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Rockchip mk808 help

Posted by Mark 
Rockchip mk808 help
September 11, 2013 01:45PM
The reason I bought my device was mainly watch a downloaded movie stored on my p.c. on my television. Let me start off by saying I have no wify signal problems at all. I go on movie sites quite often I much more prefer to download a movie than to streem it ( which by the way is almost impossible with the mk808 ) To watch said p.c. download on my television is my problem. I've tried the various android file managers installing them onto the t.v. Doesn't work. I have found one thing that seems to work, thats Google Drive. I can download a movie directly onto the Google Drive on my p.c., this takes quite some time for it to get onto their server. After its loaded I can than open it up on the G.D. app installed on my t.v. This step is very time consumming, and if you don't sit there and watch it, it comes up with "Whoops" please ck your connection (my connection is fine) Try Again? so hit yes and it picks up where it left off till it stops again. These files are not huge, usually a movie or up to 3 t.v. shows fit without buying more space. I usually watch once and delete anyhow. Even without the t.v. upload stopping, this process still takes from 2-4 hours. So by the time it's downloaded, uploaded and downloaded and watchable it could take a whole day of babysitting the system.
My question is there anything out there that can help something a bit faster and more efficiante? Maybe it's just the way I'm trying to accomplish this. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. P.S. i'm no computer whizz, so keep it simple please.
Re: Rockchip mk808 help
September 12, 2013 10:09PM
I think you are in the wrong forum. Looks like you want to use your mk808 directly for your download etc. The mk808 comes with Android but this is not a Android forum. Unless you want to install linux on your mk808. From my experince, it is not an easy task. You probably better stick with Android and to ask this question in an Android forum.
Good luck.
Let me know if I misunderstood your intention.

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