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A10: Compiling newer mali kernel (!) driver, r3p1???

Posted by ingmar_k 
A10: Compiling newer mali kernel (!) driver, r3p1???
July 09, 2013 01:23PM
Hi guys,

just a quick question.

It seems that Allwinner stayed with the r3p0 mali kernel drivers for a long time now already. No change there for months, while arm already published r3p2-01rel2.

Now, for some experimenting I wanted to upgrade the drivers, but can't get them to compile.

I did not try native compiling on the hackberry, my A10 device, yet. But I can say that my cross-compiling attempts on both Debian unstable and Ubuntu 13.04 failed miserably. I had and at the moment have no time to debug in detail. Maybe in a month or so.

My question is:
Anyone tried compiling anything newer than r3p0 yet? Peferrably successfully with Kernel sunxi-3.4.
If so, what has to be done exactly, to make it compile without problems?

I know that the arch- entry for ca8-virtex... has to be copied and the platform entries, too. But that didn't seem to be enough. I was clearly missing something else and my googling didn't bring up the one hint to solve this.

Would greatly appreciate some hints, that woud make it easier.

Thanks in advance!



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2013 11:57AM by ingmar_k.

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