egiga0 ethaddr=00:25:31:00:96:75 fileaddr=800000 filesize=B3B7EB force_rescue=0 force_rescue_bootcmd=if test $force_rescue -eq 1 || ext2load usb 0:1 0x1700000 /rescueme 1 || fatload usb 0:1 0x1700000 /rescueme.txt 1; then run rescue_bootcmd; fi ipaddr= led_error=orange blinking led_exit=green off led_init=green blinking mainlineLinux=yes mtdids=nand0=orion_nand mtdparts=mtdparts=orion_nand:1M(u-boot),4M(uImage),32M(rootfs),-(data) partition=nand0,2 pogo_bootcmd=if fsload uboot-original-mtd0.kwb; then go 0x800200; fi rescue_bootcmd=if test $rescue_installed -eq 1; then run rescue_set_bootargs; nand read.e 0x800000 0x100000 0x400000; bootm 0x800000; else run pogo_bootcmd; fi rescue_installed=1 rescue_set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=$console ubi.mtd=2 root=ubi0:rootfs ro rootfstype=ubifs $mtdparts $rescue_custom_params serverip= stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial tec=$bootcmd ubifs_bootcmd=run ubifs_set_bootargs; if ubi part data && ubifsmount rootfs && ubifsload 0x800000 /boot/uImage && ubifsload 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd; then bootm 0x800000 0x1100000; fi ubifs_mtd=3 ubifs_set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=$console ubi.mtd=$ubifs_mtd root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs $mtdparts $ubifs_custom_params usb_boot=mw 0x800000 0 1; ext2load usb $usb_device 0x800000 /boot/uImage; if ext2load usb $usb_device 0x1100000 /boot/uInitrd; then bootm 0x800000 0x1100000; else bootm 0x800000; fi usb_bootcmd=run usb_init; run usb_set_bootargs; run usb_boot usb_device=0:1 usb_init=run usb_scan usb_root=/dev/sda1 usb_rootdelay=10 usb_rootfstype=ext2 usb_scan=usb_scan_done=0;for scan in $usb_scan_list; do run usb_scan_$scan; if test $usb_scan_done -eq 0 && ext2load usb $usb 0x800000 /boot/uImage 1; then usb_scan_done=1; echo "Found bootable drive on usb $usb"; setenv usb_device $usb; setenv usb_root /dev/$dev; fi; done usb_scan_1=usb=0:1 dev=sda1 usb_scan_2=usb=1:1 dev=sdb1 usb_scan_3=usb=2:1 dev=sdc1 usb_scan_4=usb=3:1 dev=sdd1 usb_scan_list=1 2 3 4 usb_set_bootargs=setenv bootargs console=$console root=$usb_root rootdelay=$usb_rootdelay rootfstype=$usb_rootfstype $mtdparts $usb_custom_params Environment size: 2545/131068 bytesI still have the bad blocks
PogoE02> nand bad Device 0 bad blocks: 01840000 06520000 PogoE02> mtdparts device nand0 <orion_nand>, # parts = 4 #: name size offset mask_flags 0: u-boot 0x00100000 0x00000000 0 1: uImage 0x00400000 0x00100000 0 2: rootfs 0x02000000 0x00500000 0 3: data 0x05b00000 0x02500000 0 active partition: nand0,2 - (rootfs) 0x02000000 @ 0x00500000 defaults: mtdids : none mtdparts: noneSo, where do I go from here?
Re: Bricked Pogo E02 after attempting OpenWRT install March 01, 2019 04:08PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,314 |
setenv devices 'usb ide' setenv ethaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx setenv dtb_file '/boot/dts/kirkwood-goflexnet.dtb'
setenv devices usb setenv dtb_file '/boot/dts/kirkwood-pogo_e02.dtb'ethaddr can be set later, or right away in serial console if you like.
Tom Cooper
Re: Bricked Pogo E02 after attempting OpenWRT install March 03, 2019 09:21PM |
# install default uBoot environment variables, offset 0xc0000, length 0x20000 nand erase 0xc0000 0x20000 mw 0x800000 00 0x20000 tftpboot 0x800000 uboot.2016.05-tld-1.environment.img nand write 0x800000 0xc0000 0x20000I changed the variables specific to my environment:
setenv ipaddr '' setenv serverip '' setenv ethaddr '00:25:31:00:96:75' setenv arcNumber '3542' setenv machid 'dd6' saveenvJust for reference, my mtd defs
PogoE02> mtdparts device nand0 <orion_nand>, # parts = 4 #: name size offset mask_flags 0: u-boot 0x00100000 0x00000000 0 1: uImage 0x00400000 0x00100000 0 2: rootfs 0x02000000 0x00500000 0 3: data 0x05b00000 0x02500000 0 active partition: nand0,2 - (rootfs) 0x02000000 @ 0x00500000 defaults: mtdids : none mtdparts: none PogoE02>I downloaded the OpenWrt 18.06.2 initramfs & uImage and rootfs files and put them in my TFTP server.
PogoE02> # Install Kernel & initramfs in uImage PogoE02> nand erase 0x00100000 0x00400000 NAND erase: device 0 offset 0x100000, size 0x400000 Erasing at 0x100000 -- 3% complete. Erasing at 0x120000 -- 6% complete. Erasing at 0x140000 -- 9% complete. Erasing at 0x160000 -- 12% complete. Erasing at 0x180000 -- 15% complete. Erasing at 0x1a0000 -- 18% complete. Erasing at 0x1c0000 -- 21% complete. Erasing at 0x1e0000 -- 25% complete. Erasing at 0x200000 -- 28% complete. Erasing at 0x220000 -- 31% complete. Erasing at 0x240000 -- 34% complete. Erasing at 0x260000 -- 37% complete. Erasing at 0x280000 -- 40% complete. Erasing at 0x2a0000 -- 43% complete. Erasing at 0x2c0000 -- 46% complete. Erasing at 0x2e0000 -- 50% complete. Erasing at 0x300000 -- 53% complete. Erasing at 0x320000 -- 56% complete. Erasing at 0x340000 -- 59% complete. Erasing at 0x360000 -- 62% complete. Erasing at 0x380000 -- 65% complete. Erasing at 0x3a0000 -- 68% complete. Erasing at 0x3c0000 -- 71% complete. Erasing at 0x3e0000 -- 75% complete. Erasing at 0x400000 -- 78% complete. Erasing at 0x420000 -- 81% complete. Erasing at 0x440000 -- 84% complete. Erasing at 0x460000 -- 87% complete. Erasing at 0x480000 -- 90% complete. Erasing at 0x4a0000 -- 93% complete. Erasing at 0x4c0000 -- 96% complete. Erasing at 0x4e0000 -- 100% complete. OK PogoE02> mw 0x800000 00 0x00400000 PogoE02> tftpboot 0x800000 openwrt-18.06.2-kirkwood-cloudengines_pogoe02-initramfs-uImage Using egiga0 device TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'openwrt-18.06.2-kirkwood-cloudengines_pogoe02-initramfs-uImage'. Load address: 0x800000 Loading: *################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ############################### 536.1 KiB/s done Bytes transferred = 3481730 (352082 hex) PogoE02> nand write 0x800000 0x00100000 0x00400000 NAND write: device 0 offset 0x100000, size 0x400000 4194304 bytes written: OKWhen I attempted to write the rootfs, things didn't go so well (also, remember, there is a bad block in here)
PogoE02> # Install rootfs PogoE02> nand erase 0x00500000 0x02000000 NAND erase: device 0 offset 0x500000, size 0x2000000 Erasing at 0x500000 -- 0% complete. Erasing at 0x540000 -- 1% complete. Erasing at 0x5a0000 -- 2% complete. Erasing at 0x5e0000 -- 3% complete. Erasing at 0x640000 -- 4% complete. Erasing at 0x680000 -- 5% complete. Erasing at 0x6e0000 -- 6% complete. Erasing at 0x720000 -- 7% complete. Erasing at 0x780000 -- 8% complete. Erasing at 0x7e0000 -- 9% complete. Erasing at 0x820000 -- 10% complete. Erasing at 0x880000 -- 11% complete. Erasing at 0x8c0000 -- 12% complete. Erasing at 0x920000 -- 13% complete. Erasing at 0x960000 -- 14% complete. Erasing at 0x9c0000 -- 15% complete. Erasing at 0xa00000 -- 16% complete. Erasing at 0xa60000 -- 17% complete. Erasing at 0xac0000 -- 18% complete. Erasing at 0xb00000 -- 19% complete. Erasing at 0xb60000 -- 20% complete. Erasing at 0xba0000 -- 21% complete. Erasing at 0xc00000 -- 22% complete. Erasing at 0xc40000 -- 23% complete. Erasing at 0xca0000 -- 24% complete. Erasing at 0xce0000 -- 25% complete. Erasing at 0xd40000 -- 26% complete. Erasing at 0xda0000 -- 27% complete. Erasing at 0xde0000 -- 28% complete. Erasing at 0xe40000 -- 29% complete. Erasing at 0xe80000 -- 30% complete. Erasing at 0xee0000 -- 31% complete. Erasing at 0xf20000 -- 32% complete. Erasing at 0xf80000 -- 33% complete. Erasing at 0xfe0000 -- 34% complete. Erasing at 0x1020000 -- 35% complete. Erasing at 0x1080000 -- 36% complete. Erasing at 0x10c0000 -- 37% complete. Erasing at 0x1120000 -- 38% complete. Erasing at 0x1160000 -- 39% complete. Erasing at 0x11c0000 -- 40% complete. Erasing at 0x1200000 -- 41% complete. Erasing at 0x1260000 -- 42% complete. Erasing at 0x12c0000 -- 43% complete. Erasing at 0x1300000 -- 44% complete. Erasing at 0x1360000 -- 45% complete. Erasing at 0x13a0000 -- 46% complete. Erasing at 0x1400000 -- 47% complete. Erasing at 0x1440000 -- 48% complete. Erasing at 0x14a0000 -- 49% complete. Erasing at 0x14e0000 -- 50% complete. Erasing at 0x1540000 -- 51% complete. Erasing at 0x15a0000 -- 52% complete. Erasing at 0x15e0000 -- 53% complete. Erasing at 0x1640000 -- 54% complete. Erasing at 0x1680000 -- 55% complete. Erasing at 0x16e0000 -- 56% complete. Erasing at 0x1720000 -- 57% complete. Erasing at 0x1780000 -- 58% complete. Erasing at 0x17e0000 -- 59% complete. Erasing at 0x1820000 -- 60% complete. Skipping bad block at 0x01840000 Erasing at 0x1880000 -- 61% complete. Erasing at 0x18c0000 -- 62% complete. Erasing at 0x1920000 -- 63% complete. Erasing at 0x1960000 -- 64% complete. Erasing at 0x19c0000 -- 65% complete. Erasing at 0x1a00000 -- 66% complete. Erasing at 0x1a60000 -- 67% complete. Erasing at 0x1ac0000 -- 68% complete. Erasing at 0x1b00000 -- 69% complete. Erasing at 0x1b60000 -- 70% complete. Erasing at 0x1ba0000 -- 71% complete. Erasing at 0x1c00000 -- 72% complete. Erasing at 0x1c40000 -- 73% complete. Erasing at 0x1ca0000 -- 74% complete. Erasing at 0x1ce0000 -- 75% complete. Erasing at 0x1d40000 -- 76% complete. Erasing at 0x1da0000 -- 77% complete. Erasing at 0x1de0000 -- 78% complete. Erasing at 0x1e40000 -- 79% complete. Erasing at 0x1e80000 -- 80% complete. Erasing at 0x1ee0000 -- 81% complete. Erasing at 0x1f20000 -- 82% complete. Erasing at 0x1f80000 -- 83% complete. Erasing at 0x1fe0000 -- 84% complete. Erasing at 0x2020000 -- 85% complete. Erasing at 0x2080000 -- 86% complete. Erasing at 0x20c0000 -- 87% complete. Erasing at 0x2120000 -- 88% complete. Erasing at 0x2160000 -- 89% complete. Erasing at 0x21c0000 -- 90% complete. Erasing at 0x2200000 -- 91% complete. Erasing at 0x2260000 -- 92% complete. Erasing at 0x22c0000 -- 93% complete. Erasing at 0x2300000 -- 94% complete. Erasing at 0x2360000 -- 95% complete. Erasing at 0x23a0000 -- 96% complete. Erasing at 0x2400000 -- 97% complete. Erasing at 0x2440000 -- 98% complete. Erasing at 0x24a0000 -- 99% complete. Erasing at 0x24e0000 -- 100% complete. OK PogoE02> tftpboot 0x800000 openwrt-18.06.2-kirkwood-cloudengines_pogoe02-squashfs-factory.bin Using egiga0 device TFTP from server; our IP address is Filename 'openwrt-18.06.2-kirkwood-cloudengines_pogoe02-squashfs-factory.bin'. Load address: 0x800000 Loading: *################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ################################################################# ############## 490.2 KiB/s done Bytes transferred = 4063232 (3e0000 hex) PogoE02> nand write 0x800000 0x00100000 0x003e0000 NAND write: device 0 offset 0x100000, size 0x3e0000 NAND write to offset 100000 failed -5 0 bytes written: ERROR PogoE02>I had read somewhere in one of these forums where someone else had encountered this error and was able to write the same data from the bootable Debian system. I had created one, just in case...
Debian GNU/Linux 9 PogoPlug1 ttyS0 PogoPlug1 login: root Password: Last login: Wed Dec 31 16:00:48 PST 1969 on ttyS0 Linux PogoPlug1 4.12.1-kirkwood-tld-1 #1 PREEMPT Sat Jul 15 21:40:50 PDT 2017 armv5tel root@PogoPlug1:/# wget _pogoe02-squashfs-factory.bin --2019-03-03 18:29:30-- Connecting to connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 4063232 (3.9M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: 'openwrt-18.06.2-kirkwood-cloudengines_pogoe02-squashfs-factory.bin' openwrt-1 0%[ ] 0 --.-KB/s openwrt-18 54%[=========> ] 2.09M 10.5MB/s openwrt-18.06.2-kir 100%[===================>] 3.88M 10.8MB/s in 0.4s 2019-03-03 18:29:30 (10.8 MB/s) - 'openwrt-18.06.2-kirkwood-cloudengines_pogoe02-squashfs-factory.bin' saved [4063232/4063232] root@PogoPlug1:/# nandwrite /dev/mtd2 /openwrt-18.06.2-kirkwood-cloudengines_pogoe02-squashfs-factory.bin Writing data to block 0 at offset 0x0 Writing data to block 1 at offset 0x20000 Writing data to block 2 at offset 0x40000 Writing data to block 3 at offset 0x60000 Writing data to block 4 at offset 0x80000 Writing data to block 5 at offset 0xa0000 Writing data to block 6 at offset 0xc0000 Writing data to block 7 at offset 0xe0000 Writing data to block 8 at offset 0x100000 Writing data to block 9 at offset 0x120000 Writing data to block 10 at offset 0x140000 Writing data to block 11 at offset 0x160000 Writing data to block 12 at offset 0x180000 Writing data to block 13 at offset 0x1a0000 Writing data to block 14 at offset 0x1c0000 Writing data to block 15 at offset 0x1e0000 Writing data to block 16 at offset 0x200000 Writing data to block 17 at offset 0x220000 Writing data to block 18 at offset 0x240000 Writing data to block 19 at offset 0x260000 Writing data to block 20 at offset 0x280000 Writing data to block 21 at offset 0x2a0000 Writing data to block 22 at offset 0x2c0000 Writing data to block 23 at offset 0x2e0000 Writing data to block 24 at offset 0x300000 Writing data to block 25 at offset 0x320000 Writing data to block 26 at offset 0x340000 Writing data to block 27 at offset 0x360000 Writing data to block 28 at offset 0x380000 Writing data to block 29 at offset 0x3a0000 Writing data to block 30 at offset 0x3c0000 root@PogoPlug1:/# mtdinfo Count of MTD devices: 4 Present MTD devices: mtd0, mtd1, mtd2, mtd3 Sysfs interface supported: yes root@PogoPlug1:/#This write succeeded. From what I've read, this is how it should have worked... just ignored/skipped the bad block.
Re: Bricked Pogo E02 after attempting OpenWRT install March 03, 2019 11:15PM |
Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,314 |
> root@PogoPlug1:/# nandwrite /dev/mtd2
> /openwrt-18.06.2-kirkwood-cloudengines_pogoe02-squashfs-factory.bin
> Writing data to block 30 at offset 0x3c0000
Device 0 bad blocks: 01840000 06520000
bootcmd=setenv bootargs ${console} ${mtdparts} ${bootargs_root}; ubi part root; ubifsmount ubi:rootfs; ubifsload 0x800000 ${kernel}; ubifsload 0x700000 ${fdt}; ubifsumount; fdt addr 0x700000; fdt resize; fdt chosen; bootz 0x800000 - 0x700000
Rescue Systems
Rescue System V2 (Original)
MacPlug & SMBPLug
Rescue System Pogo V3
Rescue System V4, using a custom LEDE firmware (BETA)
Rescue System for Pogo E02 using LEDE
Re: Bricked Pogo E02 after attempting OpenWRT install June 29, 2019 03:38PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 4 |